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AWS Cloud9 in CodeCatalyst provides a fully managed experience for interacting with AWS Cloud9. You can manually replicate your current AWS Cloud9 code resources in Amazon CodeCatalyst. The process is detailed in the following sections. To move your code resources and replicate them, create a Space within CodeCatalyst. A space represents your company, department, or group. You need to create spaces to add projects, members, and the associated cloud resources that you create in CodeCatalyst. When a user accepts an invitation to a project, CodeCatalyst automatically adds them to the space. Users with the Space administrator role can manage the space.
Within this space, you create a project and add your source repositories. A project is a collaboration space in CodeCatalyst that supports development teams and tasks. After you create a project, you can add, update, or remove resources. You can also customize your project dashboard, and monitor the progress of your team's work. You can have multiple projects within a space. The number of source repositories that you add depends on the number of repositories that you're already using in your AWS Cloud9 environment. After you create this project and added the applicable source repositories, you might need to return to your AWS Cloud9 environment and replicate the environment data to these new repositories in CodeCatalyst. What you do depends on the type of source repositories you have in AWS Cloud9.
After you create a space, project, and source repositories, you can launch your environment in CodeCatalyst using AWS Cloud9 with a Dev Environment. A Dev Environment is a cloud-based development environment. You can use a Dev Environment in CodeCatalyst to work on the code that's stored in the source repositories of your project. You can also create Dev Environments in CodeCatalyst to work on code in a project-specific Dev Environment with a supported integrated development environment (IDE).
You can also replicate your current AWS Cloud9 code resources to CodeCatalyst using the replication tool. This is a tool that you download and run in your AWS Cloud9 environment. If you already signed up to CodeCatalyst, and created a space, the tool automatically creates a project within this space and replicates your code resources to new repositories in CodeCatalyst. Similar to the manual replication process. This depends on the type of source repositories that you have in AWS Cloud9. For example, if you have GitHub repositories, you still need to replicate these repositories using the GitHub extension in the CodeCatalyst console.
Step 1. Signing up to Amazon CodeCatalyst and
creating a Space
You can sign up for Amazon CodeCatalyst without an invitation to an existing space or project. When you sign up, you create a space and project. You can enter your existing AWS account ID that you used for AWS Cloud9. This same AWS account can be used for billing purposes. For information about how to find your AWS account ID, see Your AWS account ID and its alias. Follow this procedure to sign up for your Amazon CodeCatalyst profile, create a space, and add an account for your space.
To sign up as a new user
Open the CodeCatalyst console
. -
On the welcome page, choose Sign up.
The Create your AWS Builder ID page displays. Your AWS Builder ID is an identity that you create to sign in to. This ID isn't the same as an AWS account ID. To learn more about an AWS Builder ID, see AWS Builder ID and other AWS credentials in the AWS Sign-In User Guide.
For Your email address, enter the email address that you want to associate with CodeCatalyst. Then, choose Next.
For Your name, enter the first and last name that you want displayed in applications where you use your AWS Builder ID.
This name is your AWS Builder ID profile name. If you want, you can change the name later.
Choose Next. The Email verification page appears. A verification code is sent to the email that you specified.
For Verification code, enter the code that you received, and then choose Verify.
If you don't receive your code after 5 minutes and can't find it in your spam or junk folders, then choose Resend code.
After your code is verified, enter a password and choose Confirm password.
Select the check box confirming that you read and acknowledge the AWS Customer Agreement and the AWS Service Terms, and then choose Create my profile.
On the Create your alias page, enter an alias to use for CodeCatalyst. Other CodeCatalyst users will use this alias to @mention you in comments and pull requests. Your CodeCatalyst profile will contain both your full name from your AWS Builder ID and your CodeCatalyst alias. You can't change your CodeCatalyst alias.
Your full name and your alias will display in different areas in CodeCatalyst. For example, your profile name appears in your activity feed, but project members will use your alias to @mention you.
Choose Create alias. The page updates to show the Create your space section.
For Space name, enter the name of your space, and then choose Next.
You can't change this name.
For AWS account ID, link the twelve-digit ID for the account that you want to connect to your space.
In AWS account verification token, copy the generated token ID. The token is automatically copied for you. But, you might want to store it while you approve the AWS connection request.
Choose Verify in AWS.
The Verify Amazon CodeCatalyst space page opens in the AWS Management Console.
This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst Spaces page. You might need to log in to access the page.
To access the page, sign in to the Amazon CodeCatalyst Spaces in the AWS Management Console
. The verification token field in the AWS Management Console is automatically populated with the token generated in CodeCatalyst.
Choose Verify space.
An Account verified success message displays to show that the account was added to the space.
You will use CodeCatalyst free tier by default. If you want to change, choose To enable the Standard tier or add IAM roles for this space, view space details.
For more information about CodeCatalyst pricing tiers, see Amazon CodeCatalyst - Pricing
. The CodeCatalyst space details page opens in the AWS Management Console. This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst Spaces page. You might need to log in to access the page.
Choose Go to Amazon CodeCatalyst
. -
On the creation page in CodeCatalyst, choose Create space.
A status message displays while your space is being created. When the space is created, CodeCatalyst opens the page for your space. The view defaults to the Projects tab.
If a permissions error or banner is shown, then refresh the page and try to view the page again.
After you sign up to CodeCatalyst and create a space, the next step in the replication process is to create a project within this space.
Step 2. Creating a project in your Space
The following steps outline how to create an empty project within the space that you created in the previous step. With this project, you can manually add the resources that you want at a later time. Before you create a project you must have the Space administrator role, and you must join the space where you want to create the project. When you create a space, CodeCatalyst automatically assigns you the Space administrator role. The Space administrator role is the most powerful role in CodeCatalyst. For more information about this role and its permissions, see Space administrator role.
To create an empty project
Navigate to the space where you want to create a project.
On the space dashboard, choose Create project.
Choose Start from scratch.
Under Give a name to your project, enter the name that you want to assign to your project. The name must be unique within your space.
Choose Create project.
After you create a project, the next step in the replication process is to create one or more source repositories.
Step 3. Creating a source repository
in your project
Within the project that you just created, you need to create a source repository.
This repository contains a single file, a file, which
you can edit or delete at any time. Depending on your choices that you made when you
create a source repository, it might also contain a .gitignore
To create a source repository
Open the CodeCatalyst console
. -
Navigate to your project.
In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
Choose Add repository, and then choose Create repository.
In Repository name, provide a name for the repository.
Repository names must be unique within a project. For more information about requirements for repository names, see Quotas for source repositories in CodeCatalyst.
(Optional) In Description, add a description for the repository that helps other users in the project understand what the repository is used for.
(Optional) Add a
file for the type of code that you plan to push. -
Choose Create.
CodeCatalyst adds a
file to your repository when you create it. CodeCatalyst also creates an initial commit for the repository in a default branch named main. You can edit or delete the file, but you can't change or delete the default branch. -
To get the source repository clone URL and PAT, choose Clone repository.
To copy each of the HTTPS clone URL and PAT, choose Copy. Then, store the clone URL and PAT somewhere where you can retrieve it.
The clone URL and PAT will be used in the step 4, and referenced as
After you create a source repository within your project, replicate your AWS Cloud9 data to this source repository.
Step 4. Replicating
your AWS Cloud9 code resources to source repositories in CodeCatalyst
The type of source repository that you have in your AWS Cloud9 environment determines the replication method that you follow to get your code resources into the CodeCatalyst source repository that you created. The options are as follows:
Using non-GitHub, for example GitLab or Bitbucket, repositories in AWS Cloud9
Using an empty repository in AWS Cloud9. This option means you would not be using any source repository in AWS Cloud9.
Using GitHub repositories in CodeCatalyst
With the GitHub repositories extension, you can use linked GitHub repositories from AWS Cloud9 in Amazon CodeCatalyst projects. The following steps outline how to install the GitHub extension from the CodeCatalyst catalog. The steps also show how to connect your existing GitHub account to your CodeCatalyst space and link your GitHub repository to your CodeCatalyst project.
The first step in this method is to install the GitHub repositories extension from the CodeCatalyst catalog. To install the extension, perform the following steps.
As part of installing and configuring the Github repositories extension, you must install an extension into your GitHub account. To do this, you must be a GitHub account administrator and a CodeCatalyst space administrator.
Step 1. To install an extension from the CodeCatalyst catalog
Open the CodeCatalyst console
. -
Navigate to your space.
If you belong to more than one space, you can choose which space to view in the top navigation bar.
Navigate to the CodeCatalyst catalog by choosing the Catalog icon in the top menu bar next to the search bar. You can search for GitHub repositories or filter extensions based on categories.
(Optional) To see more details about the extension, such as the permissions associated with it, choose the GitHub repositories extension name.
Choose Install. Review the permissions required by the extension, and if you want to continue, choose Install again.
After installing the GitHub repositories extension, you are taken to the GitHub repositories extension details page where you can view and manage connected GitHub accounts and linked GitHub repositories.
After you install the GitHub repositories extension, connect your GitHub account to your CodeCatalyst space. To connect your GitHub account, perform the following steps.
Step 2. To connect your GitHub account to CodeCatalyst
In the Connected Github accounts tab, choose Connect GitHub account to go to the external site for GitHub.
Sign into your GitHub account using your GitHub credentials, and then choose the account where you want to install Amazon CodeCatalyst.
Choose whether you want to allow CodeCatalyst to access all current and future repositories. Or, alternatively, choose the specific GitHub repository that you want to use in CodeCatalyst. The default option is all GitHub repositories in the GitHub space.
Review the permissions given to CodeCatalyst, and then choose Install.
After connecting your GitHub account to CodeCatalyst, you can view the connected account in the GitHub accounts tab of the GitHub repositories extension details page.
The final step to using your GitHub repositories in CodeCatalyst is to link the repository to the CodeCatalyst project where you want to use it. To link your GitHub repository to a CodeCatalyst project, perform the following steps outlined in Step 3 of the overall process:
Step 3. To link a GitHub repository to a CodeCatalyst project from the GitHub repositories extension details page
In the Linked GitHub repositories tab, choose Link GitHub repository..
For GitHub account, select the GitHub account that contains the repository that you want to link.
For GitHub repository, select the repository that you want to link to a CodeCatalyst project.
For CodeCatalyst project, select the CodeCatalyst project that you want to link the GitHub repository to.
Choose Link.
Your CodeCatalyst repository should now have the updated files and commits you just pushed. You can now create Dev Environments from this branch and open them with AWS Cloud9. For detailed information on Dev Environments, see Dev Environments in CodeCatalyst.
You can now create Dev Environments from this branch and open them with AWS Cloud9. The steps to do this are outlined in Step 5: Creating a Dev Environment using AWS Cloud9 in CodeCatalyst
Using non-GitHub repositories in CodeCatalyst
You need to create a personal access token (PAT) in Amazon CodeCatalyst before replicating your environment from AWS Cloud9 using a non-GitHub repository. The following section outlines how to create this token.
Creating a personal access token in Amazon CodeCatalyst
You can access the source repository that you created in your project on a local computer with a Git client or in an integrated development environment (IDE). To do this, you must enter an application-specific password. You can create a personal access token (PAT) to use for this purpose. The personal access tokens (PATs) that you create are associated with your user identity across all spaces and projects in CodeCatalyst. You can view the names and expiration dates of the PATs that you created, and you can delete thee PATs that you no longer need. You can only copy the PAT secret at the time you create it.
To create a personal access token (PAT)
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
In the top menu bar, choose your profile badge, and then choose My settings.
You can also find your user profile. To do this, on the members page for a project or space, choose your name from the members list.
Under Personal access tokens, choose Create.
In PAT name, enter a descriptive name for your personal access token (PAT).
In Expiration date, keep the default date or choose the calendar icon to select a custom date. The expiration date defaults to 1 year from the current date.
Choose Create.
You can also create this token when you choose Clone repository for a source repository.
To copy the PAT secret choose Copy. Store the PAT secret somewhere where you can retrieve it.
The PAT secret only displays once. You can't retrieve it after you close the window. If you didn't save the PAT secret in a secure location, you can create another one.
After you create the PAT for your source repository, replicate your data from your AWS Cloud9 environment to CodeCatalyst by adding a remote repository in your AWS Cloud9 environment and pushing your data to this repository, as outlined in the section below.
Adding a remote repository in your AWS Cloud9 environment
Say that you're running repositories that aren't GitHub repositories. You can add a remote repository in your AWS Cloud9 environment and push your data to your source repository in CodeCatalyst. To complete this process, run the following commands.
From within your AWS Cloud9 IDE, add a remote repository that points to the
source repository that you created in step 3 of the replication process in
in the
command with the Clone URL that you saved in the step 10 of Step 3. Creating a source
repository in your project.
git remote add codecatalyst CODECATALYST_SOURCE_REPO_CLONE_URL
Push a new branch to the source repository by using the following command.
When prompted to enter a password, use CODECATALYST_PAT
you stored in the step 10 of Step 3. Creating a source repository in your project:
git checkout -b replication && git push codecatalyst replication
The following is an example of expected command run output:
Switched to a new branch 'replication'
Password for 'https://[aws-account-id]@[aws-region]':
Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 982 bytes | 122.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Validating objects: 100%
To https://[aws-account-id]
* [new branch] replication → replication
This branch is available in the source repository that you created in CodeCatalyst. You can create Dev Environments from this branch and open them with AWS Cloud9. For more information about Dev Environments, see Dev Environments in CodeCatalyst.
You can now create Dev Environments from this branch and open them with AWS Cloud9. The steps to do this are outlined in Step 5: Creating a Dev Environment using AWS Cloud9 in CodeCatalyst
Using an empty repository in AWS Cloud9
First create a personal access token (PAT) in Amazon CodeCatalyst before you can replicate your environment from AWS Cloud9 using an empty repository. The following section outlines how to create this token.
Creating a personal access token in Amazon CodeCatalyst
You can access the source repository that you created in your project on a local computer with a Git client or in an integrated development environment (IDE). To do this, you must enter an application-specific password. You can create a personal access token (PAT) to use for this purpose. The personal access tokens (PATs) that you create are associated with your user identity across all spaces and projects in CodeCatalyst. You can view the names and expiration dates of the PATs that you created, and you can delete thee PATs that you no longer need. You can only copy the PAT secret at the time you create it.
To create a personal access token (PAT)
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
In the top menu bar, choose your profile badge, and then choose My settings.
You can also find your user profile. To do this, on the members page for a project or space, choose your name from the members list.
Under Personal access tokens, choose Create.
In PAT name, enter a descriptive name for your personal access token (PAT).
In Expiration date, keep the default date or choose the calendar icon to select a custom date. The expiration date defaults to 1 year from the current date.
Choose Create.
You can also create this token when you choose Clone repository for a source repository.
To copy the PAT secret choose Copy. Store the PAT secret somewhere where you can retrieve it.
The PAT secret only displays once. You can't retrieve it after you close the window. If you didn't save the PAT secret in a secure location, you can create another one.
After you create the PAT for your source repository, replicate your data from your AWS Cloud9 environment to CodeCatalyst by initiating an empty repository in your AWS Cloud9 environment and pointing to the source repository you created in CodeCatalyst, as outlined in the section below.
Initiating an empty repository in AWS Cloud9
If you don't have any source repository that's set up in AWS Cloud9, then initiate an empty repository in AWS Cloud9. Additionally, point to the source repository that you created in CodeCatalyst, and add and push the files you want to replicate through Git. Perform the following steps and run the following commands to replicate your AWS Cloud9 files to CodeCatalyst.
From your AWS Cloud9 environment, initiate an empty repository by running the following command:
git init -b main
Then, you see a similar output as shown below:
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ec2-user/environment/.git/
Clone the source repository URL from CodeCatalyst. Navigate to the CodeCatalyst project that you created within the CodeCatalyst console, and, in the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
Choose the repository from the list of source repositories that you want, and choose Clone repository to copy the clone URL.
Add the CodeCatalyst repository using the URL you cloned, and push the content already in the empty repository in CodeCatalyst:
git remote add origin [...] git push origin --force
Add the files that you want to replicate. If you want to replicate all the files in your environment directory, run
git add -A
:git add -A . git commit -m "replicate"
Merge the two unrelated histories. Address merge conflicts if they occur:
git merge origin/main --allow-unrelated-histories
Push the changes back to the source repository in CodeCatalyst by running the following command. When prompted to enter a password, enter the personal access token (
) that you generated the step 10 of Step 3. Creating a source repository in your project:Admin:~/environment (main) $ git push origin main Password for '':
After completing this procedure, your CodeCatalyst repository has the updated files and commits that you just pushed. You can now create Dev Environments from this branch and open them with AWS Cloud9. The steps to do this are outlined in the section below.
Step 5: Creating a Dev Environment using AWS Cloud9 in CodeCatalyst
The following procedure outlines how to create a Dev Environment in CodeCatalyst using AWS Cloud9 and the data you just replicated.
To create a Dev Environment using AWS Cloud9
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. Navigate to the project where you want to create a Dev Environment.
In the navigation pane, Choose Overview, and then navigate to the My Dev Environments section.
Choose Create Dev Environment.
Choose AWS Cloud9 from the drop-down menu.
Choose Clone a repository.
Currently, CodeCatalyst does not support cloning third-party repositories, but you can create a Dev Environment and clone a third-party repository into it from your chosen IDE.
Do one of the following:
Choose the repository to clone, choose Work in existing branch, and then choose a branch from the Existing branch drop-down menu.
Choose the repository to clone, choose Work in new branch, enter a branch name into the Branch name field, and choose a branch off of which to create the new branch from the Create branch from drop-down menu.
Optionally, add an alias for the Dev Environment.
Optionally, choose the Dev Environment configuration edit button to edit the Dev Environment's compute, storage, or timeout configuration.
Choose Create. While your Dev Environment is being created, the Dev Environment status column will display Starting, and the status column will display Running once the Dev Environment has been created.