This topic provides details of how to use certificate policy variables. X.509 certificate policy variables are essential when you create AWS IoT Core policies that give permissions based on X.509 certificate attributes. If your X.509 certificate doesn't include a particular certificate attribute but the corresponding certificate policy variable is used in your policy document, the policy evaluation might lead to unexpected behavior. This is because the missing policy variable doesn't get evaluated in the policy statement.
In this topic:
Using certificate issuer attributes as certificate policy variables
Using certificate subject attributes as certificate policy variables
Using certificate Issuer alternate name attributes as certificate policy variables
Using certificate subject alternate name attributes as certificate policy variables
Using other certificate attribute as a certificate policy variable
X.509 certificate example
A typical X.509 certificate might appear as follows. This example
certificate includes certificate attributes. During the evaluation of
AWS IoT Core policies, the following certificate attributes will be
populated as certificate policy variables: Serial Number
, Subject
, X509v3 Issuer
Alternative Name
, and X509v3 Subject Alternative
Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 92:12:85:cb:b7:a5:e0:86 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=IoT Devices, OU=SmartHome, ST=WA, CN=IoT Devices Primary CA, GN=Primary CA1/initials=XY/dnQualifier=Example corp, SN=SmartHome/ title=CA1/pseudonym=Primary_CA/generationQualifier=2/serialNumber=987 Validity Not Before: Mar 26 03:25:40 2024 GMT Not After : Apr 28 03:25:40 2025 GMT Subject: C=US, O=IoT Devices, OU=LightBulb, ST=NY, CN=LightBulb Device Cert, GN=Bulb/initials=ZZ/dnQualifier=Bulb001, SN=Multi Color/title=RGB/pseudonym=RGB Device/generationQualifier=4/serialNumber=123 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: << REDACTED >> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:, IP Address:, URI:ResourceIdentifier001,, DirName:/C=US/O=IoT/OU=SmartHome/CN=LightBulbCert X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name:, IP Address:, URI:PrimarySignerCA,, DirName:/C=US/O=Issuer/OU=IoT Devices/CN=Primary Issuer CA Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption << REDACTED >>
Using certificate issuer
attributes as certificate policy variables
The following table provides details of how certificate issuer attributes will be populated in an AWS IoT Core policy.
Certificate issuer attributes | Certificate policy variables |
Using certificate subject
attributes as certificate policy variables
The following table provides details of how certificate subject attributes will be populated in an AWS IoT Core policy.
Certificate subject attributes | Certificate policy variables |
certificate Issuer alternate name attributes as certificate policy
The following table provides details of how certificate issuer alternate name attributes will be populated in an AWS IoT Core policy.
X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name | Attribute in a policy |
certificate subject alternate name attributes as certificate policy
The following table provides details of how certificate subject alternate name attributes will be populated in an AWS IoT Core policy.
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name | Attribute in a policy |
Using other certificate
attribute as a certificate policy variable
The following table provides details of how other certificate attributes will be populated in an AWS IoT Core policy.
Other certificate attribute | Certificate policy variable |
X.509 Certificate policy variable
The following limitations apply to X.509 certificate policy variables:
- Missing policy variables
If your X.509 certificate doesn't include a particular certificate attribute but the corresponding certificate policy variable is used in your policy document, the policy evaluation might lead to unexpected behavior. This is because the missing policy variable doesn't get evaluated in the policy statement.
- Certificate SerialNumber format
AWS IoT Core treats the certificate serial number as the string representation of a decimal integer. For example, if a policy only allows connections with Client ID matching the certificate serial number, the client ID must be the serial number in decimal format.
- Wildcards
If wildcard characters are present in certificate attributes, the policy variable is not replaced by the certificate attribute value. This will leave the
text in the policy document. This might cause authorization failure. The following wildcard characters can be used:*
, and#
. - Array fields
Certificate attributes that contain arrays are limited to five items. Additional items are ignored.
- String length
All string values are limited to 1024 characters. If a certificate attribute contains a string longer than 1024 characters, the policy variable is not replaced by the certificate attribute value. This will leave the
in the policy document. This might cause authorization failure. - Special Characters
Any special character, such as
must be prefixed with a backslash (\
) when used in a policy variable. For example,Amazon Web Services Inc. L=Seattle ST=Washington C=US
becomesAmazon Web Service O\ Inc. L\=Seattle ST\=Washington C\=US
Example policies using
certificate policy variables
The following policy document allows connections with client ID that
matches the certificate serial number and publishing to the topic that
matches the pattern:
If your X.509 certificate doesn't include a particular certificate
attribute but the corresponding certificate policy variable is used
in your policy document, the policy evaluation might lead to
unexpected behavior. This is because the missing policy variable
doesn't get evaluated in the policy statement. For example, if you
attach the following policy document to a certificate that doesn't
contain the iot:Certificate.Subject.Organization
attribute, the iot:Certificate.Subject.Organization
certificate policy variables won't be populated during the policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
You can also use the Null condition operator to ensure that the certificate policy
variables used in a policy are populated during policy evaluation. The
following policy document allows iot:Connect
with certificates
only when the Certificate Serial Number and Certificate Subject Common name
attributes are present.
All of the certificate policy variables have String values, so all of the String condition operators are supported.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"Null": {
"iot:Certificate.SerialNumber": "false",
"iot:Certificate.Subject.CommonName": "false"