Understanding the left control bar - Amazon Chime

Understanding the left control bar

The left control bar contains icons you use during a meeting to manage the meeting window panels. You can also take additional actions to manage yourself and other attendees during the meeting. The following list briefly describes each action, starting from the top of the control bar.

Meeting bridge information ( An icon of the letter i in a circle. )

Displays your meeting ID or custom meeting name. You can also copy your contact information and add someone to a meeting. You can also view a list of available international phone numbers you can use to dial into a meeting. For more information, see Using meeting bridge information.

Attendees panel ( An icon of two overlapping people in a blue circle. )

Opens and closes the Attendees panel. This panel shows the meeting roster. A small icon with a number in it appears next to this icon. This smaller icon shows the number of people currently in the meeting. For more information, see Using the meeting roster.

Chat panel ( An icon of a rectangular message balloon. )

Opens and closes the Chat panel. You use this panel to send in-meeting chat messages. For more information, see Using in-meeting chat.

Closed captions ( An icon of a box surrounding the letters CC. )

Starts and stops machine-generated closed captions. You must attend meetings hosted by someone at Amazon to use this feature. For more information, see Using closed captions.

Media layout ( An icon showing a stylized app window with three panels. )

Displays a menu of commands you can use to show or hide video tiles during a meeting. For more information, see Changing your media layout.

More options ( An icon showing a horizontal ellipsis. )

Opens a menu of additional options that apply to the current meeting, such as adding or muting attendees. This menu lists different options for attendees than for meeting hosts. For more information, see Taking other actions during a meeting.

Record meeting ( An icon showing a REC button. )

Starts and stops recording a meeting. Only meeting hosts, moderators, or delegates can record meetings. For more information, see Recording a meeting.