Troubleshooting AWS Cloud9 - AWS Cloud9

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Troubleshooting AWS Cloud9

Use the following information to identify and address issues with AWS Cloud9.

If your issue isn't listed or you need additional help, see the AWS Cloud9 Discussion Forum. You might be required to sign in when you enter this forum. You can also contact us directly.


The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to the AWS Cloud9 installer.

The AWS Cloud9 installer hangs or fails

Issue: When you download and run the AWS Cloud9 Installer, one or more error occurs, and the installer script doesn't show Done.

Cause: The AWS Cloud9 Installer encountered one or more errors that it can't recover from and fails as a result.

Solution: For more information, see Troubleshooting the AWS Cloud9 Installer. Refer to the common issues, possible causes, and recommended solutions provided.

AWS Cloud9 installer doesn't finish after displaying: "Package Cloud9 IDE 1"

Issue: AWS Cloud9 is installed on your existing Amazon EC2 instance or on your own server as part of the process of creating an SSH development environment. The installation stalls after you see this message in the AWS Cloud9 Installer dialog box: "Package Cloud9 IDE 1". If you choose Cancel, you see the following message: "Installation Failed." This error occurs when AWS Cloud9 packages can't be installed on the customer's SSH host.

Cause: An SSH host requires that you installed Node.js. We recommend installing the latest Node.js version supported by the host's operating system. If you have a version of Node.js on your host that AWS Cloud9 doesn't support, an installation error might occur.

Recommended solution: Install a version of Node.js that AWS Cloud9 supports on your SSH host.

Failed to install dependencies

Issue: AWS Cloud9 needs internet access to download dependencies.

Possible causes:

  • If your AWS Cloud9 environment is using a proxy to access the internet, AWS Cloud9 needs the proxy details to install dependencies. If you didn't provide your proxy details to AWS Cloud9, this error appears.

  • Another cause of this could be if your environment doesn't allow outbound traffic.

Recommended solutions:

  • To provide your proxy details to AWS Cloud9, append the following code to your environments ~/.bashrc file:

    export http_proxy=[proxy url for http] export https_proxy=[proxy url for https] #Certificate Authority used by your proxy export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[path_to_pem_certificate]

    For example, if your HTTP proxy URL is and your HTTP proxy URL is, add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file and set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to the path of a certificate authority file in PEM format. For more information on this variable, see

    export http_proxy= export https_proxy= export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[path_to_pem_certificate]
  • If you are using a no-ingress Amazon EC2 instance you must ensure an Amazon VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 is configured. For more information on this, see Configuring Amazon VPC endpoints for Amazon S3 download dependencies.

SSH environment error: "Python version 3 is required to install pty.js"

Issue: After you open an AWS Cloud9 SSH development environment, the terminal in the AWS Cloud9 IDE displays a message that begins with "Python version 3 is required to install pty.js."

Cause: To work as expected, an SSH environment requires that Python version 3 is installed.

Solution: Install Python version 3 in the environment. To check your version, from your server's terminal, run the command python --version . To install Python 3 on your server, see one of the following:

AWS Cloud9 Environment

The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to the AWS Cloud9 Environment.

Environment creation error: "We are unable to create EC2 instances ..."

Issue: When you try to create an AWS Cloud9 development environment, a message appears with the phrase "We are unable to create EC2 instances in your account during account verification and activation."

Cause: AWS is currently verifying and activating your AWS account. Before activation is complete, which can take up to 24 hours, you can't create this or other environments.

Solution: Try creating the environment again later. If you're still receiving this message after 24 hours, contact support. Besides this, it's important to know that, even when an attempt to create an environment fails, AWS CloudFormation creates a related stack in your account. These stacks count towards the stack creation quota for your account. To avoid exhausting the stack creation quota, you can delete these failed stacks. For more information, see Deleting a Stack on the AWS CloudFormation Console in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Environment creation error: "Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRole"

Issue: When you try to create a new environment, you see this error: "Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRole," and the environment isn't created.

Possible causes: An AWS Cloud9 service-linked role doesn't exist in your AWS account.

Recommended solutions: Create an AWS Cloud9 service-linked role in your AWS account. You can do so by running the following command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the AWS CloudShell.

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name # For the AWS CLI. iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name # For the aws-shell.

If you can't do this, check with your AWS account administrator.

After you run this command, try creating the environment again.

Federated identities can't create environments

Issue: When you try to use an AWS federated identity to create an AWS Cloud9 development environment, an access error message is displayed, and the environment isn't created.

Cause: : AWS Cloud9 uses service-linked roles. The service-linked role is created the first time that an environment is created in an account using the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole call. However, federated users can't call IAM APIs. For more information, see GetFederationToken in the AWS Security Token Service API Reference.

Solution: Ask an AWS account administrator to create the service-linked role for AWS Cloud9 either in the IAM console or by running this command with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

Or this command with the AWS-shell:

iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

For more information, see Using Service-Linked Roles in the IAM User Guide.

Console error: "User is not authorized to perform action on resource"

Issue: When you try to use the AWS Cloud9 console to create or manage an AWS Cloud9 development environment, you see an error that contains a phrase similar to "User arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/MyUser is not authorized to perform cloud9:action on resource arn:aws:cloud9:us-east-2:123456789012:environment:12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1," where:

  • arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/MyUser is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the requesting user.

  • action is the name of the operation that the user requested.

  • arn:aws:cloud9:us-east-2:123456789012:environment:12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1 is the ARN of the environment that the user requested to run the operation.

Cause: The user that you signed in to the AWS Cloud9 console with doesn't have the correct AWS access permissions to perform the action.

Solution: Ensure that the user has the correct AWS access permissions, and then try to perform the action again. For more information, see the following:

Can't connect to an environment

Issue: Users can't connect to an environment, and are stuck at the Connecting stage.

Cause: If you change the permissions of the ~/ .ssh/authorized_keys file, remove the AWS Cloud9 keys from that file, or remove the file entirely, this issue might occur.

Solution: Do not delete this file. If you delete it, you must recreate your environment and might need to attach the EBS volume of an existing environment to the new EC2 environment. This is to retrieve your lost data. If there are missing permissions, ensure that the file has Read-Write permissions. This is to allow the SSH daemon to read it.

Can't open an environment

Issue: When you try to open an environment, the IDE doesn't display for more than five minutes.

Possible causes:

  • The IAM user that's signed in to the AWS Cloud9 console doesn't have the required AWS access permissions to open the environment.

  • If the environment is associated with an AWS cloud compute instance (for example, an Amazon EC2 instance), then the possible might be true:

    • The VPC that's associated with the instance isn't set to the correct settings for AWS Cloud9.

    • The instance is transitioning between states or is failing automated status checks when AWS Cloud9 is trying to connect to the instance.

  • If the environment is an SSH environment, the associated cloud compute instance or your own server isn't set up correctly to allow AWS Cloud9 to access it.

Recommended solutions:

  • Make sure the IAM user that's signed in to the AWS Cloud9 console has the required AWS access permissions to open the environment. Then, try opening the environment again. For more information see the following, or check with your AWS account administrator:

    If the signed-in IAM user still can't open the environment, try signing out and then signing back in as either the AWS account root user or an administrator user in the account. Then, try opening the environment again. If you can't open the environment in this way, then there is most likely a problem with the IAM users access permissions.

  • If the environment is associated with an AWS cloud compute instance (for example, an Amazon EC2 instance), do the following:

  • If the environment is an SSH environment, make sure the cloud compute instance associated with it or your own server is set up correctly to allow AWS Cloud9 to access it. Then, try opening the environment again. For more information, see SSH environment host requirements.

Can't open AWS Cloud9 environment: "This environment cannot be currently accessed by collaborators. Please wait until the removal of managed temporary credentials is complete, or contact the owner of this environment."

Issue: If a new collaborator is added to an environment by someone who isn't the environment owner, AWS managed temporary credentials are disabled. The credentials are disabled when you delete the ~/.aws/credentials file. While the ~/.aws/credentials file is being deleted, new collaborators can't access the AWS Cloud9 environment.

Cause: Preventing access to the environment while the AWS managed temporary credentials is being deleted is a security measure. This allows environment owners to confirm that only trusted collaborators can access managed credentials. If they're satisfied that the list of collaborators is valid, environment owners can re-enable managed credentials so they can be shared. For more information, see Controlling access to AWS managed temporary credentials.

Recommended solutions: Wait for the ~/.aws/credentials file to be fully deleted before trying again to open the AWS Cloud9 environment. The maximum waiting time for credentials expiry is 15 minutes. Alternatively, ask the environment owner to re-enable or disable the managed temporary credentials. After the credentials are re-enabled or disabled, collaborators can immediately access the environment. By toggling the state of managed credentials to ENABLED or DISABLED, the environment owner ensures that the credentials don't remain in an intermediate state. An intermediate stat can prevent collaborators from accessing the environment.


Suppose that the environment owner and collaborator belong to the same AWS account. Then, the collaborator can identify the environment owner to contact by reviewing the card for an environment in the Your environments page on the console. The environment owner is also listed in the Environment details page.

Environment deletion error: "One or more environments failed to delete"

Issue: When you attempt to delete one or more environments in the AWS Cloud9 console, a message is displayed that reads "one or more environments failed to delete," and at least one of the environments isn't deleted.

Possible cause: AWS CloudFormation might have a problem deleting one or more of the environments. AWS Cloud9 relies on AWS CloudFormation to create and delete environments.

Recommended solution: Try using AWS CloudFormation to delete each of the undeleted environments.

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. On the AWS navigation bar, choose the AWS Region for the environment.

  3. In the list of AWS CloudFormation stacks, select the entry where Stack name contains the undeleted environment name and Status is DELETE_FAILED. For example, if the environment name is my-demo-environment, choose the stack that begins with the name aws-cloud9-my-demo-environment. (Choose the box or option next to the environment name, not the environment name itself.)

  4. Choose Actions, Delete Stack.

  5. If prompted, choose Yes, Delete.

The process of deleting a stack might take a few minutes.

If the stack disappears from the list, the environment is now deleted.

If the stack still displays DELETE_FAILED after a few minutes, the environment still isn't deleted. You can try to manually delete each of the failed stack's resources.


Manually deleting a failed stack's resources doesn't remove the stack itself from your AWS account.

To manually delete these resources, do the following. In the AWS CloudFormation console, choose the failed stack, and then select the Resources section. Go to the console in AWS for each resource in this list, and then use that console to delete the resource.

Changing timeout time for an environment in AWS Cloud9 IDE

Issue: Users want to update the timeout time for Amazon EC2 environments.

Cause: The default timeout time is 30 minutes. This may be too short for some users.

Recommended solution:

  1. Open the environment that you want to configure.

  2. In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, on the menu bar, choose AWS Cloud9 Preferences.

  3. In the Preferences window scroll to the Amazon EC2 instance section.

  4. Select the timeout value from the list available and update.

Error running SAM applications locally in AWS Toolkit because the AWS Cloud9 environment doesn't have enough disk space

Issue: Error occurs when you use the AWS Toolkit to run AWS SAM CLI commands for applications defined by SAM templates.

Possible causes: When you run and debug serverless applications locally with the AWS Toolkit, AWS SAM uses Docker images. These images provide a runtime environment and build tools that emulate the Lambda environment that you're planning to deploy to.

However, if your environment's lacks enough disk space, the Docker image providing these features can't build and your local SAM application fails to run. If this occurs, you might receive an error in the Output tab similar to the following.

Error: Could not find amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-python3.7:rapid-1.18.1 image locally and failed to pull it from docker.

This error relates to a SAM application that's built using the Python runtime. You might receive a slightly different message, depending on the runtime that you chose for your application.

Recommended solutions: Free up disk space in your environment so the Docker image can build. Remove any unused Docker images by running the following command in the IDE's terminal.

docker image prune -a

If you're repeatedly having issues with SAM CLI commands because of disk-space restrictions, switch to a development environment uses a different instance type.

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Can't load IDE using earlier versions of Microsoft Edge browser

Issue: HTTP403: FORBIDDEN error is returned when trying to load AWS Cloud9 IDE using the Microsoft Edge web browser.

Possible causes: The AWS Cloud9 IDE doesn't support certain older versions of Microsoft Edge.

Recommended solutions: To update the browser, choose the ellipsis (...) button in the Microsoft Edge toolbar. From the menu, choose Settings and then choose About Microsoft Edge. If an update is required, it's automatically downloaded and installed.

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Can't create the sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer.

Issue: When you create the sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, you get an error message stating that it is not possible to open this directory.

Possible causes: It's not currently possible to create a sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment within a folder of the same name using the File System of the AWS Cloud9 IDE. You will not be able to access any files within this directory from the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, but you will be able access them using the command line. This issue only affects the file path /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment, file paths such as /test/home/ec2-user/environment and /home/ec2-user/environment/test should work. This is a known issue and only affects the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer.

Recommended solutions: Use a different file name and structure.

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Can't create the sub-folder structure /projects/projects within the File Explorer of the AWS Cloud9 IDE for CodeCatalyst.

Issue: When you create the sub-folder structure /projects/projects in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer for CodeCatalyst, you get an error message stating that it is not possible to open this directory.

Possible causes: It's not currently possible to create a sub-folder structure /projects within a folder of the same name using the File Explorer of the AWS Cloud9 IDE for CodeCatalyst. You will not be able to access any files within this directory from the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, but you will be able access them using the command line. This issue only affects the file path /projects/projects, file paths such as /test/projects and /projects/test should work. This is a known issue and only affects the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer for CodeCatalyst.

Recommended solutions: Use a different file name and structure.

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Can't interact with the terminal window in AWS Cloud9 because of tmux session errors

Issue: When you attempt to launch a new terminal window in AWS Cloud9, the expected command line interface isn't available. There's no command prompt and you can't enter text. Error messages such as tmux: need UTF-8 locale (LC_CTYPE) and invalid LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG are returned.

Possible causes: An unresponsive terminal might be caused by a tmux error. AWS Cloud9 uses the tmux utility. This way, information that's displayed in the terminal is persisted even when the page reloads or you reconnect to your development environment.

In a tmux session, what's displayed in the terminal window is handled by a client. The client communicates to a server that can manage multiple sessions. The server and client communicate through a socket located in the tmp folder. If the tmp folder is missing from your development environment or overly restrictive permissions are applied to it, tmux sessions can't run. If this occurs, the terminal window in the IDE becomes unresponsive.

Recommended solutions: If tmux errors are preventing you from interacting with the terminal window, use an alternative way to create a tmp folder with the right permissions. That way, tmux sessions can run. One solution is to export LC_CTYPE in .bash_profile or in the .bashrc file. Another recommended solution is to use AWS Systems Manager to set up a host management configuration. This allows access to the relevant instance through the Amazon EC2 console.

Setting up host management

  1. First, in the AWS Cloud9 console, find the name of your environment's instance. You can do so by choosing the relevant panel in the Your environments page and choosing View details. In the Environment details page, choose Go to Instance. In the Amazon EC2 console, confirm the name of the instance that you need to access.

  2. Now go to the AWS Systems Manager console, and in the navigation pane, choose Quick Setup.

  3. In the Quick Setup page, choose Create.

  4. For Configuration types, go to Host Management and choose Create.

  5. For Customize Host Management configuration options, in the Targets section, choose Manual.

  6. Select the EC2 instance that you want to access and then choose Create.

Connecting to the instance and running commands


The following steps are for the new EC2 console.

  1. In the Amazon EC2 console, in the navigation pane, choose Instances and select the instance that you want to connect to.

  2. Choose Connect.

    If Connect isn't activated, you might need to start the instance first.

  3. In the Connect to your instance pane, for Connection method, choose Session Manager and then choose Connect.

  4. In the terminal session window that appears, enter the following commands. These commands create the tmp folder with the right permissions so that the tmux socket is available.

    sudo mkdir /tmp sudo chmod 777 /tmp sudo rmdir /tmp/tmux-*

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Amazon EC2

The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to Amazon EC2.

Amazon EC2 instances aren't automatically updated

Issue: Recent system updates are not automatically applied to an Amazon EC2 instance that connects to an AWS Cloud9 development environment.

Cause: Automatically applying recent system updates could cause your code or the Amazon EC2 instance to behave in unexpected ways, without your prior knowledge or approval.

Recommended solutions:

Apply system updates to the Amazon EC2 instance on a regular basis by following the instructions in Updating Instance Software in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

To run commands on the instance, you can use a terminal session in the AWS Cloud9 IDE from the environment that is connected to the instance.

Alternatively, you can use an SSH remote access utility such as ssh or PuTTY to connect to the instance. To do this, from your local computer, use an SSH key pair creation utility such as ssh-keygen or PuTTYgen. Use the AWS Cloud9 IDE from the environment that's connected to the instance to store the generated public key on the instance. Then use the SSH remote access utility along with the generated private key to access the instance. For more information, see your utility's documentation.

AWS CLI or AWS-shell error: "The security token included in the request is invalid" in an EC2 environment

Issue: When you try to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the AWS-shell to run a command in the AWS Cloud9 IDE for an EC2 environment, an error displays: "The security token included in the request is invalid."

Cause: An invalid security token can result if you have AWS managed temporary credentials enabled and one of the following occurred:

  • You tried to run a command that's not allowed by AWS managed temporary credentials. For a list of allowed commands, see Actions supported by AWS managed temporary credentials.

  • The AWS managed temporary credentials automatically expired after 15 minutes.

  • The AWS managed temporary credentials for a shared environment were deactivated because a new member was added by someone other than the environment owner.

Recommended solutions:

  • Run only those commands that are allowed by AWS managed temporary credentials. If you need to run a command that's not allowed by AWS managed temporary credentials, configure the AWS CLI or AWS-shell in the environment with a set of permanent credentials. This removes this limitation. For instructions, see Create and store permanent access credentials in an Environment.

  • For deactivated or expired credentials, ensure that the environment owner opens the environment so that AWS Cloud9 can refresh temporary credentials in the environment. For more information, see Controlling access to AWS managed temporary credentials.

Can't connect to EC2 environment because VPC's IP addresses are used by Docker

Issue: For an EC2 environment, if you launch the EC2 instance into an Amazon VPC that uses the IPv4 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block, the connection might stall when you attempt to open that environment.

Cause: Docker uses a link layer device called a bridge network that enables containers that are connected to the same bridge network to communicate. AWS Cloud9 creates containers that use a default bridge for container communication. The default bridge typically uses the subnet for container networking.

If the VPC subnet for your environment's instance uses the same address range that's already used by Docker, an IP address conflict might occur. So, when AWS Cloud9 tries to connect to its instance, that connection is routed by the gateway route table to the Docker bridge. This prevents AWS Cloud9 from connecting to the EC2 instance that backs the development environment.

Recommended solution: To resolve an IP address conflict that's caused by Amazon VPC and Docker using the same IPv4 CIDR address block, configure a new VPC for the instance backing your EC2 environment. For this new VPC, configure a CIDR block that's different from (You can't change the IP address range of an existing VPC or subnet.)

For configuration information, see VPC and subnet sizing in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Can't create the sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer.

Issue: When you create the sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, you get an error message stating that it is not possible to open this directory.

Possible causes: It's not currently possible to create a sub-folder structure /home/ec2-user/environment within a folder of the same name using the File System of the AWS Cloud9 IDE. You will not be able to access any files within this directory from the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, but you will be able access them using the command line. This issue only affects the file path /home/ec2-user/environment/home/ec2-user/environment, file paths such as /test/home/ec2-user/environment and /home/ec2-user/environment/test should work. This is a known issue and only affects the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer.

Recommended solutions: Use a different file name and structure.

Can't launch AWS Cloud9 from console when an AWS License Manager license configuration is associated with Amazon EC2 instances

Issue: When you try to launch an AWS Cloud9 EC2 environment from the console, an error message unable to access your environment is returned.

Possible causes: AWS License Manager streamlines the management of software vendor licenses across the AWS Cloud. When setting up License Manager, you create license configurations, which are sets of licensing rules based on the terms of your enterprise agreements. These license configurations can be attached to a mechanism, such as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or AWS CloudFormation. You can use one of these mechanisms to launch EC2 instances.

Older versions of AWSCloud9ServiceRolePolicy for the AWSServiceRoleForAWSCloud9 service-linked role (SLR) currently don't include the license-configuration resource condition. Because of this, AWS Cloud9 isn't allowed to start and stop its instance. So, AWS Cloud9 is denied access to its Amazon EC2 instance, and an error is returned.

Recommended solutions: If you can't access an existing AWS Cloud9 environment and use License Manager, replace the old AWSCloud9ServiceRolePolicy service-linked role with the version of the SLR that explicitly allows EC2 actions when a license-configuration applies to the instance. You can replace the old role simply by deleting it. The updated role is then created automatically.

Can't run some commands or scripts in an EC2 environment

Issue: After you open an AWS Cloud9 EC2 development environment, you can't install some types of packages, run commands such as yum or apt, or run scripts containing commands that typically work with other Linux operating systems.

Cause: The Amazon EC2 instances that AWS Cloud9 uses for an EC2 environment rely on either Amazon Linux (which is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)) or Ubuntu Server.

Solution: If you install or manage packages or run commands or scripts in the IDE for an EC2 environment, ensure they are compatible with either RHEL (for Amazon Linux) or Ubuntu Server, depending on the instance for that environment.

Error message reporting "Instance profile AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile does not exist in account" when creating EC2 environment using AWS CloudFormation

Issue: When using the AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2 AWS CloudFormation resource to create an EC2 environment, users receive an error message that Instance profile AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile does not exist in account.

Cause: When creating a no-ingress EC2 environment, you must create the service role AWSCloud9SSMAccessRole and the instance profile AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile. These IAM resources enable Systems Manager to manage the EC2 instance that backs your development environment.

If you create a no-ingress environment with the console, AWSCloud9SSMAccessRole and AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile are created automatically. But when using AWS CloudFormation or AWS CLI to create your first no-ingress environment, you must create these IAM resources manually.

Recommended solution: For information about editing your AWS CloudFormation template and updating IAM permissions, see Using AWS CloudFormation to create no-ingress EC2 environments

Error message reporting "not authorized to perform: ssm:StartSession on resource" when creating EC2 environment using AWS CloudFormation

Issue: When using the AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2 AWS CloudFormation resource to create an EC2 environment, users receive an AccessDeniedException and are informed that they're "not authorized to perform: ssm:StartSession on resource."

Cause: The user lacks the permission to call the StartSession API that's required as part of the configuration for EC2 environments that use Systems Manager for no-ingress instances.

Recommended solution: For information about editing your AWS CloudFormation template and updating IAM permissions, see Using AWS CloudFormation to create no-ingress EC2 environments.

Error message reporting no authorization "to perform: iam:GetInstanceProfile on resource: instance profile AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile" when creating EC2 environment using AWS CLI

Issue: When using the AWS CLI to create an EC2 environment, users receive an AccessDeniedException and are informed that their AWS Cloud9 environment isn't authorized "to perform iam:GetInstanceProfile on resource: instance profile AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile."

Cause: AWS Cloud9 lacks the permission to call the StartSession API that's required as part of the configuration for EC2 environments that use Systems Manager for no-ingress instances.

Recommended solution: For information about adding the required AWSCloud9SSMAccessRole service role and AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile to your AWS Cloud9 environment, see Managing instance profiles for Systems Manager with the AWS CLI.

Failure to create environment when default encryption is applied to Amazon EBS volumes

Issue: Failed to create environments. The development environment '[environment-ID]' failed to create error is returned when trying to create an Amazon EC2 environment.

Possible causes: If your AWS Cloud9 IDE uses Amazon EBS volumes that by default are encrypted, the AWS Identity and Access Management service-linked role for AWS Cloud9 requires access to the AWS KMS keys for these EBS volumes. If access isn't provided, the AWS Cloud9 IDE might fail to launch, and it might be difficult to debug the problem.

Recommended solutions: To provide access, add the service-linked role for AWS Cloud9, AWSServiceRoleForAWSCloud9, to the customer managed key that's used by your Amazon EBS volumes.

For more information about this task, see Create an AWS Cloud9 that uses Amazon EBS volumes with default encryption in AWS Prescriptive Guidance Patterns.

VPC error for EC2-Classic accounts: "Unable to access your environment"

Issue: EC2-Classic was introduced in the original release of Amazon EC2. If you use an AWS account that was set up before December 4, 2013, this error might occur if you don't configure an Amazon VPC and subnet when you create an AWS Cloud9 EC2 development environment.

If you accept the default VPC settings, the Amazon EC2 instance is launched into the EC2-Classic network. The instance is not launched into a subnet of the default VPC. The following message is displayed when the environment fails to create:

Environment Error

Unable to access your environment

The environment creation failed with the error: The following resource(s) failed to create: [Instance]. . Rollback requested by user..

You can confirm that the error is caused by the EC2 instance not being in the default VPC. Use AWS CloudFormation to view the stack event history for the development environment.

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console. For more information, see Logging in to the AWS CloudFormation console.

  2. In the AWS CloudFormation console, choose Stacks.

  3. On the Stacks page, choose the name of the development environment that failed to create.

  4. On the Stack details page, choose the Events tab and check for the following entry:


    Status reason: The AssociatePublicIpAddress parameter is only supported by VPC launches. [...]

Cause: An AWS Cloud9 development environment must be associated with an Amazon VPC that meets specific VPC requirements. For accounts with EC2-Classic enabled, accepting the default network settings when creating an EC2 environment means that the required EC2 instance isn't launched into the VPC. Instead, the instance is launched into the EC2-Classic network.

Recommended solution: With an EC2-Classic account, you must select a VPC and subnet when creating an EC2 environment. On the Configure settings page, in the Network settings (advanced) section, select the VPC and subnet that you can launch your EC2 instance into.

Other AWS services

The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to other AWS services.

Can't create the sub-folder structure /projects/projects within the File Explorer of the AWS Cloud9 IDE for CodeCatalyst.

Issue: When you create the sub-folder structure /projects/projects in the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer for CodeCatalyst, you get an error message stating that it is not possible to open this directory.

Possible causes: It's not currently possible to create a sub-folder structure /projects within a folder of the same name using the File Explorer of the AWS Cloud9 IDE for CodeCatalyst. You will not be able to access any files within this directory from the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer, but you will be able access them using the command line. This issue only affects the file path /projects/projects, file paths such as /test/projects and /projects/test should work. This is a known issue and only affects the AWS Cloud9 IDE File Explorer for CodeCatalyst.

Recommended solutions: Use a different file name and structure.

Can't display your running application outside of the IDE

Issue: When you or others try to display your running application in a web browser tab outside of the IDE, that web browser tab displays an error, or the tab is blank.

Possible causes:

  • The application isn't running in the IDE.

  • The application is running with an IP of or localhost.

  • The application is running in an AWS Cloud9 EC2 development environment. Moreover, one or more security groups that are associated with the corresponding Amazon EC2 instance don't allow inbound traffic over the protocols, ports, or IP addresses that the application requires.

  • The application is running in an AWS Cloud9 SSH development environment for an AWS cloud compute instance (for example, an Amazon EC2 instance). Moreover, the network ACL for the subnet in the virtual private cloud (VPC) that's associated with the corresponding instance doesn't allow inbound traffic over the protocols, ports, or IP addresses that the application requires.

  • The URL is incorrect.

  • The URL in the application preview tab is being requested instead of the instance's public IP address.

  • You're trying to go to an address that contains an IP of or localhost. These IPs attempts to access resources on your local computer instead of resources in the environment.

  • The instance's public IP address has changed.

  • The web request originates from a virtual private network (VPN) that blocks traffic over the protocols, ports, or IP addresses that the application requires.

  • The application is running in an SSH environment. However, your server or the associated network doesn't allow traffic over the protocols, ports, or IP addresses that the application requires.

Recommended solutions:

  • Ensure that the application is running in the IDE.

  • Ensure that the application isn't running with an IP of or localhost. For examples in Node.js and Python, see Run an application.

  • Suppose that the application is running on an AWS cloud compute instance (for example, an Amazon EC2 instance). Then, ensure all the security groups that are associated with the corresponding instance allow inbound traffic over the protocols, ports, and IP addresses that the application requires. For instructions, see Step 2: Set up the security group for the instance in Share a running application over the internet. See also Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • Suppose that the application is running on an AWS cloud compute instance. Moreover, a network ACL exists for the subnet in the VPC that's associated with the corresponding instance. Then, ensure that network ACL allows inbound traffic over the protocols, ports, and IP addresses that the application requires. For instructions, see Step 3: Set up the subnet for the instance in Share a running application over the internet. See also Network ACLs in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • Ensure that the requesting URL, including the protocol (and port, if it must be specified), is correct. For more information, see Step 4: Share your running application's URL in Share a running application over the internet.

  • We don't recommend requesting a URL with the format (where 12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1 is the ID that AWS Cloud9 assigns to the environment, and us-east-2 is the ID of the AWS Region for the environment). This URL works only when the IDE for the environment is open and the application is running in the same web browser.

  • Suppose that you're trying to go to an address that contains an IP of or localhost. Try going to the correct non-local address for the running application instead. For more information, see Share a running application over the internet.

  • Suppose that the application is running on an AWS cloud compute instance. Determine whether the instance's public IP address has changed. The instance's public IP address might change anytime the instance restarts. To prevent this IP address from changing, you can allocate an Elastic IP address and assign it to the running instance. For more information, see Step 4: Share your running application's URL in Share a running application over the internet.

  • If the web request originates from a VPN, ensure that VPN allows traffic over the protocols, ports, and IP addresses that the application requires. If you can't make changes to your VPN, see your network administrator. Or, make the web request from a different network if possible.

  • Suppose that the application is running in an SSH environment for your own server. Ensure that your server and the associated network allow traffic over the protocols, ports, and IP addresses that the application requires. If you can't make changes to your server or the associated network, see your server or network administrator.

  • Try running the application from a terminal in the environment by running the curl command, followed by the URL. If this command displays an error message, there might be some other issue that's not related to AWS Cloud9.

Error when running AWS Toolkit: "Your environment is running out of inodes, please increase 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches' limit."

Issue: A file watcher utility that AWS Toolkit uses is approaching its current limit or quota of files it can watch.

Cause: AWS Toolkit uses a file watcher utility that monitors changes to files and directories. When the utility is nearly at its current quota of files that it can watch, a warning message appears.

Recommended solution: To increase the maximum number of files that can be handled by file watcher, do the following:

  1. Start a terminal session by choosing Window, New Terminal on the menu bar.

  2. Enter the following command.

    sudo bash -c 'echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288" >> /etc/sysctl.conf' && sudo sysctl -p

Lambda local function run error: Cannot install SAM Local

Issue: After you attempt to run the local version of an AWS Lambda function in the AWS Cloud9 IDE, a dialog box is displayed. The dialog box states that AWS Cloud9 is having trouble installing SAM Local. AWS Cloud9 needs SAM Local to run local versions of AWS Lambda functions in the IDE. Until SAM Local is installed, you can't run local versions of Lambda functions in the IDE.

Cause: AWS Cloud9 can't find SAM Local at the expected path in the environment, which is ~/.c9/bin/sam. This is because SAM Local isn't already installed, or if it's installed, AWS Cloud9 can't find it at that location.

Recommended solutions: You can wait for AWS Cloud9 to try to finish installing SAM Local, or you can install it yourself.

To see how AWS Cloud9 is doing with attempting to install SAM Local, choose Window, Installer on the menu bar.

To install SAM Local yourself, follow the instructions in Installing the AWS SAM CLI on Linux in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.

AWS Control Tower error when trying to create an Amazon EC2 environment using AWS Cloud9: "The environment creation failed with the error: The following hook(s) failed:[ControlTower::Guard::Hook]."

Issue: A compatibility issue exists with AWS Cloud9 and the AWS Control Tower proactive control CT.EC2.PR.8. If this control is enabled you cannot create an EC2 environment in AWS Cloud9.

Cause: AWS Control Tower is expecting the AssociatePublicIpAddress parameter to be in the AWS CloudFormation template. This parameter can't be added at this time.

Recommended solution: Disable controlCT.EC2.PR.8 from the AWS Control Tower console and re-create the environment in AWS Cloud9.

Failure to create environment when default encryption is applied to Amazon EBS volumes

Issue: Failed to create environments. The development environment '[environment-ID]' failed to create error is returned when trying to create an Amazon EC2 environment.

Possible causes: If your AWS Cloud9 IDE uses Amazon EBS volumes that by default are encrypted, the AWS Identity and Access Management service-linked role for AWS Cloud9 requires access to the AWS KMS keys for these EBS volumes. If access isn't provided, the AWS Cloud9 IDE might fail to launch, and it might be difficult to debug the problem.

Recommended solutions: To provide access, add the service-linked role for AWS Cloud9, AWSServiceRoleForAWSCloud9, to the customer managed key that's used by your Amazon EBS volumes.

For more information about this task, see Create an AWS Cloud9 that uses Amazon EBS volumes with default encryption in AWS Prescriptive Guidance Patterns.

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Can't launch AWS Cloud9 from console when an AWS License Manager license configuration is associated with Amazon EC2 instances

Issue: When you try to launch an AWS Cloud9 EC2 environment from the console, an error message unable to access your environment is returned.

Possible causes: AWS License Manager streamlines the management of software vendor licenses across the AWS Cloud. When setting up License Manager, you create license configurations, which are sets of licensing rules based on the terms of your enterprise agreements. These license configurations can be attached to a mechanism, such as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or AWS CloudFormation. You can use one of these mechanisms to launch EC2 instances.

Older versions of AWSCloud9ServiceRolePolicy for the AWSServiceRoleForAWSCloud9 service-linked role (SLR) currently don't include the license-configuration resource condition. Because of this, AWS Cloud9 isn't allowed to start and stop its instance. So, AWS Cloud9 is denied access to its Amazon EC2 instance, and an error is returned.

Recommended solutions: If you can't access an existing AWS Cloud9 environment and use License Manager, replace the old AWSCloud9ServiceRolePolicy service-linked role with the version of the SLR that explicitly allows EC2 actions when a license-configuration applies to the instance. You can replace the old role simply by deleting it. The updated role is then created automatically.

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Application preview

The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to the application preview.

After reloading an environment, you must refresh application preview

Issue: After you reload an environment that displays an application preview tab, the tab doesn't display the application preview.

Cause: Sometimes users write code that can run an infinite loop. Or their code can uses so much memory that the AWS Cloud9 IDE might pause or stop when the application preview is running. To keep this from happening, AWS Cloud9 doesn't reload application preview tabs whenever an environment is reloaded.

Solution: After you reload an environment that displays an application preview tab, to display the application preview, choose the Click to load the page button on the tab.

Application preview or file preview notice: "Third-party cookies disabled"

Issue: When you attempt to preview an application or a file, a notice is displayed with the following message: "Preview functionality is disabled because your browser has third-party cookies disabled."

Cause: Third-party cookies aren't required to open the AWS Cloud9 IDE. However, you must enable third-party cookies to use the Application Preview or File Preview features.

Solution: Enable third-party cookies in your web browser, reload your IDE, and then try opening the preview again.

If your web browser allows this granularity, you can enable third-party cookies only for AWS Cloud9. To do this, specify the following domains, depending on the supported AWS Regions where you want to use AWS Cloud9.

AWS Region Domains

US East (N. Virginia)


US East (Ohio)


US West (N. California)


US West (Oregon)


Africa (Cape Town)


Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)


Asia Pacific (Mumbai)


Asia Pacific (Osaka)


Asia Pacific (Seoul)


Asia Pacific (Singapore)


Asia Pacific (Sydney)


Asia Pacific (Tokyo)


Canada (Central)


Europe (Frankfurt)


Europe (Ireland)


Europe (London)


Europe (Milan)


Europe (Paris)


Europe (Stockholm)


Middle East (Bahrain)


South America (São Paulo)


Application preview tab displays an error or is blank

Issue: On the menu bar in the IDE, when you choose Preview, Preview Running Application or Tools, Preview, Preview Running Application to try to display your application on a preview tab in the IDE, the tab displays an error, or the tab is blank.

Possible causes:

  • Your application isn't running in the IDE.

  • Your application isn't running using HTTP.

  • Your application is running over more than one port.

  • Your application is running over a port other than 8080, 8081, or 8082.

  • Your application is running with an IP other than, localhost, or

  • The port (8080, 8081, or 8082) isn't specified in the URL on the preview tab.

  • Your network blocks inbound traffic to port 8080, 8081, or 8082.

  • You're trying to go to an address that contains an IP of, localhost, or By default, the AWS Cloud9 IDE attempts to go to your local computer. It doesn't attempt to go the instance or your own server that's connected to the environment.

Recommended solutions:

  • Ensure that the application is running in the IDE.

  • Ensure that the application is running using HTTP. For examples in Node.js and Python, see Run an application.

  • Ensure that the application is running over only one port. For examples in Node.js and Python, see Run an application.

  • Ensure that the application is running over port 8080, 8081, or 8082. For examples in Node.js and Python, see Run an application.

  • Ensure that the application is running with an IP of, localhost, or For examples in Node.js and Python, see Run an application.

  • Add :8080, :8081, or :8082 to the URL on the preview tab.

  • Ensure that your network allows inbound traffic over ports 8080, 8081, or 8082. If you can't make changes to your network, see your network administrator.

  • If you're trying to go to an address that contains an IP of, localhost, or, try going to the following address instead: In this address, 12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1 is the ID that AWS Cloud9 assigns to the environment. us-east-2 is the ID of the AWS Region for the environment. You can also try to go to this address outside of the IDE. However, this works only when the IDE for the environment is open and the application is running in the same web browser.

  • After you're sure that all of the preceding conditions are met, try stopping the application and then starting it again.

  • If you stopped the application and then started it again, try choosing Preview, Preview Running Application or Tools, Preview, Preview Running Application on the menu bar again. Or try choosing the Refresh button (the circular arrow) on the corresponding application preview tab, if the tab is already visible.

Can't preview web content in the IDE because the connection to the site isn't secure

Issue: When you try to access web content such as a WordPress site that's hosted in an AWS Cloud9 EC2 environment, the IDE preview window can't display it.

Possible causes: By default, all web pages that you access in the application preview tab of the AWS Cloud9 IDE automatically use the HTTPS protocol. If a page's URI features the insecure http protocol, it's automatically replaced by https. And you can't access the insecure content by manually changing https back to http.

Recommended solutions: Remove the insecure HTTP scripts or content from the web site that you're trying to preview in the IDE. Follow instructions for your web server or content management system for guidance on implementing HTTPS.

Previewing a file returns a 499 error

Issue: When you try to use the AWS Cloud9 IDE to preview a file that contains a <script> element that contains the src attribute and with the type attribute set to module, a 499 error occurs and the script doesn't run as expected.

Cause: File preview fetch requests in the AWS Cloud9 IDE require cookies to be sent by the web browser to authenticate. By default, web browsers send cookies for regular script requests. They don't send cookies for module script requests unless you add the crossorigin attribute.

Solution: Add the crossorigin attribute to the <script> element. For example, <script type="module" src="index.js" crossorigin></script>. Then, save the changed file, and try to preview it again.


The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to performance.

AWS Cloud9 IDE freezing for a significant amount of time

Issue: During start-up, and when performing a refresh, the AWS Cloud9 IDE terminal freezes for a significant amount of time and becomes unusable.

Cause: You might have a large amount of files in your environment that are being recursively watched by the file watching module of AWS Cloud9.

Recommended solutions: You can decrease the file watching depth (the minimum value is 1) and consider adding large folders or folders not related to the source code (build outputs/artifacts, 3rd party packages) to the ignored patterns. To do this navigate to Preferences > User Settings > File Watching. Be aware that this will cause CodeLenses in AWS Toolkit to not work correctly.

Another possible solution is to consider ignoring large files and folders that aren't related to the source code by decreasing the Maximum number of files to search. To do this navigate to Preferences > Project Settings > Find in Files. Be aware that this will cause folders that are ignored to not show up in a file search.

Console warning: "Switching to the minimal code completion engine..."

Issue: When working in the AWS Cloud9 console (for example, when opening the IDE or refreshing the IDE's web page), you see this message: "One or more sessions or collaborators are active on this environment. Switching to the minimal code completion engine to conserve memory." In correlation with this message, the code-completion behavior might be slow or intermittent.

Cause: Running the code-completion engine takes memory and CPU cycles from the environment. Additionally, a separate code-completion engine is required for each collaborator and each additional session. To avoid using too many resources, especially on small instance sizes such as t2.nano and t2.micro, AWS Cloud9 switches to the minimal code-completion engine.

Recommended solution: If you plan to collaborate often and for long periods of time, choose a larger Amazon EC2 instance when creating your EC2 environment. Or, alternatively, connect your SSH environment to an instance with more capacity.


Choosing a larger Amazon EC2 instance might cause your AWS account to incur additional charges. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Pricing.

IDE warning: "This environment is running low on memory" or "This environment has high CPU load"

Issue: While the IDE is running, you see a message that contains the phrase "this environment is running low on memory" or "this environment has high CPU load."

Cause: The IDE might not have enough compute resources available to continue running without delays or hangs.

Recommended solutions:

  • Stop one or more running processes to free up available memory. To do this, on the menu bar in the IDE for the environment, choose Tools, Process List. For each process you want to stop, choose the process, and then choose Force Kill.

  • Create a swap file in the environment. A swap file is a file in the environment that the operating system can use as virtual memory.

    To confirm that the environment is currently using swap memory, run the top command in a terminal session in the environment. If swap memory is being used, the output displays non-zero Swap memory statistics (for example, Swap: 499996k total, 1280k used, 498716 free, 110672k cached). To stop showing real-time memory information, press Ctrl + C.

    To create a swap file, run a command such as the following in the environment.

    sudo fallocate --length 512MB /var/swapfile && sudo chmod 600 /var/swapfile && sudo mkswap /var/swapfile && echo '/var/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/null

    The preceding command does the following:

    1. Creates a 512 MB file that's named swapfile in the /var directory.

    2. Changes access permissions for the swapfile file to read-write for the owner only.

    3. Sets up the swapfile file as a swap file.

    4. Writes information to the /etc/fstab file. This makes this swap file available whenever the system reboots.

    After you run the preceding command, to make this swap file available immediately, run the following command.

    sudo swapon /var/swapfile
  • Move or resize the environment to an instance or server with more compute resources. To move or resize Amazon EC2 instances, see Moving an AWS Cloud9 IDE from Amazon EBS volumes. For other instance or server types, refer to your instance's or server's documentation.

Unable to upload files in the AWS Cloud9 IDE

Issue: Users are unable to upload a large file in the AWS Cloud9 IDE. These uploads are failing.

Cause: AWS Cloud9 throttles the upload speed to the AWS Cloud9 IDE, and as a result the file upload request times out.

Recommended solution: We recommend uploading the file to Amazon S3, and then use Amazon S3 to download the file to the environment with the CLI in the AWS Cloud9 IDE. For more information on uploading objects to Amazon S3, see Uploading objects in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Slow download speed in AWS Cloud9 IDE

Issue: Users are dealing with slow download speeds when attempting to download files from AWS Cloud9 IDE.

Cause: When you download files from the IDE to the local file system the speed of transfer will be limited to a speed of 0.1 megabyte/second.

Recommended solution: To increase the speed of transferring files, use the CLI in your AWS Cloud9 IDE to upload files to Amazon S3 and then use Amazon S3 to download the files from there.

Can't preview web content in the IDE because the connection to the site isn't secure

Issue: When you try to access web content such as a WordPress site that's hosted in an AWS Cloud9 EC2 environment, the IDE preview window can't display it.

Possible causes: By default, all web pages that you access in the application preview tab of the AWS Cloud9 IDE automatically use the HTTPS protocol. If a page's URI features the insecure http protocol, it's automatically replaced by https. And you can't access the insecure content by manually changing https back to http.

Recommended solutions: Remove the insecure HTTP scripts or content from the web site that you're trying to preview in the IDE. Follow instructions for your web server or content management system for guidance on implementing HTTPS.

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Third party applications and services

The following section outlines troubleshooting issues related to third party applications and services.

Can't interact with the terminal window in AWS Cloud9 because of tmux session errors

Issue: When you attempt to launch a new terminal window in AWS Cloud9, the expected command line interface isn't available. There's no command prompt and you can't enter text. Error messages such as tmux: need UTF-8 locale (LC_CTYPE) and invalid LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG are returned.

Possible causes: An unresponsive terminal might be caused by a tmux error. AWS Cloud9 uses the tmux utility. This way, information that's displayed in the terminal is persisted even when the page reloads or you reconnect to your development environment.

In a tmux session, what's displayed in the terminal window is handled by a client. The client communicates to a server that can manage multiple sessions. The server and client communicate through a socket located in the tmp folder. If the tmp folder is missing from your development environment or overly restrictive permissions are applied to it, tmux sessions can't run. If this occurs, the terminal window in the IDE becomes unresponsive.

Recommended solutions: If tmux errors are preventing you from interacting with the terminal window, use an alternative way to create a tmp folder with the right permissions. That way, tmux sessions can run. One solution is to export LC_CTYPE in .bash_profile or in the .bashrc file. Another recommended solution is to use AWS Systems Manager to set up a host management configuration. This allows access to the relevant instance through the Amazon EC2 console.

Setting up host management

  1. First, in the AWS Cloud9 console, find the name of your environment's instance. You can do so by choosing the relevant panel in the Your environments page and choosing View details. In the Environment details page, choose Go to Instance. In the Amazon EC2 console, confirm the name of the instance that you need to access.

  2. Now go to the AWS Systems Manager console, and in the navigation pane, choose Quick Setup.

  3. In the Quick Setup page, choose Create.

  4. For Configuration types, go to Host Management and choose Create.

  5. For Customize Host Management configuration options, in the Targets section, choose Manual.

  6. Select the EC2 instance that you want to access and then choose Create.

Connecting to the instance and running commands


The following steps are for the new EC2 console.

  1. In the Amazon EC2 console, in the navigation pane, choose Instances and select the instance that you want to connect to.

  2. Choose Connect.

    If Connect isn't activated, you might need to start the instance first.

  3. In the Connect to your instance pane, for Connection method, choose Session Manager and then choose Connect.

  4. In the terminal session window that appears, enter the following commands. These commands create the tmp folder with the right permissions so that the tmux socket is available.

    sudo mkdir /tmp sudo chmod 777 /tmp sudo rmdir /tmp/tmux-*

Can't load IDE using earlier versions of Microsoft Edge browser

Issue: HTTP403: FORBIDDEN error is returned when trying to load AWS Cloud9 IDE using the Microsoft Edge web browser.

Possible causes: The AWS Cloud9 IDE doesn't support certain older versions of Microsoft Edge.

Recommended solutions: To update the browser, choose the ellipsis (...) button in the Microsoft Edge toolbar. From the menu, choose Settings and then choose About Microsoft Edge. If an update is required, it's automatically downloaded and installed.

Error with gdb when debugging C++ projects

Issue: Error reported for gdb debugger when trying to debug C++ project in the IDE.

Possible causes: Suppose that your AWS Cloud9 environment uses certain EC2 instance types (for example, t3.small or m5.large). Then, a debug error might occur when you try to run and debug a C++ project using the IDE's built-in runner. This error can happen because the version of the gdb (the GNU Project Debugger) that's pre-installed for your environment doesn't work on certain processor platforms. You might see the following error code.

GDB server terminated with code 1

Recommended solutions: The problem with gdb not supporting certain processor platforms was fixed from version 3.0 onwards. Uninstall the older version of the debugger and upgrade to a newer version of gdb:

  1. Remove the existing version of the debugger by running the following command in the AWS Cloud9 terminal.

    sudo yum -y remove gdb
  2. Retrieve the archive for gdb, unpack it, and then navigate to the directory that contains the extracted files by running the following commands.

    wget "" tar xzf gdb-8.3.tar.gz cd gdb-8.3
  3. Build the debugger by running the following command. To do this, copy and paste the following text as a single block and press Return to run make.

    ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-system-readline \ --with-python=/usr/bin/python3 && make
  4. Install the debugger.

    sudo make -C gdb install
  5. Confirm that the updated version of the debugger is installed.

    gdb --version

Issues with PHP runner in AWS Cloud9

Issue: Users are unable to view any output in the PHP CLI runner terminal.

Cause: CLI runner needs to be set to PHP and the debugger mode needs to be enabled.

Recommended solution: Set the CLI runner to PHP and ensure the debugger mode is enabled.

GLIBC errors related to Node.js

Issue: Users are unable to run Node.js and are getting GLIBC errors. An example of these error messages is outlined below:

node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by node) node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by node)

Cause: Potentially it could be Node.js version issues related to the instance being used.

Recommended solution: Refer to the Step 1: Install required tools section for information on how to install Node.js for AWS Cloud9.