In this step, you will copy data from the Hive table (hive_features
to a new table in DynamoDB.
Open the DynamoDB console at
. -
Choose Create Table.
On the Create DynamoDB table page, do the following:
In Table, type
. -
For Primary key, in the Partition key field, type
. Set the data type to Number.Clear Use Default Settings. For Provisioned Capacity, type the following:
Read Capacity Units—
Write Capacity Units—
Choose Create.
At the Hive prompt, enter the following HiveQL statement:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ddb_features (feature_id BIGINT, feature_name STRING, feature_class STRING, state_alpha STRING, prim_lat_dec DOUBLE, prim_long_dec DOUBLE, elev_in_ft BIGINT) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES( "" = "Features", "dynamodb.column.mapping"="feature_id:Id,feature_name:Name,feature_class:Class,state_alpha:State,prim_lat_dec:Latitude,prim_long_dec:Longitude,elev_in_ft:Elevation" );
You have now established a mapping between Hive and the Features table in DynamoDB.
Enter the following HiveQL statement to import data to DynamoDB:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ddb_features SELECT feature_id, feature_name, feature_class, state_alpha, prim_lat_dec, prim_long_dec, elev_in_ft FROM hive_features;
Hive will submit a MapReduce job, which will be processed by your Amazon EMR cluster. It will take several minutes to complete the job.
Verify that the data has been loaded into DynamoDB:
In the DynamoDB console navigation pane, choose Tables.
Choose the Features table, and then choose the Items tab to view the data.
Next step
Step 6: Query the data in the DynamoDB table