Before we dive into data modeling, it's important to understand some DynamoDB fundamentals. DynamoDB is a key-value NoSQL database which allows flexible schema. The set of data attributes apart from the key attributes for each item can be either uniform or discrete. The DynamoDB key schema is in the form of either a simple primary key where a partition key uniquely identifies an item, or in the form of a composite primary key where a combination of a partition key and sort key uniquely defines an item. The partition key is hashed to determine the physical location of data and retrieve it. Therefore, it is important to choose a high cardinality and horizontally scalable attribute as a partition key to ensure even distribution of data. The sort key attribute is optional in the key schema and having a sort key enables modelling one-to-many relationships and creating item collections in DynamoDB. Sort keys are also referred to as range keys—they are used to sort items in an item collection and also allow flexible range-based operations.
For more details and best practices on DynamoDB key schema, you can refer to the following:
Secondary indexes are often needed to support additional query patterns in DynamoDB. Secondary indexes are shadow tables where the same data is organised via a different key schema compared to the base table. A local secondary index (LSI) shares the same partition key as the base table and allows having an alternate sort key allowing it to share the base table’s capacity. A global secondary index (GSI) can have a different partition key as well as a different sort key attribute than the base table which means throughput management for a GSI is independent of the base table.
For more details on secondary indexes and best practices, you can refer to the following:
Let's now look at data modeling a little closer. The process of designing a flexible and highly-optimized schema on DynamoDB, or any NoSQL database for that matter, can be a challenging skill to learn. The goal of this module is to help you develop a mental flowchart for designing a schema that will take you from use case into production. We will start with an introduction to the foundational choice of any design, single table versus multiple table design. Then we will review the multitude of design patterns (building blocks) that can be used to achieve various organizational or performance results for your application. Finally, we are including a variety of complete schema design packages for different use cases and industries.