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[QA.ST.6] Validate third-party components using software composition analysis - DevOps Guidance
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[QA.ST.6] Validate third-party components using software composition analysis


The use of open-source software and third-party components accelerates the software development process, but it also introduces new security and compliance risks. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is used to assess these risks and verify that external dependencies being used do not have known vulnerabilities. SCA works by scanning software component inventories, such as software bill of materials software bill of materials (SBOM) and dependency manifest files.

When selecting a SCA tool, focus on tools that provide the most comprehensive vulnerability database, pulling from sources such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). The tool will need to integrate with your existing toolsets, frameworks, and pipelines, as well as provide both detection and remediation guidance for vulnerabilities. These feedback mechanisms enable teams to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities, maintaining the software's integrity without impacting development velocity.

Integrate SCA into the continuous integration pipeline to automatically scan changes for vulnerabilities. Use SCA to scan existing repositories periodically to verify that existing codebases maintain the same security standards as newer developments. Centrally storing SBOMs also offers unique advantages for assessing vulnerabilities at scale. While scanning repositories and pipelines can capture vulnerabilities in active projects, centralized SBOMs act as a consistent, versioned record of all software components used across various projects and versions. It provides a holistic view of all dependencies across different projects, making it easier to manage and mitigate risks at an organizational level. Instead of scanning every repository individually, centralized scanning of SBOMs offers a consolidated method to assessing and remediating vulnerabilities.

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