AWS Identity and Access Management Construct Library
Security and Safety Dev Guide
For a detailed guide on CDK security and safety please see the CDK Security And Safety Dev Guide
The guide will cover topics like:
What permissions to extend to CDK deployments
How to control the permissions of CDK deployments via IAM identities and policies
How to use CDK to configure the IAM identities and policies of deployed applications
Using Permissions Boundaries with CDK
Define a role and add permissions to it. This will automatically create and attach an IAM policy to the role:
role = Role(self, "MyRole",
Define a policy and attach it to groups, users and roles. Note that it is possible to attach
the policy either by calling xxx.attachInlinePolicy(policy)
or policy.attachToXxx(xxx)
user = User(self, "MyUser", password=SecretValue.plain_text("1234"))
group = Group(self, "MyGroup")
policy = Policy(self, "MyPolicy")
Managed policies can be attached using xxx.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(policyName))
group = Group(self, "MyGroup")
Granting permissions to resources
Many of the AWS CDK resources have grant*
methods that allow you to grant other resources access to that resource. As an example, the following code gives a Lambda function write permissions (Put, Update, Delete) to a DynamoDB table.
# fn: lambda.Function
# table: dynamodb.Table
The more generic grant
method allows you to give specific permissions to a resource:
# fn: lambda.Function
# table: dynamodb.Table
table.grant(fn, "dynamodb:PutItem")
The grant*
methods accept an IGrantable
object. This interface is implemented by IAM principal resources (groups, users and roles), policies, managed policies and resources that assume a role such as a Lambda function, EC2 instance or a Codebuild project.
You can find which grant*
methods exist for a resource in the AWS CDK API Reference.
Many AWS resources require Roles to operate. These Roles define the AWS API calls an instance or other AWS service is allowed to make.
Creating Roles and populating them with the right permissions Statements is a necessary but tedious part of setting up AWS infrastructure. In order to help you focus on your business logic, CDK will take care of creating roles and populating them with least-privilege permissions automatically.
All constructs that require Roles will create one for you if don’t specify
one at construction time. Permissions will be added to that role
automatically if you associate the construct with other constructs from the
AWS Construct Library (for example, if you tell an AWS CodePipeline to trigger
an AWS Lambda Function, the Pipeline’s Role will automatically get
permissions on that particular Lambda Function),
or if you explicitly grant permissions using grant
functions (see the
previous section).
Opting out of automatic permissions management
You may prefer to manage a Role’s permissions yourself instead of having the CDK automatically manage them for you. This may happen in one of the following cases:
You don’t like the permissions that CDK automatically generates and want to substitute your own set.
The least-permissions policy that the CDK generates is becoming too big for IAM to store, and you need to add some wildcards to keep the policy size down.
To prevent constructs from updating your Role’s policy, pass the object
returned by myRole.withoutPolicyUpdates()
instead of myRole
For example, to have an AWS CodePipeline not automatically add the required permissions to trigger the expected targets, do the following:
role = iam.Role(self, "Role",
# custom description if desired
description="This is a custom role..."
codepipeline.Pipeline(self, "Pipeline",
# Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role
# You now have to manage the Role policies yourself
Using existing roles
If there are Roles in your account that have already been created which you
would like to use in your CDK application, you can use Role.fromRoleArn
import them, as follows:
role = iam.Role.from_role_arn(self, "Role", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole",
# Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new
# policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be
# modified as part of the deployment.
Customizing role creation
It is best practice to allow CDK to manage IAM roles and permissions. You can prevent CDK from
creating roles by using the customizeRoles
method for special cases. One such case is using CDK in
an environment where role creation is not allowed or needs to be managed through a process outside
of the CDK application.
An example of how to opt in to this behavior is below:
# stack: Stack
CDK will not create any IAM roles or policies with the stack
scope. cdk synth
will fail and
it will generate a policy report to the cloud assembly (i.e. cdk.out). The iam-policy-report.txt
report will contain a list of IAM roles and associated permissions that would have been created.
This report can be used to create the roles with the appropriate permissions outside of
the CDK application.
Once the missing roles have been created, their names can be added to the usePrecreatedRoles
property, like shown below:
# app: App
stack = Stack(app, "MyStack")
"MyStack/MyRole": "my-precreated-role-name"
iam.Role(self, "MyRole",
If any IAM policies reference deploy time values (i.e. ARN of a resource that hasn’t been created yet) you will have to modify the generated report to be more generic. For example, given the following CDK code:
# app: App
stack = Stack(app, "MyStack")
fn = lambda_.Function(self, "MyLambda",
bucket = s3.Bucket(self, "Bucket")
The following report will be generated.
<missing role> (MyStack/MyLambda/ServiceRole)
AssumeRole Policy:
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
Managed Policy ARNs:
Managed Policies Statements:
Identity Policy Statements:
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
You would then need to create the role with the inline & managed policies in the report and then
come back and update the customizeRoles
with the role name.
# app: App
stack = Stack(app, "MyStack")
"MyStack/MyLambda/ServiceRole": "my-role-name"
For more information on configuring permissions see the Security And Safety Dev Guide
Policy report generation
When customizeRoles
is used, the iam-policy-report.txt
report will contain a list
of IAM roles and associated permissions that would have been created. This report is
generated in an attempt to resolve and replace any references with a more user-friendly
The following are some examples of the value that will appear in the report:
"Resource": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "AWS::Partition"
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
The policy report will instead get:
"Resource": "arn:(PARTITION):iam::(ACCOUNT):role/Role"
If IAM policy is referencing a resource attribute:
"Resource": [
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"Ref": "AWS::NoValue",
The policy report will instead get:
"Resource": [
The following pseudo parameters will be converted:
{ 'Ref': 'AWS::AccountId' }
-> `(ACCOUNT){ 'Ref': 'AWS::Partition' }
-> `(PARTITION){ 'Ref': 'AWS::Region' }
-> `(REGION){ 'Ref': 'AWS::NoValue' }
Generating a permissions report
It is also possible to generate the report without preventing the role/policy creation.
# stack: Stack
Configuring an ExternalId
If you need to create Roles that will be assumed by third parties, it is generally a good idea to require an ExternalId
to assume them. Configuring
an ExternalId
works like this:
role = iam.Role(self, "MyRole",
SourceArn and SourceAccount
If you need to create resource policies using aws:SourceArn
and aws:SourceAccount
for cross-service resource access,
use addSourceArnCondition
and addSourceAccountCondition
to create the conditions.
See Cross-service confused deputy prevention for more details.
Principals vs Identities
When we say Principal, we mean an entity you grant permissions to. This
entity can be an AWS Service, a Role, or something more abstract such as “all
users in this account” or even “all users in this organization”. An
Identity is an IAM representing a single IAM entity that can have
a policy attached, one of Role
, User
, or Group
IAM Principals
When defining policy statements as part of an AssumeRole policy or as part of a
resource policy, statements would usually refer to a specific IAM principal
under Principal
IAM principals are modeled as classes that derive from the iam.PolicyPrincipal
abstract class. Principal objects include principal type (string) and value
(array of string), optional set of conditions and the action that this principal
requires when it is used in an assume role policy document.
To add a principal to a policy statement you can either use the abstract
, one of the concrete addXxxPrincipal
ornew ArnPrincipal(arn)
for{ "AWS": arn }
ornew AccountPrincipal(accountId)
for{ "AWS": account-arn }
ornew ServicePrincipal(service)
for{ "Service": service }
ornew AccountRootPrincipal()
for{ "AWS": { "Ref: "AWS::AccountId" } }
ornew CanonicalUserPrincipal(id)
for{ "CanonicalUser": id }
ornew FederatedPrincipal(federated, conditions, assumeAction)
for{ "Federated": arn }
and a set of optional conditions and the assume role action to use.addAnyPrincipal
ornew AnyPrincipal
for{ "AWS": "*" }
If multiple principals are added to the policy statement, they will be merged together:
statement = iam.PolicyStatement()
Will result in:
"Principal": {
"Service": [ "", "" ],
"AWS": "arn:aws:boom:boom"
The CompositePrincipal
class can also be used to define complex principals, for example:
role = iam.Role(self, "MyRole",
The PrincipalWithConditions
class can be used to add conditions to a
principal, especially those that don’t take a conditions
parameter in their
constructor. The principal.withConditions()
method can be used to create a
from an existing principal, for example:
principal = iam.AccountPrincipal("123456789000").with_conditions({"StringEquals": {"foo": "baz"}})
NOTE: If you need to define an IAM condition that uses a token (such as a deploy-time attribute of another resource) in a JSON map key, use
to render this condition. See this test for an example.
The WebIdentityPrincipal
class can be used as a principal for web identities like
Cognito, Amazon, Google or Facebook, for example:
principal = iam.WebIdentityPrincipal("", {
"StringEquals": {"": "us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456"},
"ForAnyValue:StringLike": {"": "unauthenticated"}
If your identity provider is configured to assume a Role with session
tags, you
need to call .withSessionTags()
to add the required permissions to the Role’s
policy document:
iam.Role(self, "Role",
assumed_by=iam.WebIdentityPrincipal("", {
"StringEquals": {
"": "us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456"
"ForAnyValue:StringLike": {
"": "unauthenticated"
Granting a principal permission to assume a role
A principal can be granted permission to assume a role using grantAssumeRole
Note that this does not apply to service principals or account principals as they must be added to the role trust policy via assumeRolePolicy
user = iam.User(self, "user")
role = iam.Role(self, "role",
Granting service and account principals permission to assume a role
Service principals and account principals can be granted permission to assume a role using assumeRolePolicy
which modifies the role trust policy.
role = iam.Role(self, "role",
Fixing the synthesized service principle for services that do not follow the IAM Pattern
In some cases, certain AWS services may not use the standard <service>
pattern for their service principals. For these services, you can define the ServicePrincipal as following where the provided service principle name will be used as is without any changing.
sp = iam.ServicePrincipal.from_static_service_principle_name("")
This principle can use as normal in defining any role, for example:
emr_service_role = iam.Role(self, "EMRServiceRole",
Parsing JSON Policy Documents
The PolicyDocument.fromJson
and PolicyStatement.fromJson
static methods can be used to parse JSON objects. For example:
policy_document = {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Sid": "FirstStatement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["iam:ChangePassword"],
"Resource": ["*"]
}, {
"Sid": "SecondStatement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:ListAllMyBuckets"],
"Resource": ["*"]
}, {
"Sid": "ThirdStatement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:List*", "s3:Get*"
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data", "arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*"
"Condition": {"Bool": {"aws:_multi_factor_auth_present": "true"}}
custom_policy_document = iam.PolicyDocument.from_json(policy_document)
# You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy
# or inline Policy.
new_managed_policy = iam.ManagedPolicy(self, "MyNewManagedPolicy",
new_policy = iam.Policy(self, "MyNewPolicy",
Permissions Boundaries
can be used as a mechanism to prevent privilege escalation by creating new
s. Permissions Boundaries are a Managed Policy, attached to Roles or
Users, that represent the maximum set of permissions they can have. The
effective set of permissions of a Role (or User) will be the intersection of
the Identity Policy and the Permissions Boundary attached to the Role (or
User). Permissions Boundaries are typically created by account
Administrators, and their use on newly created Role
s will be enforced by
IAM policies.
Bootstrap Permissions Boundary
If a permissions boundary has been enforced as part of CDK bootstrap, all IAM
Roles and Users that are created as part of the CDK application must be created
with the permissions boundary attached. The most common scenario will be to
apply the enforced permissions boundary to the entire CDK app. This can be done
either by adding the value to cdk.json
or directly in the App
For example if your organization has created and is enforcing a permissions
boundary with the name
"context": {
"@aws-cdk/core:permissionsBoundary": {
"name": "cdk-${Qualifier}-PermissionsBoundary"
"name": "cdk-${Qualifier}-PermissionsBoundary"
Another scenario might be if your organization enforces different permissions boundaries for different environments. For example your CDK application may have
that deploys to a personal dev environment where you have elevated privilegesBetaStage
that deploys to a beta environment which and has a relaxed permissions boundaryGammaStage
that deploys to a gamma environment which has the prod permissions boundaryProdStage
that deploys to the prod environment and has the prod permissions boundary
# app: App
Stage(app, "DevStage")
Stage(app, "BetaStage",
Stage(app, "GammaStage",
Stage(app, "ProdStage",
The provided name can include placeholders for the partition, region, qualifier, and account These placeholders will be replaced with the actual values if available. This requires that the Stack has the environment specified, it does not work with environment.
# app: App
prod_stage = Stage(app, "ProdStage",
Stack(prod_stage, "ProdStack",
For more information on configuring permissions see the Security And Safety Dev Guide
Custom Permissions Boundary
It is possible to attach Permissions Boundaries to all Roles created in a construct tree all at once:
# Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create
# role: iam.Role
# Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you
# fn: lambda.Function
# Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level
# custom_resource: CustomResource
# This imports an existing policy.
boundary = iam.ManagedPolicy.from_managed_policy_arn(self, "Boundary", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary")
# This creates a new boundary
boundary2 = iam.ManagedPolicy(self, "Boundary2",
# Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack
OpenID Connect Providers
OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce. You use an IAM OIDC identity provider when you want to establish trust between an OIDC-compatible IdP and your AWS account. This is useful when creating a mobile app or web application that requires access to AWS resources, but you don’t want to create custom sign-in code or manage your own user identities. For more information about this scenario, see About Web Identity Federation and the relevant documentation in the Amazon Cognito Identity Pools Developer Guide.
The following examples defines an OpenID Connect provider. Two client IDs (audiences) are will be able to send authentication requests to https://openid/connect.
provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, "MyProvider",
client_ids=["myclient1", "myclient2"]
You can specify an optional list of thumbprints
. If not specified, the
thumbprint of the root certificate authority (CA) will automatically be obtained
from the host as described
Byy default, the custom resource enforces strict security practices by rejecting
any unauthorized connections when downloading CA thumbprints from the issuer URL.
If you need to connect to an unauthorized OIDC identity provider and understand the
implications, you can disable this behavior by setting the feature flag
to false
in your cdk.context.json
or cdk.json
. Visit CDK Feature Flag
for more information on how to configure feature flags.
Once you define an OpenID connect provider, you can use it with AWS services that expect an IAM OIDC provider. For example, when you define an Amazon Cognito identity pool you can reference the provider’s ARN as follows:
import aws_cdk.aws_cognito as cognito
# my_provider: iam.OpenIdConnectProvider
cognito.CfnIdentityPool(self, "IdentityPool",
# And the other properties for your identity pool
The OpenIdConnectPrincipal
class can be used as a principal used with a OpenIdConnectProvider
, for example:
provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, "MyProvider",
client_ids=["myclient1", "myclient2"]
principal = iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider)
SAML provider
An IAM SAML 2.0 identity provider is an entity in IAM that describes an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0) standard. You use an IAM identity provider when you want to establish trust between a SAML-compatible IdP such as Shibboleth or Active Directory Federation Services and AWS, so that users in your organization can access AWS resources. IAM SAML identity providers are used as principals in an IAM trust policy.
iam.SamlProvider(self, "Provider",
The SamlPrincipal
class can be used as a principal with a SamlProvider
provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, "Provider",
principal = iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {
"StringEquals": {
"SAML:iss": "issuer"
When creating a role for programmatic and AWS Management Console access, use the SamlConsolePrincipal
provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, "Provider",
iam.Role(self, "Role",
IAM manages users for your AWS account. To create a new user:
user = iam.User(self, "MyUser")
To import an existing user by name with path:
user = iam.User.from_user_name(self, "MyImportedUserByName", "johnsmith")
To import an existing user by ARN:
user = iam.User.from_user_arn(self, "MyImportedUserByArn", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith")
To import an existing user by attributes:
user = iam.User.from_user_attributes(self, "MyImportedUserByAttributes",
Access Keys
The ability for a user to make API calls via the CLI or an SDK is enabled by the user having an access key pair. To create an access key:
user = iam.User(self, "MyUser")
access_key = iam.AccessKey(self, "MyAccessKey", user=user)
You can force CloudFormation to rotate the access key by providing a monotonically increasing serial
property. Simply provide a higher serial value than any number used previously:
user = iam.User(self, "MyUser")
access_key = iam.AccessKey(self, "MyAccessKey", user=user, serial=1)
An access key may only be associated with a single user and cannot be “moved” between users. Changing the user associated with an access key replaces the access key (and its ID and secret value).
An IAM user group is a collection of IAM users. User groups let you specify permissions for multiple users.
group = iam.Group(self, "MyGroup")
To import an existing group by ARN:
group = iam.Group.from_group_arn(self, "MyImportedGroupByArn", "arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name")
To import an existing group by name with path:
group = iam.Group.from_group_name(self, "MyImportedGroupByName", "group-name")
To add a user to a group (both for a new and imported user/group):
user = iam.User(self, "MyUser") # or User.fromUserName(this, 'User', 'johnsmith');
group = iam.Group(self, "MyGroup") # or Group.fromGroupArn(this, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');
# or
Instance Profiles
An IAM instance profile is a container for an IAM role that you can use to pass role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts. By default, an instance profile must be created with a role:
role = iam.Role(self, "Role",
instance_profile = iam.InstanceProfile(self, "InstanceProfile",
An instance profile can also optionally be created with an instance profile name and/or a path to the instance profile:
role = iam.Role(self, "Role",
instance_profile = iam.InstanceProfile(self, "InstanceProfile",
To import an existing instance profile by name:
instance_profile = iam.InstanceProfile.from_instance_profile_name(self, "ImportedInstanceProfile", "MyInstanceProfile")
To import an existing instance profile by ARN:
instance_profile = iam.InstanceProfile.from_instance_profile_arn(self, "ImportedInstanceProfile", "arn:aws:iam::account-id:instance-profile/MyInstanceProfile")
To import an existing instance profile with an associated role:
role = iam.Role(self, "Role",
instance_profile = iam.InstanceProfile.from_instance_profile_attributes(self, "ImportedInstanceProfile",
Policy name uniqueness is enforced. If two policies by the same name are attached to the same principal, the attachment will fail.
Policy names are not required - the CDK logical ID will be used and ensured to be unique.
Policies are validated during synthesis to ensure that they have actions, and that policies attached to IAM principals specify relevant resources, while policies attached to resources specify which IAM principals they apply to.