The following examples show some ways that you can use HiveQL to query data stored in DynamoDB.
These examples refer to the ddb_features table in the tutorial (Step 5: Copy data to DynamoDB).
Using aggregate
HiveQL provides built-in functions for summarizing data values. For example, you
can use the MAX
function to find the largest value for a selected
column. The following example returns the elevation of the highest feature in the
state of Colorado.
SELECT MAX(elev_in_ft) FROM ddb_features WHERE state_alpha = 'CO';
Using the GROUP BY and
HAVING clauses
You can use the GROUP BY
clause to collect data across multiple
records. This is often used with an aggregate function such as SUM
, or MAX
. You can also use the
clause to discard any results that do not meet certain
The following example returns a list of the highest elevations from states that have more than five features in the ddb_features table.
SELECT state_alpha, max(elev_in_ft) FROM ddb_features GROUP BY state_alpha HAVING count(*) >= 5;
Joining two DynamoDB
The following example maps another Hive table
(east_coast_states) to a table in DynamoDB. The
statement is a join across these two tables. The join is
computed on the cluster and returned. The join does not take place in DynamoDB.
Consider a DynamoDB table named EastCoastStates that contains the following data:
StateName StateAbbrev Maine ME New Hampshire NH Massachusetts MA Rhode Island RI Connecticut CT New York NY New Jersey NJ Delaware DE Maryland MD Virginia VA North Carolina NC South Carolina SC Georgia GA Florida FL
Let's assume the table is available as a Hive external table named east_coast_states:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ddb_east_coast_states (state_name STRING, state_alpha STRING) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "EastCoastStates", "dynamodb.column.mapping" = "state_name:StateName,state_alpha:StateAbbrev");
The following join returns the states on the East Coast of the United States that have at least three features:
SELECT ecs.state_name, f.feature_class, COUNT(*) FROM ddb_east_coast_states ecs JOIN ddb_features f on ecs.state_alpha = f.state_alpha GROUP BY ecs.state_name, f.feature_class HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3;
tables from different sources
In the following example, s3_east_coast_states is a Hive table associated with a CSV file stored in Amazon S3. The ddb_features table is associated with data in DynamoDB. The following example joins these two tables, returning the geographic features from states whose names begin with "New."
create external table s3_east_coast_states (state_name STRING, state_alpha STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION 's3://
SELECT ecs.state_name, f.feature_name, f.feature_class FROM s3_east_coast_states ecs JOIN ddb_features f ON ecs.state_alpha = f.state_alpha WHERE ecs.state_name LIKE 'New%';