Additional resources for Amazon DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB

Additional resources for Amazon DynamoDB

You can use the following additional resources to understand and work with DynamoDB.

Tools for coding and visualization

You can use the following coding and visualization tools to work with DynamoDB:

  • NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB – A unified, visual tool that helps you design, create, query, and manage DynamoDB tables. It provides data modeling, data visualization, and query development features.

  • Dynobase – A desktop tool that makes it easy to see your DynamoDB tables and work with them, create app code, and edit records with real-time validation.

  • DynamoDB Toolbox – A project from Jeremy Daly that provides helpful utilities for working with data modeling andJavaScript and Node.js.

  • DynamoDB Streams Processor – A simple tool that you can use to work with DynamoDB streams.

Prescriptive Guidance articles

AWS Prescriptive Guidance provides time-tested strategies, guides, and patterns to help accelerate your projects. These resources were developed by AWS technology experts and the global community of AWS Partners, based on their years of experience helping customers achieve their business objectives.

Data modeling and migration

Global tables


SaaS architecture

Data protection and data movement


Prescriptive guidance video walkthroughs

For additional Prescriptive Guidance articles and videos for DynamoDB, see Prescriptive Guidance.

Knowledge Center articles

The AWS Knowledge Center articles and videos cover the most frequent questions and requests that we receive from AWS customers. The following are some current Knowledge Center articles on specific tasks that relate to DynamoDB:

Cost optimization

Throttling and latency




For additional articles and videos for DynamoDB, see the Knowledge Center articles.

Blog posts, repositories, and guides

In addition to the DynamoDB Developer Guide, there are many useful resources for working with DynamoDB. Here are some selected blog posts, repositories, and guides for working with DynamoDB:

Data modeling and design pattern presentations

You can use the following resources on data modeling and design patterns to help you get the most out of DynamoDB:


Each session covers different use cases and examples.

Training courses

There are many different training courses and educational options for learning more about DynamoDB. Here are some current examples: