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[AG.ACG.8] Conduct regular scans to identify and remove unused resources - DevOps Guidance
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[AG.ACG.8] Conduct regular scans to identify and remove unused resources


Over time, unused resources can often be a byproduct of experimentation and more frequent deployments, including dormant servers, unused deployment resources, idle containers, redundant environments, and unused serverless functions. These resources can pile up to create a less than ideal operating environment if not managed effectively, leading to inefficiencies, inflated costs, system unreliability, and heightened security risks.

Perform automated scans scoped to all deployed resources in your environment and pinpoint unused or outdated resources. This can be accomplished by using health check endpoints, reviewing logs, using metadata elements such as tags, or checking billing dashboards for utilization.

Verify the status and compatibility of software running on these resources, especially if they have been disconnected or powered off for extended periods of time. These checks are especially useful for preventing zombie servers, which have the potential to be rebooted after long periods of disconnection and might be running outdated or incompatible software.

Based on the verification results and the organization's policies, take action to remediate these resources, such as updating the software, decommissioning the resources, or integrating them back into the environment. Frequently performing these scans can prevent potential service disruptions, maintain up-to-date software across all resources, and ensure the overall integrity of the DevOps environment.

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