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[QA.ST.8] Improve security testing accuracy using interactive application security testing - DevOps Guidance
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[QA.ST.8] Improve security testing accuracy using interactive application security testing

Category: OPTIONAL

Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) offers an inside-out approach to application security testing by combining strengths of both Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). While SAST examines source code to identify vulnerabilities and DAST inspects a running system, IAST uses embedded agents which has access to application code, system memory, stack traces, and requests and responses to monitor system behavior during runtime.

Unlike other automated security testing methods that can produce false alarms, IAST's real-time observability from within the application provides a contextual understanding that reduces false positive rates. When vulnerabilities are detected, IAST provides deeper insight into how the system is impacted, providing proof that the vulnerabilities flagged are genuine and actionable.

Include IAST agents to the system during the build process to actively monitor the system in the testing environments. These agents provide additional observability to the system that is used to validate vulnerabilities. After the application is deployed to production, these agents should be turned off or set to a passive mode to avoid any performance overhead. IAST is optional for DevOps adoption, as many organizations find sufficient coverage with SAST and DAST.

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