Using DynamoDB as a data store for an online shop - Amazon DynamoDB

Using DynamoDB as a data store for an online shop

This use case talks about using DynamoDB as a data store for an online shop (or e-store).

Use case

An online store lets users browse through different products and eventually purchase them. Based on the generated invoice, a customer can pay using a discount code or gift card and then pay the remaining amount with a credit card. Purchased products will be picked from one of several warehouses and will be shipped to the provided address. Typical access patterns for an online store include:

  • Get customer for a given customerId

  • Get product for a given productId

  • Get warehouse for a given warehouseId

  • Get a product inventory for all warehouses by a productId

  • Get order for a given orderId

  • Get all products for a given orderId

  • Get invoice for a given orderId

  • Get all shipments for a given orderId

  • Get all orders for a given productId for a given date range

  • Get invoice for a given invoiceId

  • Get all payments for a given invoiceId

  • Get shipment details for a given shipmentId

  • Get all shipments for a given warehouseId

  • Get inventory of all products for a given warehouseId

  • Get all invoices for a given customerId for a given date range

  • Get all products ordered by a given customerId for a given date range

Entity relationship diagram

This is the entity relationship diagram (ERD) we'll be using to model DynamoDB as a data store for an online shop.

ERD for an online store's data model with entities, such as Product, Order, Payment, and Customer.

Access patterns

These are the access patterns we'll be considering when using DynamoDB as a data store for an online shop.

  1. getCustomerByCustomerId

  2. getProductByProductId

  3. getWarehouseByWarehouseId

  4. getProductInventoryByProductId

  5. getOrderDetailsByOrderId

  6. getProductByOrderId

  7. getInvoiceByOrderId

  8. getShipmentByOrderId

  9. getOrderByProductIdForDateRange

  10. getInvoiceByInvoiceId

  11. getPaymentByInvoiceId

  12. getShipmentDetailsByShipmentId

  13. getShipmentByWarehouseId

  14. getProductInventoryByWarehouseId

  15. getInvoiceByCustomerIdForDateRange

  16. getProductsByCustomerIdForDateRange

Schema design evolution

Using NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB , import AnOnlineShop_1.json to create a new data model called AnOnlineShop and a new table called OnlineShop. Note that we use the generic names PK and SK for the partition key and sort key. This is a practice used in order to store different types of entities in the same table.

Step 1: Address access pattern 1 (getCustomerByCustomerId)

Import AnOnlineShop_2.json to handle access pattern 1 (getCustomerByCustomerId). Some entities do not have relationships to other entities, so we will use the same value of PK and SK for them. In the example data, note that the keys use a prefix c# in order to distinguish the customerId from other entities that will be added later. This practice is repeated for other entities as well.

To address this access pattern, a GetItem operation can be used with PK=customerId and SK=customerId.

Step 2: Address access pattern 2 (getProductByProductId)

Import AnOnlineShop_3.json to address access pattern 2 (getProductByProductId) for the product entity. The product entities are prefixed by p# and the same sort key attribute has been used to store customerID as well as productID. Generic naming and vertical partitioning allows us to create such item collections for an effective single table design.

To address this access pattern, a GetItem operation can be used with PK=productId and SK=productId.

Step 3: Address access pattern 3 (getWarehouseByWarehouseId)

Import AnOnlineShop_4.json to address access pattern 3 (getWarehouseByWarehouseId) for the warehouse entity. We currently have the customer, product, and warehouse entities added to the same table. They are distinguished using prefixes and the EntityType attribute. A type attribute (or prefix naming) improves the model’s readability. The readability would be affected if we simply stored alphanumeric IDs for different entities in the same attribute. It would be difficult to tell one entity from the other in the absence of these identifiers.

To address this access pattern, a GetItem operation can be used with PK=warehouseId and SK=warehouseId.

Base table:

DynamoDB table design with prefixes and EntityType to get warehouse data by its ID.

Step 4: Address access pattern 4 (getProductInventoryByProductId)

Import AnOnlineShop_5.json to address access pattern 4 (getProductInventoryByProductId). warehouseItem entity is used to keep track of the number of products in each warehouse. This item would normally be updated when a product is added or removed from a warehouse. As seen in the ERD, there is a many-to-many relationship between product and warehouse. Here, the one-to-many relationship from product to warehouse is modeled as warehouseItem. Later on, the one-to-many relationship from warehouse to product will be modeled as well.

Access pattern 4 can be addressed with a query on PK=ProductId and SK begins_with “w#“.

For more information about begins_with() and other expressions that can be applied to sort keys, see Key Condition Expressions.

Base table:

Table design to query ProductID and warehouseId for tracking product inventory in a given warehouse.

Step 5: Address access patterns 5 (getOrderDetailsByOrderId) and 6 (getProductByOrderId)

Add some more customer, product, and warehouse items to the table by importing AnOnlineShop_6.json. Then, import AnOnlineShop_7.json to build an item collection for order that can address access patterns 5 (getOrderDetailsByOrderId) and 6 (getProductByOrderId). You can see the one-to-many relationship between order and product modeled as orderItem entities.

To address access pattern 5 (getOrderDetailsByOrderId), query the table with PK=orderId. This will provide all information about the order including customerId and ordered products.

Base table:

Table design to query using orderId for getting information about all ordered products.

To address access pattern 6 (getProductByOrderId), we need to read products in an order only. Query the table with PK=orderId and SK begins_with “p#” to accomplish this.

Base table:

Table design to query using orderId and productId for getting products in an order.

Step 6: Address access pattern 7 (getInvoiceByOrderId)

Import AnOnlineShop_8.json to add an invoice entity to the order item collection to handle access pattern 7 (getInvoiceByOrderId). To address this access pattern, you can use a query operation with PK=orderId and SK begins_with “i#”.

Base table:

Table design with invoice entity in the order item collection to get an invoice by orderId.

Step 7: Address access pattern 8 (getShipmentByOrderId)

Import AnOnlineShop_9.json to add shipment entities to the order item collection to address access pattern 8 (getShipmentByOrderId). We are extending the same vertically partitioned model by adding more types of entities in the single table design. Notice how the order item collection contains the different relationships that an order entity has with the shipment, orderItem, and invoice entities.

To get shipments by orderId, you can perform a query operation with PK=orderId and SK begins_with “sh#”.

Base table:

Table design with shipment entity added to the order item collection to get shipments by order ID.

Step 8: Address access pattern 9 (getOrderByProductIdForDateRange)

We created an order item collection in the previous step. This access pattern has new lookup dimensions (ProductID and Date) which requires you to scan the whole table and filter out relevant records to fetch targeted items. In order to address this access pattern, we'll need to create a global secondary index (GSI). Import AnOnlineShop_10.json to create a new item collection using the GSI that makes it possible to retrieve orderItem data from several order item collections. The data now has GSI1-PK and GSI1-SK which will be GSI1’s partition key and sort key, respectively.

DynamoDB automatically populates items which contain a GSI’s key attributes from the table to the GSI. There is no need to manually do any additional inserts into the GSI.

To address access pattern 9, perform a query on GSI1 with GSI1-PK=productId and GSI1SK between (date1, date2).

Base table:

Table design with a GSI to get order data from several order item collections.


GSI design with ProductID and Date as partition and sort keys to get orders by product ID and date.

Step 9: Address access patterns 10 (getInvoiceByInvoiceId) and 11 (getPaymentByInvoiceId)

Import AnOnlineShop_11.json to address access patterns 10 (getInvoiceByInvoiceId) and 11 (getPaymentByInvoiceId), both of which are related to invoice. Even though these are two different access patterns, they are realized using the same key condition. Payments are defined as an attribute with the map data type on the invoice entity.


GSI1-PK and GSI1-SK is overloaded to store information about different entities so that multiple access patterns can be served from the same GSI. For more information about GSI overloading, see Overloading Global Secondary Indexes in DynamoDB.

To address access pattern 10 and 11, query GSI1 with GSI1-PK=invoiceId and GSI1-SK=invoiceId.


GSI design with invoiceId as both partition and sort key to get invoice and payment by invoice ID.

Step 10: Address access patterns 12 (getShipmentDetailsByShipmentId) and 13 (getShipmentByWarehouseId)

Import AnOnlineShop_12.json to address access patterns 12 (getShipmentDetailsByShipmentId) and 13 (getShipmentByWarehouseId).

Notice that shipmentItem entities are added to the order item collection on the base table in order to be able to retrieve all details about an order in a single query operation.

Base table:

Table design with shipmentItem entity in the order item collection to get all order details.

The GSI1 partition and sort keys have already been used to model a one-to-many relationship between shipment and shipmentItem. To address access pattern 12 (getShipmentDetailsByShipmentId), query GSI1 with GSI1-PK=shipmentId and GSI1-SK=shipmentId.


GSI1 design with shipmentId as partition and sort key to get shipment details by shipment ID.

We’ll need to create another GSI (GSI2) to model the new one-to-many relationship between warehouse and shipment for access pattern 13 (getShipmentByWarehouseId). To address this access pattern, query GSI2 with GSI2-PK=warehouseId and GSI2-SK begins_with “sh#”.


GSI2 design with warehouseId and shipmentId as partition and sort keys to get shipments by warehouse.

Step 11: Address access patterns 14 (getProductInventoryByWarehouseId) 15 (getInvoiceByCustomerIdForDateRange), and 16 (getProductsByCustomerIdForDateRange)

Import AnOnlineShop_13.json to add data related to the next set of access patterns. To address access pattern 14 (getProductInventoryByWarehouseId), query GSI2 with GSI2-PK=warehouseId and GSI2-SK begins_with “p#”.


GSI2 design with warehouseId and productId as partition and sort keys to address access pattern 14.

To address access pattern 15 (getInvoiceByCustomerIdForDateRange), query GSI2 with GSI2-PK=customerId and GSI2-SK between (i#date1, i#date2).


GSI2 design with customerId and invoice date range as partition and sort keys to address access pattern 15.

To address access pattern 16 (getProductsByCustomerIdForDateRange), query GSI2 with GSI2-PK=customerId and GSI2-SK between (p#date1, p#date2).


GSI2 design with customerId and product date range as partition and sort keys to address access pattern 16

In NoSQL Workbench, facets represent an application's different data access patterns for DynamoDB. Facets give you a way to view a subset of the data in a table, without having to see records that don't meet the constraints of the facet. Facets are considered a visual data modeling tool, and don't exist as a usable construct in DynamoDB as they are purely an aid for modeling access patterns.

Import AnOnlineShop_facets.json to see the facets for this use case.

All access patterns and how the schema design addresses them are summarized in the table below:

Access pattern Base table/GSI/LSI Operation Partition key value Sort key value
getCustomerByCustomerId Base table GetItem PK=customerId SK=customerId
getProductByProductId Base table GetItem PK=productId SK=productId
getWarehouseByWarehouseId Base table GetItem PK=warehouseId SK=warehouseId
getProductInventoryByProductId Base table Query PK=productId SK begins_with "w#"
getOrderDetailsByOrderId Base table Query PK=orderId
getProductByOrderId Base table Query PK=orderId SK begins_with "p#"
getInvoiceByOrderId Base table Query PK=orderId SK begins_with "i#"
getShipmentByOrderId Base table Query PK=orderId SK begins_with "sh#"
getOrderByProductIdForDateRange GSI1 Query PK=productId SK between date1 and date2
getInvoiceByInvoiceId GSI1 Query PK=invoiceId SK=invoiceId
getPaymentByInvoiceId GSI1 Query PK=invoiceId SK=invoiceId
getShipmentDetailsByShipmentId GSI1 Query PK=shipmentId SK=shipmentId
getShipmentByWarehouseId GSI2 Query PK=warehouseId SK begins_with "sh#"
getProductInventoryByWarehouseId GSI2 Query PK=warehouseId SK begins_with "p#"
getInvoiceByCustomerIdForDateRange GSI2 Query PK=customerId SK between i#date1 and i#date2
getProductsByCustomerIdForDateRange GSI2 Query PK=customerId SK between p#date1 and p#date2

Online shop final schema

Here are the final schema designs. To download this schema design as a JSON file, see DynamoDB Design Patterns on GitHub.

Base table

Final schema of base table for an online shop with attributes, such as EntityName and Name.


Final GSI1 schema for an online shop's base table with attributes, such as EntityType.


Final GSI2 schema for an online shop's base table with attributes, such as EntityType.

Using NoSQL Workbench with this schema design

You can import this final schema into NoSQL Workbench, a visual tool that provides data modeling, data visualization, and query development features for DynamoDB, to further explore and edit your new project. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Download NoSQL Workbench. For more information, see Download NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB.

  2. Download the JSON schema file listed above, which is already in the NoSQL Workbench model format.

  3. Import the JSON schema file into NoSQL Workbench. For more information, see Importing an existing data model.

  4. Once you've imported into NOSQL Workbench, you can edit the data model. For more information, see Editing an existing data model.

  5. To visualize your data model, add sample data, or import sample data from a CSV file, use the Data Visualizer feature of NoSQL Workbench.