Start and monitor command executions - AWS IoT Core

Start and monitor command executions

After you've created a command resource, you can start a command execution on the target device. Once the device starts executing the command, it can start updating the result of the command execution and publish status updates and result information to the MQTT reserved topics. You can then retrieve the status of the command execution and monitor the status of the executions in your account.

This section shows how you can start and monitor commands using both the AWS IoT console and the AWS CLI.

Start a command execution


You are solely responsible for deploying commands in a manner that is safe and compliant with applicable laws.

Before you start a command execution, you must make sure that:

  • You have created a command in the AWS IoT namespace and provided the payload information. When you start executing the command, the device will process the instructions in the payload and perform the actions specified. For information about creating commands, see Create a command resource.

  • Your device has subscribed to the MQTT reserved topics for commands. When you start the command execution, the payload information will be published to the following reserved MQTT request topic.

    In this case, <devices> can be either be IoT things or MQTT clients, and <DeviceID> is the thing name, or the client ID. The supported <PayloadFormat> are JSON and CBOR. For more information about commands topics, see Commands topics.


    If the <PayloadFormat> is not JSON and CBOR, then following shows the commands topic format.


When you want to run the command, you must specify the target device that will receive the command and perform the instructions specified. The target device can either be an AWS IoT thing, or the client ID if the device has not been registered in the AWS IoT registry. After receiving the command payload, the device can start executing the command and perform the specified actions.

AWS IoT thing

The target device for the command can be an AWS IoT thing that you have registered in the AWS IoT thing registry. Things in AWS IoT make it easier to search and manage your devices.

You can register your device as a thing when you connect your device to AWS IoT from the Connect device page or using the CreateThing API. You can find an existing thing for which you want to run the command from the Thing Hub page of the AWS IoT console or using the DescribeThing API. For information about how to register your device as an AWS IoT thing, see Managing things with the registry.

Client ID

If your device hasn't been registered as a thing with AWS IoT, you can use the client ID instead.

The client ID is a unique identifier that you assign to your device or client. The client ID is defined in the MQTT protocol, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, or dashes. It must be unique to each device that connects to AWS IoT.

  • If your device has been registered as a thing in the AWS IoT registry, the client ID can be the same as the thing name.

  • If your command execution targets a specific MQTT client ID, to receive the command payload from the client ID based commands topic, your device must connect to AWS IoT using the same client ID.

The client ID is typically the MQTT client ID that your devices can use when connecting to AWS IoT Core. This ID is used by AWS IoT to identify each specific device and manage connections and subscriptions.

The timeout indicates the duration in seconds within which your device can provide the result of the command execution.

After you create a command execution, a timer starts. If the device went offline or failed to report the execution result within the timeout duration, the command execution will time out, and the execution status will be reported as TIMED_OUT.

This field is optional and will default to 10 seconds if you don't specify any value. You can also configure the timeout to a maximum value of 12 hours.

Time out value and TIMED_OUT execution status

A time out can be reported by both the cloud and the device.

After the command is sent to the device, a timer starts. If there was no response received from the device within the specified time out duration, as described above. In this case, the cloud sets the command execution status as TIMED_OUT with reason code as $NO_RESPONSE_FROM_DEVICE.

This could happen in either of the following cases.

  • The device went offline while executing the command.

  • The device failed to complete running the command within the specified duration.

  • The device failed to report the updated status information within the timeout duration.

In this instance, when the execution status of TIMED_OUT is reported from the cloud, the command execution is non-terminal. Your device can publish a response that overrides the status to any of the terminal statuses, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or REJECTED. The command execution now becomes terminal and doesn't accept any further updates.

Your device can also update a TIMED_OUT status initiated by the cloud by reporting that a time out occurred when it was executing the command. In this case, the command execution status stays at TIMED_OUT but the statusReason object will be updated based on the information reported by the device. The command execution will now become terminal and no further updates will be accepted.

Using MQTT persistent sessions

You can configure MQTT persistent sessions to use with the AWS IoT Device Management commands feature. This feature is especially useful in cases such as when your device goes offline and you want to make sure that the device still receives the command when it comes back online before the timeout duration, and performs the instructions specified.

By default, the MQTT persistent session expiry is set to 60 minutes. If your command execution time out is configured to a value that exceeds this duration, command executions that run longer than 60 minutes can get rejected by the message broker and it can fail. To run commands that are longer than 60 minutes in duration, you can request an increase to the persistent session expiry time.


To ensure that you're using the MQTT persistent sessions feature correctly, make sure that the Clean Start flag is set to zero. For more information, see MQTT persistent sessions.

To start running the command from the console, go to the Command Hub page of the AWS IoT console and perform the following steps.

  1. To run the command that you've created, choose Run command.

  2. Review information about the command that you've created, the payload file and format type, and the reserved MQTT topics.

  3. Specify the target device for which you want to run the command. The device can be specified as an AWS IoT thing if it has been registered with AWS IoT, or using the client ID if your device has not been registered yet. For more information, see Target device considerations

  4. (Optional) Configure a time out value for the command that determines the duration for which you want the command to run before it times out. If your command needs to run longer than 60 minutes, you may have to increase the MQTT persistent sessions expiry time. For more information, see Command execution timeout considerations.

  5. Choose Run command.

Use the StartCommandExecution HTTP data plane API operation to start a command execution. The API request and response are correlated by the command execution ID. After the device completes executing the command, it can report the status and execution result to the cloud by publishing a message to the commands response topic. For a custom response code, application codes that you own can process the response message and post the result to AWS IoT.

If your devices have subscribed to the commands request topic, the StartCommandExecution API will publish the payload message to the topic. The payload can use any format of your choice. For more information, see Command payload.


If the payload format is not JSON or CBOR, then following shows the format of the commands request topic.


Sample IAM policy

Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the StartCommandExecution action.

In this example, replace:

  • region with your AWS Region, such as ap-south-1.

  • account-id with your AWS account number, such as 123456789012.

  • command-id with a unique identifier for your AWS IoT command, such as LockDoor. If you want to send more than one command, you can specify these commands in the IAM policy.

  • devices with either thing or client depending on whether your devices have been registered as AWS IoT things, or are specified as MQTT clients.

  • device-id with your AWS IoT thing-name or client-id.

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iot:StartCommandExecution" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:command/command-id", "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:devices/device-id" ] }

Obtain account-specific data plane endpoint

Before you run the API command, you must obtain the account-specific endpoint URL for the iot:Jobs endpoint. For example, if you run this command:

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Jobs

It will return the account-specfic endpoint URL as shown in the sample response below.

{ "endpointAddress": "<account-specific-prefix>.jobs.iot.<region>" }

Start a command execution example (AWS CLI)

The following example shows you how to start executing a command using the start-command-execution AWS CLI command.

In this example, replace:

  • <command-arn> with the ARN for the command that you want to execute. You can obtain this information from the response of the create-command CLI command. For example, if you're executing the command for changing the steering wheel mode, use arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:command/SetComfortSteeringMode.

  • <target-arn> with the Thing ARN for the target device, which can be an IoT thing or MQTT client, for which you want to execute the command. For example, if you're executing the command for the target device myRegisteredThing, use arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/myRegisteredThing.

  • <endpoint-url> with the account-specific endpoint that you obtained in Obtain account-specific data plane endpoint, prefixed by https://. For example,

  • (Optional) You can also specify an additional parameter, executionTimeoutSeconds, when performing the StartCommandExecution API operation. This optional field specifies the time in seconds within which the device must complete executing the command. By default, the value is 10 seconds. When the command execution status is CREATED, a timer starts. If the command execution result is not received before the timer expires, then the status automatically changes to TIMED_OUT.

aws iot-jobs-data start-command-execution \ --command-arn <command-arn> \ --target-arn <target-arn> \ --endpoint <endpoint-url> \ --executionTimeoutSeconds 900

Running this command returns a command execution ID. You can use this ID to query the command execution status, details, and command execution history.


If the command has been deprecated, then the StartCommandExecution API request will fail with a validation exception. To fix this error, first restore the command using the UpdateCommand API, and then perform the StartCommandExecution request.

{ "executionId": "07e4b780-7eca-4ffd-b772-b76358da5542" }

Update the result of a command execution

Use the UpdateCommandExecution MQTT data plane API operation to update the status or result of a command execution.


Before you use this API:

  • Your device must have established an MQTT connection and subscribed to the commands request and response topics. For more information, see High level commands workflow.

  • You must have already executed this command using the StartCommandExecution API operation.

Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy authorizes your device to perform these actions. Following shows an example policy that authorizes your device to perform the action. For additional sample IAM policies that allow the user permission to perform the UpdateCommandExecution action, see Connect and publish policy examples.

In this example, replace:

  • Region with your AWS Region, such as ap-south-1.

  • AccountID with your AWS account number, such as 123456789012.

  • ThingName with the name of your AWS IoT thing for which you are targeting the command execution, such as myRegisteredThing.

  • commands-request-topic and commands-response-topic with the names of your AWS IoT commands request and response topics. For more information, see High level commands workflow.

Sample IAM policy for MQTT client ID

The following code shows a sample device policy when using MQTT client ID.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Publish", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response/json" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Receive", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/request", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response/accepted", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response/rejected", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/request/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response/accepted/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/*/response/rejected/json" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Subscribe", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/request", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/response/accepted", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/response/rejected", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/request/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/response/accepted/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/clients/${iot:ClientId}/executions/+/response/rejected/json" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Connect", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:client/${iot:ClientId}" } ] }

Sample IAM policy for IoT thing

The following code shows a sample device policy when using an AWS IoT thing.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Publish", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/response" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Receive", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/request", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/response/accepted", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/response/rejected", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/request/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/response/accepted/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topic/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/*/response/rejected/json" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Subscribe", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/request", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/response/accepted", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/response/rejected", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/request/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/response/accepted/json", "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:topicfilter/$aws/commands/things/${iot:Connection.Thing.ThingName}/executions/+/response/rejected/json" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:Connect", "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:client/${iot:ClientId}" } ] }

After the command execution is received at the request topic, the device processes the command. It then uses the UpdateCommandExecution API to update the status and result of the command execution to the following response topic.


In this example, <DeviceID> is the unique identifier of your target device, and <execution-id> is the identifier of the command execution on the target device. The <PayloadFormat> can be JSON or CBOR.


If you haven't registered your device with AWS IoT, you can use the client ID as your identifier instead of a thing name.


Device reported updates to execution status

Your devices can use the API to report any of the following status updates to the command execution. For more information about these statuses, see Command execution status.

  • IN_PROGRESS: When the device starts executing the command, it can update the status to IN_PROGRESS.

  • SUCCEEDED: When the device successfully processes the command and completes executing it, the device can publish a message to the response topic as SUCCEEDED.

  • FAILED: If the device failed to execute the command, it can publish a message to the response topic as FAILED.

  • REJECTED: If the device failed to accept the command, it can publish a message to the response topic as REJECTED.

  • TIMED_OUT: The command execution status can change to TIMED_OUT due to any of the following reasons.

    • The result of the command execution wasn't received. This can happen because the execution wasn't completed within the specified duration, or if the device failed to publish the status information to the response topic.

    • The device reports that a time out occurred when attempting to execute the command.

For more information about the TIMED_OUT status, see Time out value and TIMED_OUT execution status.

Considerations when using the UpdateCommandExecution API

The following are some important considerations when using the UpdateCommandExecution API.

  • Your devices can use an optional statusReason object, which can be used to provide additional information about the execution. If your devices provide this object, then the reasonCode field of the object is required, but the reasonDescription field is optional.

  • When your devices use the statusReason object, the reasonCode must use the pattern [A-Z0-9_-]+, and it does not exceed 64 characters in length. If you provide the reasonDescription, make sure that it doesn't exceed 1,024 characters in length. It can use any characters except control characters such as new lines.

  • Your devices can use an optional result object to provide information about the result of the command execution, such as the return value of a remote function call. If you provide the result, it must require at least one entry.

  • In the result field, you specify the entries as key-value pairs. For each entry, you must specify the data type information as a string, boolean, or binary. A string data type must use the key s, a boolean data type uses the key b, and a binary data type must use the key bin. You must make sure that these data types are mentioned as lowercase.

  • If you encounter an error when running the UpdateCommandExecution API, you can view the error in the AWSIoTLogsV2 log group in Amazon CloudWatch. For information about enabling logging and viewing the logs, see Configure AWS IoT logging.

UpdateCommandExecution API example

The following code shows an example of how your device can use the UpdateCommandExecution API to report the execution status, the statusReason field to provide additional information about the status, and the result field to provide information about the result of the execution, such as the car battery percentage in this case.

{ "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "statusReason": { "reasonCode": "200", "reasonDescription": "Execution_in_progress" }, "result": { "car_battery": { "s": "car battery at 50 percent" } } }

Retrieve a command execution

After you run a command, you can retrieve information about the command execution from the AWS IoT console and using the AWS CLI. You can obtain the following information.


To retrieve the latest command execution status, your device must publish the status information to the response topic using the UpdateCommandExecution MQTT API, as described below. Until the device publishes to this topic, the GetCommandExecution API will report the status as CREATED or TIMED_OUT.

Each command execution that you create will have:

  • An Execution ID, which is a unique identifier of the command execution.

  • The Status of the command execution. When you run the command on the target device, the command execution enters a CREATED state. It can then transition to other command execution statuses as described below.

  • The Result of the command execution.

  • The unique Command ID and the target device for which executions have been created.

  • The Start date, which shows the time when the command execution was created.

You can retrieve a command execution from the console using either of the following methods.

  • From the Command hub page

    Go to the Command Hub page of the AWS IoT console and perform these steps.

    1. Choose the command for which you created an execution on the target device.

    2. In the command details page, on the Command history tab, you'll see the executions that you created. Choose the execution for which you want to retrive information.

    3. If your devices used the UpdateCommandExecution API to provide the result information, you can then find this information in the Results tab of this page.

  • From the Thing hub page

    If you chose an AWS IoT thing as your target device when running the command, you can view the execution details from the Thing hub page.

    1. Go to the Thing Hub page in the AWS IoT console and choose the thing for which you created the command execution.

    2. In the thing details page, on the Command history, you'll see the executions that you created. Choose the execution for which you want to retrive information.

    3. If your devices used the UpdateCommandExecution API to provide the result information, you can then find this information in the Results tab of this page.

Use the GetCommandExecution AWS IoT Core control plane HTTP API operation to retrieve information about a command execution. You must have already executed this command using the StartCommandExecution API operation.

Sample IAM policy

Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the GetCommandExecution action.

In this example, replace:

  • region with your AWS Region, such as ap-south-1.

  • account-id with your AWS account number, such as 123456789012.

  • command-id with your unique AWS IoT command identifier, such as LockDoor.

  • devices with either thing or client depending on whether your devices have been registered as AWS IoT things, or are specified as MQTT clients.

  • device-id with your AWS IoT thing-name or client-id.

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iot:GetCommandExecution" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:command/command-id", "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:devices/device-id" ] }

Retrieve a command execution example

The following example shows you how to retrieve information about a command that was executed using the start-command-execution AWS CLI command. The following example shows how you can retrieve information about a command that was executed to turn off the steering wheel mode.

In this example, replace:

  • <execution-id> with the identifier for the command execution for which you want to retrieve information.

  • <target-arn> with the Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the device for which you're targeting the execution. You can obtain this information from the response of the start-command-execution CLI command.

  • Optionally, if your devices used the UpdateCommandExection API to provide the execution result, you can specify whether to include the command execution result in the response of the GetCommandExecution API using the GetCommandExecution API.

aws iot get-command-execution --execution-id <execution-id> \ --target-arn <target-arn> \ --include-result

Running this command generates a response that contains information about the ARN of the command execution, the execution status, and the time when it started executing, and when it completed. It also provides a statusReason object that contains additional information about the status. For more information about the different statuses and status reason, see Command execution status.

The following code shows a sample response from the API request.


The completedAt field in the execution response corresponds to the time when the device reports a terminal status to the cloud. In the case of TIMED_OUT status, this field will be set only when the device reports a time out. When the TIMED_OUT status is set by the cloud, the TIMED_OUT status is not updated. For more information about the time out behavior, see Command execution timeout considerations.

{ "executionId": "07e4b780-7eca-4ffd-b772-b76358da5542", "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:123456789012:command/LockDoor", "targetArn": "arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:123456789012:thing/myRegisteredThing", "status": "SUCCEEDED", "statusReason": { "reasonCode": "DEVICE_SUCCESSFULLY_EXECUTED", "reasonDescription": "SUCCESS" }, "result": { "sn": { "s": "ABC-001" }, "digital": { "b": true } }, "createdAt": "2024-03-23T00:50:10.095000-07:00", "completedAt": "2024-03-23T00:50:10.095000-07:00" }

Viewing commands updates using the MQTT test client

You can use the MQTT test client to view the message exchange over MQTT when using the commands feature. After your device has established an MQTT connection with AWS IoT, you can create a command, specify the payload, and then run it on the device. When you run the command, if your device has subscribed to the MQTT reserved request topic for commands, it will see the payload message published to this topic.

The device then receives the payload instructions and performs the specified operations on the IoT device. It then uses the UpdateCommandExecution API to publish the command execution result and status information to the MQTT reserved response topics for commands. AWS IoT Device Management listens to updates on the reponse Topics and stores the updated information and publishes logs to AWS CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch. You can then retrieve the latest command execution information from the console or using the GetCommandExecution API.

The following steps show how to use the MQTT test client to observe messages.

  1. Open the MQTT test client in the AWS IoT console.

  2. On the Subscribe tab, enter the following topic and then choose Subscribe, where <thingId> is the thing name of the device that you have registered with AWS IoT.


    You can find the thing name for your device from the Thing Hub page of the AWS IoT console, or if haven't registered your device as a thing, you can register the device when connecting to AWS IoT from the Connect device page.

  3. (Optional) On the Subscribe tab, you can also enter the following topics and choose Subscribe.

    $aws/commands/things/+/executions/+/response/accepted/json $aws/commands/things/+/executions/+/response/rejected/json
  4. When you start a command execution, the message payload will be sent to the device using the request topic that the device has subscribed to, $aws/commands/things/<thingId>/executions/+/request. In the MQTT test client, you should see the command payload that contains the instructions for the device to process the command.

  5. After the device starts executing the command, it can publish status updates to the following MQTT reserved response topic for commands.


    For example, consider a command that you executed to turn on the AC of your car to reduce the temperature to a desired value. The following JSON shows a sample message that the vehicle published to the response topic which shows that it failed to execute the command.

    { "deviceId": "My_Car", "executionId": "07e4b780-7eca-4ffd-b772-b76358da5542", "status": "FAILED", "statusReason": { "reasonCode": "CAR_LOW_ON_BATTERY", "reasonDescription": "Car battery is lower than 5 percent" } }

    In this case, you can charge your car's battery and then run the command again.

List command executions in your AWS account

After you run a command, you can retrieve information about the command execution from the AWS IoT console and using the AWS CLI. You can obtain the following information.

  • An Execution ID, which is a unique identifier of the command execution.

  • The Status of the command execution. When you run the command on the target device, the command execution enters a CREATED state. It can then transition to other command execution statuses as described below.

  • The unique Command ID and the target device for which executions have been created.

  • The Start date, which shows the time when the command execution was created.

You can see all the command executions from the console using either of the following methods.

  • From the Command hub page

    Go to the Command Hub page of the AWS IoT console and perform these steps.

    1. Choose the command for which you created an execution on the target device.

    2. In the command details page, go to the Command history tab, and you'll see a list of executions that you created.

  • From the Thing hub page

    If you chose an AWS IoT thing as your target device when running the command, and created multiple command executions for a single device, you can view the executions for the device from the Thing hub page.

    1. Go to the Thing Hub page in the AWS IoT console and choose the thing for which you created the executions.

    2. In the thing details page, on the Command history, you'll see a list of executions that you created for the device.

Use the ListCommandExecutions AWS IoT Core control plane HTTP API operation to list all command executions in your account.

Sample IAM policy

Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy authorizes you to perform this action on the device. The following example shows an IAM policy that allows the user permission to perform the ListCommandExecutions action.

In this example, replace:

  • region with your AWS Region, such as ap-south-1.

  • account-id with your AWS account number, such as 123456789012.

  • command-id with your unique AWS IoT command identifier, such as LockDoor.

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:ListCommandExecutions", "Resource": * }

List command executions example

The following example shows you how to list command executions in your AWS account.

When running the command, you must specify whether to filter the list to display only command executions that were created for a particular device using the targetArn, or executions for a particular command specified using the commandArn.

In this example, replace:

  • <target-arn> with the Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the device for which you're targeting the execution, such as arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/b8e4157c98f332cffb37627f.

  • <target-arn> with the Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the device for which you're targeting the execution, such as arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/b8e4157c98f332cffb37627f.

  • <after> with the time after which you want to list the executions that were created, for example, 2024-11-01T03:00.

aws iot list-command-executions \ --target-arn <target-arn> \ --started-time-filter '{after=<after>}' \ --sort-order "ASCENDING"

Running this command generates a response that contains a list of command executions that you created, and the time when the executions started executing, and when it completed. It also provides status information, and the statusReason object that contains additional information about the status.

{ "commandExecutions": [ { "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:command/TestMe002", "executionId": "b2b654ca-1a71-427f-9669-e74ae9d92d24", "targetArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/b8e4157c98f332cffb37627f", "status": "TIMED_OUT", "createdAt": "2024-11-24T14:39:25.791000-08:00", "startedAt": "2024-11-24T14:39:25.791000-08:00" }, { "commandArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:command/TestMe002", "executionId": "34bf015f-ef0f-4453-acd0-9cca2d42a48f", "targetArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/b8e4157c98f332cffb37627f", "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "createdAt": "2024-11-24T14:05:36.021000-08:00", "startedAt": "2024-11-24T14:05:36.021000-08:00" } ] }

For more information about the different statuses and status reason, see Command execution status.

Delete a command execution

If you no longer want to use a command execution, you can remove it permanently from your account.

  • A command execution can be deleted only if it has entered a terminal status, such as SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or REJECTED.

  • This operation can be performed only using the AWS IoT Core API or the AWS CLI. It is not available from the console.

Before you use this API operation, make sure that your IAM policy authorizes your device to perform these actions. Following shows an example policy that authorizes your device to perform the action.

In this example, replace:

  • Region with your AWS Region, such as ap-south-1.

  • AccountID with your AWS account number, such as 123456789012.

  • CommandID with the identifier of the command for which you want to delete the execution.

  • devices with either thing or client depending on whether your devices have been registered as AWS IoT things, or are specified as MQTT clients.

  • device-id with your AWS IoT thing-name or client-id.

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iot:DeleteCommandExecution" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:command/command-id", "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:devices/device-id" ] }

The following example shows you how to delete a command using the delete-command AWS CLI command. Depending on your application, replace <execution-id> with the identifier for the command execution that you're deleting, and the <target-arn> with the ARN of your target device.

aws iot delete-command-execution \ --execution-id <execution-id> \ --target-arn <target-arn>

If the API request is successful, then the command execution generates a status code of 200. You can use the GetCommandExecution API to verify that the command execution no longer exists in your account.