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[AG.DLM.7] Ensure data safety with automated backup processes - DevOps Guidance
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[AG.DLM.7] Ensure data safety with automated backup processes


Data loss can be catastrophic for any organization. Automated backup mechanisms help to ensure that your data is not only routinely backed up, but also that these backups are maintained and readily available when needed.  As data is constantly being created and modified, these processes minimize the risk for data loss and reduce the manual, error-prone manual approach of backing up data.

Define a backup policy that outlines the types of data to be backed up, the frequency of backups, and the duration for which backups should be retained. This policy should also cover data restoration processes and timelines. Create backup policies that best fit the classification of the data to avoid backing up unnecessary data.

Choose backup tools that support automation and can be integrated into your DevOps pipelines and environments. These tools should have capabilities to schedule backups, maintain and prune older backups, and ensure the integrity of the backed-up data. For instance, during the development lifecycle, trigger backups before altering environments with business-critical data and in the case of rollbacks ensure that the data was not impacted.

Regularly test the data restoration process to ensure that the backed-up data can be effectively restored when required. Regular audits and reviews of the backup policy and the effectiveness of the backup process can help identify any gaps or potential improvements. Alerts and reports should be configured to provide visibility into the backup process and notify teams about any issues.

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