Navigating and configuring the AWS Toolkit - AWS Cloud9

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Navigating and configuring the AWS Toolkit

You can access resources and modify settings through the following AWS Toolkit interface elements:

  • AWS Explorer window: Access AWS services from different AWS Regions.

  • AWS Toolkit menu: Create and deploy serverless applications, show or hide AWS Regions, access user assistance, and interact with Git repositories.

  • AWS Configuration pane: Modify settings that affect how you can interact with AWS services in AWS Toolkit.

Using AWS Explorer to work with services and resources in multiple Regions

With the AWS Explorer window, you can select AWS services and work with specific resources that are associated with that service. In AWS Explorer, choose a service name node (for example, API Gateway or Lambda). Then, choose a specific resource associated with that service (for example, a REST API or a Lambda function). When you choose a specific resource, a menu displays available interaction options such as upload or download, invoke, or copy.

Consider the following example. If your AWS account credentials can access Lambda functions, expand the Lambda node listed for an AWS Region, and then select a specific Lambda function to be invoked or uploaded as code to the AWS Cloud9 IDE. You can also open the context (right-click) menu for the node's title to start creating an application that uses the AWS Serverless Application Model.


If you can't see the option to view the AWS Explorer window in the integrated development environment (IDE), verify that you enabled the AWS Toolkit. Then, after you verify it's enabled, try again. For more information, see Enabling AWS Toolkit.

The AWS Explorer window can also display services hosted in multiple AWS Regions.

To access AWS services from a selected Region

  1. In the AWS Explorer window, choose the Toolkit menu, Show region in the Explorer.

  2. From the Select a region to show in the AWS Explorer list, choose an AWS Region.

    The selected Region is added to the AWS Explorer window. To access available services and resources, choose the arrow (>) in front of the Region's name.


You can also hide selected AWS Regions in the AWS Explorer window using the following options:

  • Open the context (right-click) menu for the Region and choose Hide region from the Explorer.

  • In the AWS Toolkit menu, choose Hide region from the Explorer and select a Region to hide.

Accessing and using the AWS Toolkit menu

The AWS Toolkit provides access for options to create and deploy serverless applications. You can use this menu to manage connections, update the AWS: Explorer window, access documentation, and interact with GitHub repositories.

To access the Toolkit menu, choose the scroll icon opposite the AWS: Explorer title in the AWS Explorer window.

Labelled screenshot showing the location of the Toolkit menu for the AWS Toolkit

The following tables provides an overview of the options available on the Toolkit menu.

Toolkit menu options
Menu option Description

Refresh AWS Explorer

Choose this option to refresh AWS Explorer to show any AWS services that were modified since you last opened the window.

Connect to AWS

Connects AWS Toolkit to an AWS account using credentials that are stored in a profile. For more information, see Managing access credentials for AWS Toolkit.

Show region in the Explorer

Displays an AWS Region in the AWS Explorer window. For more information, see Using AWS Explorer to work with services and resources in multiple Regions.

Hide region from the Explorer

Hides an AWS Region in the AWS Explorer window. For more information, see Using AWS Explorer to work with services and resources in multiple Regions

Create new SAM Application

Generates a set of code files for a new AWS serverless application. For more information about how to create and deploy SAM applications, see Working with AWS SAM using the AWS Toolkit.

Deploy SAM Application

Deploys a serverless application to AWS. For more information about how to create and deploy SAM applications, see Working with AWS SAM using the AWS Toolkit.

View Quick Start

Opens the Quick Start guide.

View Toolkit Documentation

Opens the user guide for AWS Toolkit.

View Source on GitHub

Opens the GitHub repository for the AWS Toolkit.

Create a New Issue on GitHub

Opens the AWS Toolkit's New Issue page on Github

Submit Quick Feedback

Submit private, one-way feedback to the AWS Toolkit development team. For issues that require conversations or bug fixes, submit an issue in Github by selecting the Create a New Issue on Github menu option.

About AWS Toolkit

Displays information about the version of the Toolkit running and the Amazon operating system that it's configured for.

Modifying AWS Toolkit settings using the AWS Configuration pane

To access the AWS Configuration pane, choose AWS Cloud9, Preferences. Next, in the Preferences window, under Project Settings, choose AWS Configuration.

Labelled screenshot showing the location of the AWS Configuration menu for the AWS Toolkit

The following table provides an overview of the options available on the AWS Configuration pane.

Menu option Description

AWS: Profile

Sets the name of the credentials profile to obtain credentials from.

AWS: On Default Region Missing

Indicates the action to take if the default AWS Region for the selected credentials profile isn't available in the AWS Explorer window. You can select from three options:

  • prompt(default): You're asked what you want to do.

  • add: The Region is shown in the AWS Explorer window.

  • ignore: No action is taken.

AWS > S3: Max Items Per Page

Specifies how many Amazon S3 objects or folders are displayed at one time in the AWS Explorer window. When the maximum number is displayed, you can choose Load More to display the next batch.

The range of accepted values for this field is between 3 and 1000. This setting applies only to the number of objects or folders displayed at one time. All the buckets you've created are displayed at once. By default, you can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts.

AWS > Samcli: Location

Indicates the location of the SAM CLI that's used to create, build, package, and deploy serverless applications.

AWS > Samcli > Debug > Attach> Retry: Maximum:

Specifies how many times the Toolkit tries to attach the SAM CLI debugger before giving up. The default quota is 30 tries.

When you locally invoke a Lambda function in debug mode within the AWS SAMCLI, you can then attach a debugger to it.

AWS > Samcli > Debug > Attach> Timeout: Millis:

Specifies how long the Toolkit tries to attach the SAM CLI debugger before giving up. The default timeout is 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds).

When you locally invoke a Lambda function in debug mode within the AWS SAMCLI, you can then attach a debugger to it.

AWS : Log Level:

Sets the category of workflow events that are logged. The following are the available levels:

  • Errors Only

  • Errors and Warnings

  • Errors, Warnings, and Info (default option)

  • Errors, Warnings, and Info, Verbose, and Debug

AWS : Telemetry

Enables or disables the sending of usage data to AWS. Enabled by default