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[OA.AWE.4] Provide adaptable workspaces for effective on-site collaboration - DevOps Guidance
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[OA.AWE.4] Provide adaptable workspaces for effective on-site collaboration


Having a flexible and reconfigurable workspace environment promotes DevOps adoption by allowing for customizable collaboration and communication methods that fit individual and team needs. When teams work in the office or use a hybrid approach that requires meeting in person, they require tools and equipment to support their unique ways of working. If your team is fully remote and does not ever meet in person in a designated office, this capability might not apply to your organization.

Evaluate the current workspace layout and identify areas that can be reconfigured to better support in-person collaboration. Arrange the seating of teams and team members working on the same products or closely collaborating teams to be in close proximity to each other. This arrangement improves communication, collaboration, and problem resolution among team members. Provide on-site collaboration tools, such as meeting rooms, physical and virtual whiteboards, projectors, and conferencing equipment.

Keep the workplace area clean, organized, and accessible for all employees. Gather feedback from teams to assess the effectiveness of the workspace environments, and make necessary improvements to be sure that they meet the needs of the teams.

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