
class aws_cdk.CustomResourceProvider(scope, id, *, code_directory, runtime, description=None, environment=None, memory_size=None, policy_statements=None, timeout=None, use_cfn_response_wrapper=None)

Bases: CustomResourceProviderBase

An AWS-Lambda backed custom resource provider, for CDK Construct Library constructs.

This is a provider for CustomResource constructs, backed by an AWS Lambda Function. It only supports NodeJS runtimes. .. epigraph:

**Application builders do not need to use this provider type**. This is not
a generic custom resource provider class. It is specifically
intended to be used only by constructs in the AWS CDK Construct Library, and
only exists here because of reverse dependency issues (for example, it cannot
use ``iam.PolicyStatement`` objects, since the ``iam`` library already depends on
the CDK ``core`` library and we cannot have cyclic dependencies).

If you are not writing constructs for the AWS Construct Library, you should use the Provider class in the custom-resources module instead, which has a better API and supports all Lambda runtimes, not just Node.

N.B.: When you are writing Custom Resource Providers, there are a number of lifecycle events you have to pay attention to. These are documented in the README of the custom-resources module. Be sure to give the documentation in that module a read, regardless of whether you end up using the Provider class in there or this one.




provider = CustomResourceProvider.get_or_create_provider(self, "Custom::MyCustomResourceType",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "s3:GetObject",
    "Resource": "*"
  • scope (Construct) –

  • id (str) –

  • code_directory (str) – A local file system directory with the provider’s code. The code will be bundled into a zip asset and wired to the provider’s AWS Lambda function.

  • runtime (CustomResourceProviderRuntime) – The AWS Lambda runtime and version to use for the provider.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the function. Default: - No description.

  • environment (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Key-value pairs that are passed to Lambda as Environment. Default: - No environment variables.

  • memory_size (Optional[Size]) – The amount of memory that your function has access to. Increasing the function’s memory also increases its CPU allocation. Default: Size.mebibytes(128)

  • policy_statements (Optional[Sequence[Any]]) – A set of IAM policy statements to include in the inline policy of the provider’s lambda function. Please note: these are direct IAM JSON policy blobs, not iam.PolicyStatement objects like you will see in the rest of the CDK. Default: - no additional inline policy

  • timeout (Optional[Duration]) – AWS Lambda timeout for the provider. Default: Duration.minutes(15)

  • use_cfn_response_wrapper (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not the cloudformation response wrapper (nodejs-entrypoint.ts) is used. If set to true, nodejs-entrypoint.js is bundled in the same asset as the custom resource and set as the entrypoint. If set to false, the custom resource provided is the entrypoint. Default: - true if inlineCode: false and false otherwise.



Add an IAM policy statement to the inline policy of the provider’s lambda function’s role.

Please note: this is a direct IAM JSON policy blob, not a iam.PolicyStatement object like you will see in the rest of the CDK.


statement (Any) –

Return type:



# my_provider: CustomResourceProvider

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "s3:GetObject",
    "Resource": "*"

Returns a string representation of this construct.

Return type:




The hash of the lambda code backing this provider.

Can be used to trigger updates on code changes, even when the properties of a custom resource remain unchanged.


The tree node.


The ARN of the provider’s AWS Lambda function role.


The ARN of the provider’s AWS Lambda function which should be used as the serviceToken when defining a custom resource.

Static Methods

classmethod get_or_create(scope, uniqueid, *, code_directory, runtime, description=None, environment=None, memory_size=None, policy_statements=None, timeout=None, use_cfn_response_wrapper=None)

Returns a stack-level singleton ARN (service token) for the custom resource provider.

  • scope (Construct) – Construct scope.

  • uniqueid (str) – A globally unique id that will be used for the stack-level construct.

  • code_directory (str) – A local file system directory with the provider’s code. The code will be bundled into a zip asset and wired to the provider’s AWS Lambda function.

  • runtime (CustomResourceProviderRuntime) – The AWS Lambda runtime and version to use for the provider.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the function. Default: - No description.

  • environment (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Key-value pairs that are passed to Lambda as Environment. Default: - No environment variables.

  • memory_size (Optional[Size]) – The amount of memory that your function has access to. Increasing the function’s memory also increases its CPU allocation. Default: Size.mebibytes(128)

  • policy_statements (Optional[Sequence[Any]]) – A set of IAM policy statements to include in the inline policy of the provider’s lambda function. Please note: these are direct IAM JSON policy blobs, not iam.PolicyStatement objects like you will see in the rest of the CDK. Default: - no additional inline policy

  • timeout (Optional[Duration]) – AWS Lambda timeout for the provider. Default: Duration.minutes(15)

  • use_cfn_response_wrapper (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not the cloudformation response wrapper (nodejs-entrypoint.ts) is used. If set to true, nodejs-entrypoint.js is bundled in the same asset as the custom resource and set as the entrypoint. If set to false, the custom resource provided is the entrypoint. Default: - true if inlineCode: false and false otherwise.

Return type:



the service token of the custom resource provider, which should be used when defining a CustomResource.

classmethod get_or_create_provider(scope, uniqueid, *, code_directory, runtime, description=None, environment=None, memory_size=None, policy_statements=None, timeout=None, use_cfn_response_wrapper=None)

Returns a stack-level singleton for the custom resource provider.

  • scope (Construct) – Construct scope.

  • uniqueid (str) – A globally unique id that will be used for the stack-level construct.

  • code_directory (str) – A local file system directory with the provider’s code. The code will be bundled into a zip asset and wired to the provider’s AWS Lambda function.

  • runtime (CustomResourceProviderRuntime) – The AWS Lambda runtime and version to use for the provider.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the function. Default: - No description.

  • environment (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Key-value pairs that are passed to Lambda as Environment. Default: - No environment variables.

  • memory_size (Optional[Size]) – The amount of memory that your function has access to. Increasing the function’s memory also increases its CPU allocation. Default: Size.mebibytes(128)

  • policy_statements (Optional[Sequence[Any]]) – A set of IAM policy statements to include in the inline policy of the provider’s lambda function. Please note: these are direct IAM JSON policy blobs, not iam.PolicyStatement objects like you will see in the rest of the CDK. Default: - no additional inline policy

  • timeout (Optional[Duration]) – AWS Lambda timeout for the provider. Default: Duration.minutes(15)

  • use_cfn_response_wrapper (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not the cloudformation response wrapper (nodejs-entrypoint.ts) is used. If set to true, nodejs-entrypoint.js is bundled in the same asset as the custom resource and set as the entrypoint. If set to false, the custom resource provided is the entrypoint. Default: - true if inlineCode: false and false otherwise.

Return type:



the service token of the custom resource provider, which should be used when defining a CustomResource.

classmethod is_construct(x)

Checks if x is a construct.

Use this method instead of instanceof to properly detect Construct instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class Construct in each copy of the constructs library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as instanceof the other class. npm install will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof, and using this type-testing method instead.


x (Any) – Any object.

Return type:



true if x is an object created from a class which extends Construct.