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[O.CM.3] Conduct post-incident analysis for continuous improvement - DevOps Guidance
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[O.CM.3] Conduct post-incident analysis for continuous improvement


Drive the continuous improvement of analysis and response mechanisms by holding post-incident retrospectives. The post-incident retrospectives allow teams to identify gaps and areas for improvement by analyzing the actions that were taken during an incident. These retrospectives should not be used to place blame or point fingers at individuals. Instead, they provide the time for teams to optimize their response process for future incidents and helps ensure that they are continuously learning and improving their incident response capabilities. This approach leads to more efficient and effective resolution of incidents over time.

All relevant stakeholders involved with the incident and the system should attend the retrospective. At a minimum, this should include the leaders and individual contributors who support the system, the customer advocates, those who were impacted by the issue internally, as well as those involved with the resolution of the issue. The post-incident retrospective findings should be anonymized, as to not place blame onto any individuals, and should be well documented and shared with the broader organization so that others may learn as well.

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