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Creación de una tabla de DynamoDB nueva con rendimiento en caliente más alto

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Creación de una tabla de DynamoDB nueva con rendimiento en caliente más alto - Amazon DynamoDB

Puede ajustar los valores de rendimiento en caliente cuando cree la tabla de DynamoDB según los pasos que se indican a continuación. Estos pasos también se aplican al crear una tabla global o un índice secundario.

Para crear una tabla de DynamoDB y ajustar los valores de rendimiento en caliente a través de la consola:

  1. Inicie sesión en la AWS Management Console y abra la consola de DynamoDB en

  2. Seleccione Crear tabla.

  3. Elija un nombre de tabla, una clave de partición y una clave de clasificación (opcional).

  4. En Configuración de la tabla, elija Personalizar configuración.

  5. En el campo Rendimiento en caliente, seleccione Aumentar el rendimiento en caliente.

  6. Ajuste las unidades de lectura por segundo y las unidades de escritura por segundo. Estas dos configuraciones definen el rendimiento máximo que la tabla puede gestionar al instante.

  7. Continúe agregando los detalles de tabla restantes y, a continuación, seleccione Crear tabla.

Para crear una tabla de DynamoDB y ajustar los valores de rendimiento en caliente a través de la consola:

  1. Inicie sesión en la AWS Management Console y abra la consola de DynamoDB en

  2. Seleccione Crear tabla.

  3. Elija un nombre de tabla, una clave de partición y una clave de clasificación (opcional).

  4. En Configuración de la tabla, elija Personalizar configuración.

  5. En el campo Rendimiento en caliente, seleccione Aumentar el rendimiento en caliente.

  6. Ajuste las unidades de lectura por segundo y las unidades de escritura por segundo. Estas dos configuraciones definen el rendimiento máximo que la tabla puede gestionar al instante.

  7. Continúe agregando los detalles de tabla restantes y, a continuación, seleccione Crear tabla.

En el siguiente ejemplo de la AWS CLI se muestra cómo crear una tabla de DynamoDB con valores de rendimiento en caliente personalizados.

  1. Ejecute la operación create-table para crear la siguiente tabla de DynamoDB.

    aws dynamodb create-table \ --table-name GameScores \ --attribute-definitions AttributeName=UserId,AttributeType=S \ AttributeName=GameTitle,AttributeType=S \ AttributeName=TopScore,AttributeType=N \ --key-schema AttributeName=UserId,KeyType=HASH \ AttributeName=GameTitle,KeyType=RANGE \ --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=20,WriteCapacityUnits=10 \ --global-secondary-indexes \ "[ { \"IndexName\": \"GameTitleIndex\", \"KeySchema\": [{\"AttributeName\":\"GameTitle\",\"KeyType\":\"HASH\"}, {\"AttributeName\":\"TopScore\",\"KeyType\":\"RANGE\"}], \"Projection\":{ \"ProjectionType\":\"INCLUDE\", \"NonKeyAttributes\":[\"UserId\"] }, \"ProvisionedThroughput\": { \"ReadCapacityUnits\": 50, \"WriteCapacityUnits\": 25 },\"WarmThroughput\": { \"ReadUnitsPerSecond\": 1987, \"WriteUnitsPerSecond\": 543 } } ]" \ --warm-throughput ReadUnitsPerSecond=12345,WriteUnitsPerSecond=4567 \ --region us-east-1
  2. Verá una respuesta similar a la siguiente. La configuración de WarmThroughput se mostrará como ReadUnitsPerSecond y WriteUnitsPerSecond. El Status será UPDATING cuando se actualice el valor de rendimiento en caliente y ACTIVE cuando se establezca el nuevo valor de rendimiento en caliente.

    { "TableDescription": { "AttributeDefinitions": [ { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": "TopScore", "AttributeType": "N" }, { "AttributeName": "UserId", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "TableName": "GameScores", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "UserId", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "TableStatus": "CREATING", "CreationDateTime": 1730241788.779, "ProvisionedThroughput": { "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0, "ReadCapacityUnits": 20, "WriteCapacityUnits": 10 }, "TableSizeBytes": 0, "ItemCount": 0, "TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:table/GameScores", "TableId": "XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "IndexName": "GameTitleIndex", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "TopScore", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "Projection": { "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE", "NonKeyAttributes": [ "UserId" ] }, "IndexStatus": "CREATING", "ProvisionedThroughput": { "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0, "ReadCapacityUnits": 50, "WriteCapacityUnits": 25 }, "IndexSizeBytes": 0, "ItemCount": 0, "IndexArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:table/GameScores/index/GameTitleIndex", "WarmThroughput": { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": 1987, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": 543, "Status": "UPDATING" } } ], "DeletionProtectionEnabled": false, "WarmThroughput": { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": 12345, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": 4567, "Status": "UPDATING" } } }

En el siguiente ejemplo de la AWS CLI se muestra cómo crear una tabla de DynamoDB con valores de rendimiento en caliente personalizados.

  1. Ejecute la operación create-table para crear la siguiente tabla de DynamoDB.

    aws dynamodb create-table \ --table-name GameScores \ --attribute-definitions AttributeName=UserId,AttributeType=S \ AttributeName=GameTitle,AttributeType=S \ AttributeName=TopScore,AttributeType=N \ --key-schema AttributeName=UserId,KeyType=HASH \ AttributeName=GameTitle,KeyType=RANGE \ --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=20,WriteCapacityUnits=10 \ --global-secondary-indexes \ "[ { \"IndexName\": \"GameTitleIndex\", \"KeySchema\": [{\"AttributeName\":\"GameTitle\",\"KeyType\":\"HASH\"}, {\"AttributeName\":\"TopScore\",\"KeyType\":\"RANGE\"}], \"Projection\":{ \"ProjectionType\":\"INCLUDE\", \"NonKeyAttributes\":[\"UserId\"] }, \"ProvisionedThroughput\": { \"ReadCapacityUnits\": 50, \"WriteCapacityUnits\": 25 },\"WarmThroughput\": { \"ReadUnitsPerSecond\": 1987, \"WriteUnitsPerSecond\": 543 } } ]" \ --warm-throughput ReadUnitsPerSecond=12345,WriteUnitsPerSecond=4567 \ --region us-east-1
  2. Verá una respuesta similar a la siguiente. La configuración de WarmThroughput se mostrará como ReadUnitsPerSecond y WriteUnitsPerSecond. El Status será UPDATING cuando se actualice el valor de rendimiento en caliente y ACTIVE cuando se establezca el nuevo valor de rendimiento en caliente.

    { "TableDescription": { "AttributeDefinitions": [ { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": "TopScore", "AttributeType": "N" }, { "AttributeName": "UserId", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "TableName": "GameScores", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "UserId", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "TableStatus": "CREATING", "CreationDateTime": 1730241788.779, "ProvisionedThroughput": { "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0, "ReadCapacityUnits": 20, "WriteCapacityUnits": 10 }, "TableSizeBytes": 0, "ItemCount": 0, "TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:table/GameScores", "TableId": "XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "IndexName": "GameTitleIndex", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "GameTitle", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "TopScore", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "Projection": { "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE", "NonKeyAttributes": [ "UserId" ] }, "IndexStatus": "CREATING", "ProvisionedThroughput": { "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0, "ReadCapacityUnits": 50, "WriteCapacityUnits": 25 }, "IndexSizeBytes": 0, "ItemCount": 0, "IndexArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:table/GameScores/index/GameTitleIndex", "WarmThroughput": { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": 1987, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": 543, "Status": "UPDATING" } } ], "DeletionProtectionEnabled": false, "WarmThroughput": { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": 12345, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": 4567, "Status": "UPDATING" } } }

En los siguientes ejemplos del SDK se muestra cómo crear una tabla de DynamoDB con valores de rendimiento en caliente personalizados.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; ... public static WarmThroughput buildWarmThroughput(final Long readUnitsPerSecond, final Long writeUnitsPerSecond) { return WarmThroughput.builder() .readUnitsPerSecond(readUnitsPerSecond) .writeUnitsPerSecond(writeUnitsPerSecond) .build(); } private static AttributeDefinition buildAttributeDefinition(final String attributeName, final ScalarAttributeType scalarAttributeType) { return AttributeDefinition.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .attributeType(scalarAttributeType) .build(); } private static KeySchemaElement buildKeySchemaElement(final String attributeName, final KeyType keyType) { return KeySchemaElement.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .keyType(keyType) .build(); } public static void createDynamoDBTable(DynamoDbClient ddb, String tableName, String partitionKey, String sortKey, String miscellaneousKeyAttribute, String nonKeyAttribute, Long tableReadCapacityUnits, Long tableWriteCapacityUnits, Long tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond, String globalSecondaryIndexName, Long globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond) { // Define the table attributes final AttributeDefinition partitionKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(partitionKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition sortKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(sortKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition = buildAttributeDefinition(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, ScalarAttributeType.N); final AttributeDefinition[] attributeDefinitions = {partitionKeyAttribute, sortKeyAttribute, miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition}; // Define the table key schema final KeySchemaElement partitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(partitionKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement sortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] keySchema = {partitionKeyElement, sortKeyElement}; // Define the provisioned throughput for the table final ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(tableReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(tableWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] gsiKeySchema = {globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement, globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement}; final Projection gsiProjection = Projection.builder() .projectionType(String.valueOf(ProjectionType.INCLUDE)) .nonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttribute) .build(); final ProvisionedThroughput gsiProvisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final WarmThroughput gsiWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final GlobalSecondaryIndex globalSecondaryIndex = GlobalSecondaryIndex.builder() .indexName(globalSecondaryIndexName) .keySchema(gsiKeySchema) .projection(gsiProjection) .provisionedThroughput(gsiProvisionedThroughput) .warmThroughput(gsiWarmThroughput) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the table final WarmThroughput tableWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final CreateTableRequest request = CreateTableRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions) .keySchema(keySchema) .provisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput) .globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndex) .warmThroughput(tableWarmThroughput) .build(); CreateTableResponse response = ddb.createTable(request); System.out.println(response); }
from boto3 import resource from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def create_dynamodb_table_warm_throughput(table_name, partition_key, sort_key, misc_key_attr, non_key_attr, table_provisioned_read_units, table_provisioned_write_units, table_warm_reads, table_warm_writes, gsi_name, gsi_provisioned_read_units, gsi_provisioned_write_units, gsi_warm_reads, gsi_warm_writes, region_name="us-east-1"): """ Creates a DynamoDB table with a warm throughput setting configured. :param table_name: The name of the table to be created. :param partition_key: The partition key for the table being created. :param sort_key: The sort key for the table being created. :param misc_key_attr: A miscellaneous key attribute for the table being created. :param non_key_attr: A non-key attribute for the table being created. :param table_provisioned_read_units: The newly created table's provisioned read capacity units. :param table_provisioned_write_units: The newly created table's provisioned write capacity units. :param table_warm_reads: The read units per second setting for the table's warm throughput. :param table_warm_writes: The write units per second setting for the table's warm throughput. :param gsi_name: The name of the Global Secondary Index (GSI) to be created on the table. :param gsi_provisioned_read_units: The configured Global Secondary Index (GSI) provisioned read capacity units. :param gsi_provisioned_write_units: The configured Global Secondary Index (GSI) provisioned write capacity units. :param gsi_warm_reads: The read units per second setting for the Global Secondary Index (GSI)'s warm throughput. :param gsi_warm_writes: The write units per second setting for the Global Secondary Index (GSI)'s warm throughput. :param region_name: The AWS Region name to target. defaults to us-east-1 """ try: ddb = resource('dynamodb', region_name) # Define the table attributes attribute_definitions = [ { "AttributeName": partition_key, "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": sort_key, "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": misc_key_attr, "AttributeType": "N" } ] # Define the table key schema key_schema = [ { "AttributeName": partition_key, "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": sort_key, "KeyType": "RANGE" } ] # Define the provisioned throughput for the table provisioned_throughput = { "ReadCapacityUnits": table_provisioned_read_units, "WriteCapacityUnits": table_provisioned_write_units } # Define the global secondary index gsi_key_schema = [ { "AttributeName": sort_key, "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": misc_key_attr, "KeyType": "RANGE" } ] gsi_projection = { "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE", "NonKeyAttributes": [non_key_attr] } gsi_provisioned_throughput = { "ReadCapacityUnits": gsi_provisioned_read_units, "WriteCapacityUnits": gsi_provisioned_write_units } gsi_warm_throughput = { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": gsi_warm_reads, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": gsi_warm_writes } global_secondary_indexes = [ { "IndexName": gsi_name, "KeySchema": gsi_key_schema, "Projection": gsi_projection, "ProvisionedThroughput": gsi_provisioned_throughput, "WarmThroughput": gsi_warm_throughput } ] # Define the warm throughput for the table warm_throughput = { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": table_warm_reads, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": table_warm_writes } # Create the DynamoDB client and create the table response = ddb.create_table( TableName=table_name, AttributeDefinitions=attribute_definitions, KeySchema=key_schema, ProvisionedThroughput=provisioned_throughput, GlobalSecondaryIndexes=global_secondary_indexes, WarmThroughput=warm_throughput ) print(response) except ClientError as e: print(f"Error creating table: {e}") raise e
import { DynamoDBClient, CreateTableCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; async function createDynamoDBTableWithWarmThroughput( tableName, partitionKey, sortKey, miscKeyAttr, nonKeyAttr, tableProvisionedReadUnits, tableProvisionedWriteUnits, tableWarmReads, tableWarmWrites, indexName, indexProvisionedReadUnits, indexProvisionedWriteUnits, indexWarmReads, indexWarmWrites, region = "us-east-1" ) { try { const ddbClient = new DynamoDBClient({ region: region }); const command = new CreateTableCommand({ TableName: tableName, AttributeDefinitions: [ { AttributeName: partitionKey, AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: sortKey, AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: miscKeyAttr, AttributeType: "N" }, ], KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: partitionKey, KeyType: "HASH" }, { AttributeName: sortKey, KeyType: "RANGE" }, ], ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: tableProvisionedReadUnits, WriteCapacityUnits: tableProvisionedWriteUnits, }, WarmThroughput: { ReadUnitsPerSecond: tableWarmReads, WriteUnitsPerSecond: tableWarmWrites, }, GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [ { IndexName: indexName, KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: sortKey, KeyType: "HASH" }, { AttributeName: miscKeyAttr, KeyType: "RANGE" }, ], Projection: { ProjectionType: "INCLUDE", NonKeyAttributes: [nonKeyAttr], }, ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: indexProvisionedReadUnits, WriteCapacityUnits: indexProvisionedWriteUnits, }, WarmThroughput: { ReadUnitsPerSecond: indexWarmReads, WriteUnitsPerSecond: indexWarmWrites, }, }, ], }); const response = await ddbClient.send(command); console.log(response); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error creating table: ${error}`); throw error; } }

En los siguientes ejemplos del SDK se muestra cómo crear una tabla de DynamoDB con valores de rendimiento en caliente personalizados.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; ... public static WarmThroughput buildWarmThroughput(final Long readUnitsPerSecond, final Long writeUnitsPerSecond) { return WarmThroughput.builder() .readUnitsPerSecond(readUnitsPerSecond) .writeUnitsPerSecond(writeUnitsPerSecond) .build(); } private static AttributeDefinition buildAttributeDefinition(final String attributeName, final ScalarAttributeType scalarAttributeType) { return AttributeDefinition.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .attributeType(scalarAttributeType) .build(); } private static KeySchemaElement buildKeySchemaElement(final String attributeName, final KeyType keyType) { return KeySchemaElement.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .keyType(keyType) .build(); } public static void createDynamoDBTable(DynamoDbClient ddb, String tableName, String partitionKey, String sortKey, String miscellaneousKeyAttribute, String nonKeyAttribute, Long tableReadCapacityUnits, Long tableWriteCapacityUnits, Long tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond, String globalSecondaryIndexName, Long globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond) { // Define the table attributes final AttributeDefinition partitionKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(partitionKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition sortKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(sortKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition = buildAttributeDefinition(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, ScalarAttributeType.N); final AttributeDefinition[] attributeDefinitions = {partitionKeyAttribute, sortKeyAttribute, miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition}; // Define the table key schema final KeySchemaElement partitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(partitionKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement sortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] keySchema = {partitionKeyElement, sortKeyElement}; // Define the provisioned throughput for the table final ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(tableReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(tableWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] gsiKeySchema = {globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement, globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement}; final Projection gsiProjection = Projection.builder() .projectionType(String.valueOf(ProjectionType.INCLUDE)) .nonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttribute) .build(); final ProvisionedThroughput gsiProvisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final WarmThroughput gsiWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final GlobalSecondaryIndex globalSecondaryIndex = GlobalSecondaryIndex.builder() .indexName(globalSecondaryIndexName) .keySchema(gsiKeySchema) .projection(gsiProjection) .provisionedThroughput(gsiProvisionedThroughput) .warmThroughput(gsiWarmThroughput) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the table final WarmThroughput tableWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final CreateTableRequest request = CreateTableRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions) .keySchema(keySchema) .provisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput) .globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndex) .warmThroughput(tableWarmThroughput) .build(); CreateTableResponse response = ddb.createTable(request); System.out.println(response); }
from boto3 import resource from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def create_dynamodb_table_warm_throughput(table_name, partition_key, sort_key, misc_key_attr, non_key_attr, table_provisioned_read_units, table_provisioned_write_units, table_warm_reads, table_warm_writes, gsi_name, gsi_provisioned_read_units, gsi_provisioned_write_units, gsi_warm_reads, gsi_warm_writes, region_name="us-east-1"): """ Creates a DynamoDB table with a warm throughput setting configured. :param table_name: The name of the table to be created. :param partition_key: The partition key for the table being created. :param sort_key: The sort key for the table being created. :param misc_key_attr: A miscellaneous key attribute for the table being created. :param non_key_attr: A non-key attribute for the table being created. :param table_provisioned_read_units: The newly created table's provisioned read capacity units. :param table_provisioned_write_units: The newly created table's provisioned write capacity units. :param table_warm_reads: The read units per second setting for the table's warm throughput. :param table_warm_writes: The write units per second setting for the table's warm throughput. :param gsi_name: The name of the Global Secondary Index (GSI) to be created on the table. :param gsi_provisioned_read_units: The configured Global Secondary Index (GSI) provisioned read capacity units. :param gsi_provisioned_write_units: The configured Global Secondary Index (GSI) provisioned write capacity units. :param gsi_warm_reads: The read units per second setting for the Global Secondary Index (GSI)'s warm throughput. :param gsi_warm_writes: The write units per second setting for the Global Secondary Index (GSI)'s warm throughput. :param region_name: The AWS Region name to target. defaults to us-east-1 """ try: ddb = resource('dynamodb', region_name) # Define the table attributes attribute_definitions = [ { "AttributeName": partition_key, "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": sort_key, "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": misc_key_attr, "AttributeType": "N" } ] # Define the table key schema key_schema = [ { "AttributeName": partition_key, "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": sort_key, "KeyType": "RANGE" } ] # Define the provisioned throughput for the table provisioned_throughput = { "ReadCapacityUnits": table_provisioned_read_units, "WriteCapacityUnits": table_provisioned_write_units } # Define the global secondary index gsi_key_schema = [ { "AttributeName": sort_key, "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": misc_key_attr, "KeyType": "RANGE" } ] gsi_projection = { "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE", "NonKeyAttributes": [non_key_attr] } gsi_provisioned_throughput = { "ReadCapacityUnits": gsi_provisioned_read_units, "WriteCapacityUnits": gsi_provisioned_write_units } gsi_warm_throughput = { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": gsi_warm_reads, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": gsi_warm_writes } global_secondary_indexes = [ { "IndexName": gsi_name, "KeySchema": gsi_key_schema, "Projection": gsi_projection, "ProvisionedThroughput": gsi_provisioned_throughput, "WarmThroughput": gsi_warm_throughput } ] # Define the warm throughput for the table warm_throughput = { "ReadUnitsPerSecond": table_warm_reads, "WriteUnitsPerSecond": table_warm_writes } # Create the DynamoDB client and create the table response = ddb.create_table( TableName=table_name, AttributeDefinitions=attribute_definitions, KeySchema=key_schema, ProvisionedThroughput=provisioned_throughput, GlobalSecondaryIndexes=global_secondary_indexes, WarmThroughput=warm_throughput ) print(response) except ClientError as e: print(f"Error creating table: {e}") raise e
import { DynamoDBClient, CreateTableCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; async function createDynamoDBTableWithWarmThroughput( tableName, partitionKey, sortKey, miscKeyAttr, nonKeyAttr, tableProvisionedReadUnits, tableProvisionedWriteUnits, tableWarmReads, tableWarmWrites, indexName, indexProvisionedReadUnits, indexProvisionedWriteUnits, indexWarmReads, indexWarmWrites, region = "us-east-1" ) { try { const ddbClient = new DynamoDBClient({ region: region }); const command = new CreateTableCommand({ TableName: tableName, AttributeDefinitions: [ { AttributeName: partitionKey, AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: sortKey, AttributeType: "S" }, { AttributeName: miscKeyAttr, AttributeType: "N" }, ], KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: partitionKey, KeyType: "HASH" }, { AttributeName: sortKey, KeyType: "RANGE" }, ], ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: tableProvisionedReadUnits, WriteCapacityUnits: tableProvisionedWriteUnits, }, WarmThroughput: { ReadUnitsPerSecond: tableWarmReads, WriteUnitsPerSecond: tableWarmWrites, }, GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [ { IndexName: indexName, KeySchema: [ { AttributeName: sortKey, KeyType: "HASH" }, { AttributeName: miscKeyAttr, KeyType: "RANGE" }, ], Projection: { ProjectionType: "INCLUDE", NonKeyAttributes: [nonKeyAttr], }, ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: indexProvisionedReadUnits, WriteCapacityUnits: indexProvisionedWriteUnits, }, WarmThroughput: { ReadUnitsPerSecond: indexWarmReads, WriteUnitsPerSecond: indexWarmWrites, }, }, ], }); const response = await ddbClient.send(command); console.log(response); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error creating table: ${error}`); throw error; } }
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; ... public static WarmThroughput buildWarmThroughput(final Long readUnitsPerSecond, final Long writeUnitsPerSecond) { return WarmThroughput.builder() .readUnitsPerSecond(readUnitsPerSecond) .writeUnitsPerSecond(writeUnitsPerSecond) .build(); } private static AttributeDefinition buildAttributeDefinition(final String attributeName, final ScalarAttributeType scalarAttributeType) { return AttributeDefinition.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .attributeType(scalarAttributeType) .build(); } private static KeySchemaElement buildKeySchemaElement(final String attributeName, final KeyType keyType) { return KeySchemaElement.builder() .attributeName(attributeName) .keyType(keyType) .build(); } public static void createDynamoDBTable(DynamoDbClient ddb, String tableName, String partitionKey, String sortKey, String miscellaneousKeyAttribute, String nonKeyAttribute, Long tableReadCapacityUnits, Long tableWriteCapacityUnits, Long tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond, String globalSecondaryIndexName, Long globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, Long globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond) { // Define the table attributes final AttributeDefinition partitionKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(partitionKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition sortKeyAttribute = buildAttributeDefinition(sortKey, ScalarAttributeType.S); final AttributeDefinition miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition = buildAttributeDefinition(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, ScalarAttributeType.N); final AttributeDefinition[] attributeDefinitions = {partitionKeyAttribute, sortKeyAttribute, miscellaneousKeyAttributeDefinition}; // Define the table key schema final KeySchemaElement partitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(partitionKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement sortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] keySchema = {partitionKeyElement, sortKeyElement}; // Define the provisioned throughput for the table final ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(tableReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(tableWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(sortKey, KeyType.HASH); final KeySchemaElement globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement = buildKeySchemaElement(miscellaneousKeyAttribute, KeyType.RANGE); final KeySchemaElement[] gsiKeySchema = {globalSecondaryIndexPartitionKeyElement, globalSecondaryIndexSortKeyElement}; final Projection gsiProjection = Projection.builder() .projectionType(String.valueOf(ProjectionType.INCLUDE)) .nonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttribute) .build(); final ProvisionedThroughput gsiProvisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput.builder() .readCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexReadCapacityUnits) .writeCapacityUnits(globalSecondaryIndexWriteCapacityUnits) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the Global Secondary Index (GSI) final WarmThroughput gsiWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(globalSecondaryIndexWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, globalSecondaryIndexWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final GlobalSecondaryIndex globalSecondaryIndex = GlobalSecondaryIndex.builder() .indexName(globalSecondaryIndexName) .keySchema(gsiKeySchema) .projection(gsiProjection) .provisionedThroughput(gsiProvisionedThroughput) .warmThroughput(gsiWarmThroughput) .build(); // Define the warm throughput for the table final WarmThroughput tableWarmThroughput = buildWarmThroughput(tableWarmReadUnitsPerSecond, tableWarmWriteUnitsPerSecond); final CreateTableRequest request = CreateTableRequest.builder() .tableName(tableName) .attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions) .keySchema(keySchema) .provisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput) .globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndex) .warmThroughput(tableWarmThroughput) .build(); CreateTableResponse response = ddb.createTable(request); System.out.println(response); }
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