Amazon Q Business uses the configured third-party OpenAPI specifications to dynamically determine which API operations to perform in order to fulfill an end user requests. To configure a custom plugin you must define at least 1 API operation and a maximum of 20 API operations that can be invoked. To define the API operations, create an OpenAPI schema in JSON or YAML format. You can create OpenAPI schema files and upload them to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Alternatively, you can use the OpenAPI text editor in the console, which will validate your schema.
This section will first cover the required definitions for the OpenAPI schema. The
next section will cover best practices and examples for configuring OpenAPI schema
definitions to maximize the accuracy of your Amazon Q Business custom
plugins. For more details about OpenAPI schemas, see OpenAPI specification
OpenAPI Schema definitions for
custom plugins
The following is the general format of an OpenAPI schema for a custom plugin.
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"servers": [
"url": ""
"paths": {
": {
": {
"description": "string
"operationId": "string
"parameters": [ ... ],
"requestBody": { ... },
"responses": { ... }
"components": {
"securitySchemes": {}
The following list describes fields in the OpenAPI schema
– (Required) The version of OpenAPI that's being used. This value must be"3.0.0"
or higher for custom plugins. -
– (Required) The identifier for application connectivity from API clients. This is required for the custom plugin call to succeed. -
– (Required) Contains relative paths to individual endpoints. Each path must begin with a forward slash (/
). Amazon Q Business supports only one configured endpoint per custom plugin. -
– (Required) Defines the method to use. -
– (Optional) Defines the OAuth security parameters.
Minimally, each method requires the following fields:
– A description of the API operation. Use this field to let the custom plugin know when to call this API operation and what the operation does. -
– Contains properties that the custom plugin returns in the API response. The custom plugin uses the response properties to construct prompts, accurately process the results of an API call, and determine a correct set of steps for performing an action.
The fields within the following two objects provide more information for your
custom plugin to effectively select API operations that are needed to fulfill an end
user request. For each field, set the value of the required
field to
if required and to false
if optional.
– Contains information about parameters that can be included in the request. -
– Contains the fields in the request body for the operation. Don't include this field forGET
For details on configuring the fields review the following sections:
OpenAPI Schema responses
The following is a sample response.
"responses": {
"200": {
"content": {
"<media type>
": {
"schema": {
"properties": {
": {
"type": "string
"description": "string
Each key in the responses
object is a response code, which
describes the status of the response. The response code maps to an object that
contains the following information for the response:
– (Required for each response) The content of the response. -
<media type>
– The format of the response body. At this time, onlyapplication/json
is supported by custom plugins. For more information, see Media typeson the Swagger website. -
– (Required for each media type) Defines the data type of the response body and its fields. -
– (Required if there areitems
in the schema) Your custom plugins uses properties that you define in the schema to determine the information it needs to return to the end user in order to fulfill a task. Each property contains the following fields:-
– (Required for each property) The data type of the response field. -
– (Optional) Describes the property. The custom plugin can use this information to determine the information that it needs to return to the end user.
OpenAPI Schema parameters
The following are examples of parameters.
"parameters": [
"name": "string", // e.g. "userName"
"description": "string",
"required": boolean,
"x-amzn-form-display-name": "string" // e.g. "User Name"
"schema": {
"name": "string", // e.g. "employeeId"
"description": "string",
"required": boolean,
"x-amzn-form-hide": boolean //e.g. true
"schema": {
Your custom plugin uses the following fields to determine the information it must get from the end user to perform the plugin's requirements.
– (Required) The name of the parameter. -
– (Required) A description of the parameter. Use this field to help the plugin to understand how to elicit this parameter from the user or determine that it already has that parameter value from prior actions or from the user’s request to the custom plugin. -
– (Optional) Whether the parameter is required for the API request. Use this field to indicate to the custom plugin whether this parameter is needed for every invocation or if it's optional. -
– (Optional) The definition of input and output data types. For more information, see Data Models (Schemas)on the Swagger website. -
Extension support – (Optional) For a write API operation, an Amazon Q Business custom plugin may dynamically create a confirmation form that is presented to end users. This form allows users to confirm and/or correct parameters Amazon Q populated based on the end user’s request or past actions. The following extensions can be used to modify how that form is created:
– (Optional) This can be used at parameter level to override the default name visible in the form. -
– (Optional) This can be used to hide a parameter from being displayed in the user facing form.
Schemas containing composition keywords (
, oranyOf
) are not supported. -
Schemas containing array types are not supported. For example, schemas such as
{"type": "array", "items": {"string"}}
are not supported.
OpenAPI Schema request body
The following is the general structure of a requestBody
"requestBody": {
"required": boolean,
"content": {
"<media type>
": {
"schema": {
"properties": {
": {
"type": "string
"description": "string
The following list describes each field:
– (Optional) Whether the request body is required for the API request. -
– (Required) The content of the request body. -
<media type>
– (Optional) The format of the request body. At this time, onlyapplication/json
is supported by custom plugins. For more information, see Media typeson the Swagger website. -
– (Optional) Defines the data type of the request body and its fields. -
– (Optional) Your custom plugin uses properties that you define in the schema to determine the information it must get from the end user to make the API request. Each property contains the following fields:-
– (Optional) The data type of the request field. -
– (Optional) Describes the property. The custom plugin can use this information to determine the information it needs to return to the end user.
Schemas containing composition keywords (
, oranyOf
) are not supported. -
Schemas containing array types are not supported. For example, schemas such as
{"type": "array", "items": {"string"}}
are not supported.
OpenAPI Schema security schemes
Following is the general structure of a securityScheme
""securitySchemes": {
"OAuth2": {
"type": "oauth2",
"flows": {
"authorizationCode": {
"authorizationUrl": "",
"tokenUrl": "",
"scopes": {
"read": "Read access to resources",
"write": "Write access to resources"
If your API requires OAuth authorization, the OpenAPI schema needs to include security schemes. We support the following authorization code flow of OAuth:
– Must beouath2
. -
– Must containauthorizationCode
. -
– The URL to which the user will be sent to begin the authorization process. -
– (Optional) The URL that the custom plugin will use to exchange the authorization code for an access token. -
– Defines the permissions that the custom plugin will request.
Successful authorization using OAuth also requires an OAuth client ID, client secret, and a redirect url. These will need to be provided as secrets when creating the custom plugin.