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Working with Amazon ECR service in AWS Cloud9
You can access the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) service directly from the AWS Explorer in AWS Cloud9 IDE. You can use Amazon ECR to push a program image to an Amazon ECR repository. To get started, follow these steps:
Create a Dockerfile that contains the information necessary to build an image.
Build an image from that Dockerfile and tag the image for processing.
Create a repository that's inside of your Amazon ECR instance.
Push the tagged image to your repository.
Before you can use the Amazon ECR feature of the AWS Toolkit for AWS Cloud9, make sure that you meet these prerequisites first. These prerequisites are pre-installed in the AWS Cloud9 IDE for AWS Cloud9 Amazon EC2 environments and are required to access Amazon ECR.
1. Creating a Dockerfile
Docker uses a file that's called a Dockerfile to define an image that can be pushed and stored on a remote repository. Before you can upload an image to an ECR repository, create a Dockerfile and then build an image from that Dockerfile.
Creating a Dockerfile
To navigate to the directory where you want to store your Dockerfile, choose Toggle Tree option in the left navigation bar within your AWS Cloud9 IDE.
Create a new file named Dockerfile.
AWS Cloud9 IDE might prompt you to select a file type or file extension. If this occurs, select plaintext. AWS Cloud9 IDE has a "dockerfile" extension. However, we don't recommend you use it. This is because the extension might cause conflicts with certain versions of Docker or other associated applications.
Editing your Dockerfile using AWS Cloud9 IDE
If your Dockerfile has a file extension, open the context (right-click) menu for the file and remove the file extension. A Dockerfile with extensions might cause conflicts with certain versions of Docker or other associated applications.
After the file extension is removed from your Dockerfile:
Open the empty Dockerfile directly in AWS Cloud9 IDE.
Copy the contents of the following example into your Dockerfile.
Example Dockerfile image template
FROM ubuntu:22.04 # Install dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get -y install apache2 # Install apache and write hello world message RUN echo 'Hello World!' > /var/www/html/index.html # Configure apache RUN echo '. /etc/apache2/envvars' > /root/ && \ echo 'mkdir -p /var/run/apache2' >> /root/ && \ echo 'mkdir -p /var/lock/apache2' >> /root/ && \ echo '/usr/sbin/apache2 -D FOREGROUND' >> /root/ && \ chmod 755 /root/ EXPOSE 80 CMD /root/
This is a Dockerfile that uses an Ubuntu 22.04 image. The RUN instructions update the package caches. Install software packages for the web server, and then write the "Hello World!" content to the document root of the web server. The EXPOSE instruction exposes port 80 on the container, and the CMD instruction starts the web server.
Save your Dockerfile.
2. Building your image from your Dockerfile
The Dockerfile that you created contains the necessary information to build an image for a program. Before you can push that image to your Amazon ECR instance, first build the image.
Building an image from your Dockerfile
To navigate into the directory that contains your Dockerfile, use the Docker CLI or a CLI that's integrated with your instance of Docker.
To build the image that's defined in your Dockerfile, run the Docker build command from the same directory as the Dockerfile.
docker build -t hello-world .
To verify that the image was created correctly, run the Docker images command.
docker images --filter reference=hello-world
The output is as follows.
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest e9ffedc8c286 4 minutes ago 241MB
To run the newly built image based on Ubuntu 22.04, use the echo command.
This step isn't necessary to create or push your image. However, you can see how the program image works when it's run.
FROM ubuntu:22.04 CMD ["echo", "Hello from Docker in Cloud9"]
Then, run and build the dockerfile. You must run this command from the same directory as the dockerfile.
docker build -t hello-world . docker run --rm hello-world
The output is as follows.
Hello from Docker in Cloud9
For more information about the Docker run command, see Docker run reference
on the Docker website.
3. Creating a new repository
To upload your image into your Amazon ECR instance, create a new repository where it can be stored in.
Creating a new Amazon ECR repository
From the AWS Cloud9 IDE navigation bar, choose the AWS Toolkit icon.
Expand the AWS Explorer menu.
Locate the default AWS Region that's associated with your AWS account. Then, select it to see a list of the services that are through the AWS Cloud9 IDE.
Open the context (right-click) menu for the ECR option to start the Create new repository process. Then, select Create Repository.
To complete the process, follow the prompt.
After the process is complete, you can access your new repository from the ECR section of the AWS Explorer menu.
4. Pushing, pulling, and deleting images
After you built an image from your Dockerfile and created a repository, you can push your image into your Amazon ECR repository. Additionally, using the AWS Explorer with Docker and the AWS CLI, you can do the following:
Pull an image from your repository.
Delete an image that's stored in your repository.
Delete your repository.
Authenticating Docker with your default registry
Authentication is required to exchange data between Amazon ECR and Docker instances. To authenticate Docker with your registry:
Open a terminal within your AWS Cloud9 IDE.
Use the get-login-password method to authenticate to your private ECR registry and enter your region and AWS account ID.
aws ecr get-login-password \ --region <
> \ | docker login \ --username AWS \ --password-stdin <aws_account_id
In the preceding command, replace
and theAWS_account_id
with information that's specific to your AWS account. A validregion
value is us-east-1.
Tagging and pushing an image to your repository
After you authenticated Docker with your instance of AWS, push an image to your repository.
Use the docker images command to view the images that you stored locally and identify the one you want to tag.
docker images
The output is as follows.
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello-world latest e9ffedc8c286 4 minutes ago 241MB
Tag your image with the Docker tag command.
docker tag hello-world:latest
.dkr.ecr.region -
Push the tagged image to your repository with the Docker push command.
Make sure that name of your local repository is the same as your AWS Amazon EC2 repository. In this example, both repositories must be called
. For more information about pushing images with docker, see Pushing a Docker image.docker push
.dkr.ecr.region output is as follows.
The push refers to a repository [
.dkr.ecr.region] (len: 1) e9ae3c220b23: Pushed a6785352b25c: Pushed 0998bf8fb9e9: Pushed 0a85502c06c9: Pushed latest: digest: sha256:215d7e4121b30157d8839e81c4e0912606fca105775bb0636b95aed25f52c89b size: 6774
After your tagged image is successfully uploaded to your repository, refresh the AWS Toolkit by choosing Refresh Explorer from the AWS Explorer tab. It's then visible in the AWS Explorer menu in AWS Cloud9 IDE.
Pulling an image from Amazon ECR
You can pull an image to your local instance of Docker tag command.
docker pull
.dkr.ecr.region output is as follows. latest: Pulling from hello-world Digest: sha256:e02c521fd65eae4ef1acb746883df48de85d55fc85a4172a09a124b11b339f5e Status: Image is up to date for
Deleting an image from your Amazon ECR repository
There are two methods for deleting an image from AWS Cloud9 IDE. The first method is to use the AWS Explorer.
From the AWS Explorer, expand the ECR menu.
Expand the repository that you want to delete an image from.
Open the context (right-click) menu for the image tag that's associated with the image that you want to delete.
To delete all the stored images that are associated with that tag, choose Delete Tag....
Deleting an image using the AWS CLI
You can also delete an image from your repository with the AWS ecr batch-delete-image command.
aws ecr batch-delete-image \ --repository-name
\ --image-ids imageTag=latestThe output is as follows.
{ "failures": [], "imageIds": [ { "imageTag": "latest", "imageDigest": "sha256:215d7e4121b30157d8839e81c4e0912606fca105775bb0636b95aed25f52c89b" } ] }
Deleting a repository from your Amazon ECR instance
There are two methods for deleting a repository from AWS Cloud9 IDE. The first method is to use the AWS Explorer:
From the AWS Explorer, expand the ECR menu.
Open the context (right-click) menu for the repository that you want to delete.
Choose Delete Repository....
Deleting an Amazon ECR repository from the AWS CLI
You can delete a repository with the AWS ecr delete-repository command.
You normally can't delete a repository without first deleting the images that are contained in it. However, if you add the --force flag, you can delete a repository and all of its images in one step.
aws ecr delete-repository \ --repository-name
\ --forceThe output is as follows.
--repository-name hello-world --force { "repository": { "repositoryUri": "", "registryId": "922327013870", "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE", "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-west-2:922327013870:repository/hello-world", "repositoryName": "hello-world", "createdAt": 1664469874.0 } }