This section refers to API version 2011-12-05,
which is deprecated and should not be used for new
For documentation on the current low-level API, see the Amazon DynamoDB API Reference.
This operation enables you to put or delete several items across multiple tables in a single call.
To upload one item, you can use PutItem
, and to delete one item, you can use
. However, when you want to upload or delete large amounts of data,
such as uploading large amounts of data from Amazon EMR (Amazon EMR) or migrating
data from another database in to DynamoDB, BatchWriteItem
offers an efficient
If you use languages such as Java, you can use threads to upload items in parallel.
This adds complexity in your application to handle the threads. Other languages don't
support threading. For example, if you are using PHP, you must upload or delete items
one at a time. In both situations, BatchWriteItem
provides an
alternative where the specified put and delete operations are processed in parallel,
giving you the power of the thread pool approach without having to introduce complexity
in your application.
Note that each individual put and delete specified in a BatchWriteItem
operation costs the same in terms of consumed capacity units. However, because BatchWriteItem
the specified operations in parallel, you get lower latency. Delete operations on
non-existent items consume 1 write capacity unit. For more information about consumed
capacity units, see Working with tables and data in DynamoDB.
When using BatchWriteItem
, note the following limitations:
Maximum operations in a single request—You can specify a total of up to 25 put or delete operations; however, the total request size cannot exceed 1 MB (the HTTP payload).
You can use the
operation only to put and delete items. You cannot use it to update existing items. -
Not an atomic operation—Individual operations specified in a
are atomic; howeverBatchWriteItem
as a whole is a "best-effort" operation and not an atomic operation. That is, in aBatchWriteItem
request, some operations might succeed and others might fail. The failed operations are returned in anUnprocessedItems
field in the response. Some of these failures might be because you exceeded the provisioned throughput configured for the table or a transient failure such as a network error. You can investigate and optionally resend the requests. Typically, you callBatchWriteItem
in a loop and in each iteration check for unprocessed items, and submit a newBatchWriteItem
request with those unprocessed items. -
Does not return any items—The
is designed for uploading large amounts of data efficiently. It does not provide some of the sophistication offered byPutItem
. For example,DeleteItem
supports theReturnValues
field in your request body to request the deleted item in the response. TheBatchWriteItem
operation does not return any items in the response. -
does not allow you to specify conditions on individual write requests in the operation. -
Attribute values must not be null; string and binary type attributes must have lengths greater than zero; and set type attributes must not be empty. Requests that have empty values will be rejected with a
DynamoDB rejects the entire batch write operation if any one of the following is true:
If one or more tables specified in the
request does not exist. -
If primary key attributes specified on an item in the request does not match the corresponding table's primary key schema.
If you try to perform multiple operations on the same item in the same
request. For example, you cannot put and delete the same item in the sameBatchWriteItem
request. -
If the total request size exceeds the 1 MB request size (the HTTP payload) limit.
If any individual item in a batch exceeds the 64 KB item size limit.
// This header is abbreviated. For a sample of a complete header, see DynamoDB low-level API. POST / HTTP/1.1 x-amz-target: DynamoDB_20111205.BatchGetItem content-type: application/x-amz-json-1.0 { "RequestItems" : RequestItems } RequestItems { "
" : [ Request, Request, ... ], "TableName2
" : [ Request, Request, ... ], ... } Request ::= PutRequest | DeleteRequest PutRequest ::= { "PutRequest" : { "Item" : { "Attribute-Name1
" : Attribute-Value, "Attribute-Name2
" : Attribute-Value, ... } } } DeleteRequest ::= { "DeleteRequest" : { "Key" : PrimaryKey-Value } } PrimaryKey-Value ::= HashTypePK | HashAndRangeTypePK HashTypePK ::= { "HashKeyElement" : Attribute-Value } HashAndRangeTypePK { "HashKeyElement" : Attribute-Value, "RangeKeyElement" : Attribute-Value, } Attribute-Value ::= String | Numeric| Binary | StringSet | NumericSet | BinarySet Numeric ::= { "N": "Number
" } String ::= { "S": "String
" } Binary ::= { "B": "Base64 encoded binary data
" } StringSet ::= { "SS": [ "String1
", "String2
", ... ] } NumberSet ::= { "NS": [ "Number1
", "Number2
", ... ] } BinarySet ::= { "BS": [ "Binary1
", "Binary2
", ... ] }
In the request body, the RequestItems
JSON object describes the
operations that you want to perform. The operations are grouped by tables. You can
use BatchWriteItem
to update or delete several items across
multiple tables. For each specific write request, you must identify the type of
request (PutItem
, DeleteItem
) followed by detail
information about the operation.
For a
, you provide the item, that is, a list of attributes and their values. -
For a
, you provide the primary key name and value.
The following is the syntax of the JSON body returned in the response.
{ "Responses" : ConsumedCapacityUnitsByTable "UnprocessedItems" : RequestItems } ConsumedCapacityUnitsByTable { "
" : { "ConsumedCapacityUnits", :NumericValue
}, "TableName2
" : { "ConsumedCapacityUnits", :NumericValue
}, ... } RequestItems This syntax is identical to the one described in the JSON syntax in the request.
Special errors
No errors specific to this operation.
The following example shows an HTTP POST request and the response of a
operation. The request specifies the following
operations on the Reply and the Thread tables:
Put an item and delete an item from the Reply table
Put an item into the Thread table
For examples using the AWS SDK, see Working with items and attributes in DynamoDB.
Sample request
// This header is abbreviated. For a sample of a complete header, see DynamoDB low-level API. POST / HTTP/1.1 x-amz-target: DynamoDB_20111205.BatchGetItem content-type: application/x-amz-json-1.0 { "RequestItems":{ "Reply":[ { "PutRequest":{ "Item":{ "ReplyDateTime":{ "S":"2012-04-03T11:04:47.034Z" }, "Id":{ "S":"DynamoDB#DynamoDB Thread 5" } } } }, { "DeleteRequest":{ "Key":{ "HashKeyElement":{ "S":"DynamoDB#DynamoDB Thread 4" }, "RangeKeyElement":{ "S":"oops - accidental row" } } } } ], "Thread":[ { "PutRequest":{ "Item":{ "ForumName":{ "S":"DynamoDB" }, "Subject":{ "S":"DynamoDB Thread 5" } } } } ] } }
Sample response
The following example response shows a put operation on both the Thread and Reply tables succeeded and a delete operation on the Reply table failed (for reasons such as throttling that is caused when you exceed the provisioned throughput on the table). Note the following in the JSON response:
object shows one capacity unit was consumed on both theThread
tables as a result of the successful put operation on each of these tables. -
object shows the unsuccessful delete operation on theReply
table. You can then issue a newBatchWriteItem
call to address these unprocessed requests.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
Content-Length: 536
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 18:22:09 GMT
"S":"DynamoDB#DynamoDB Thread 4"
"S":"oops - accidental row"