Neptune generates a significant number of events in categories that you can subscribe to using the Neptune console. Each category applies to a source type, which can be a DB instance, DB snapshot, or DB parameter group.
Neptune uses existing Amazon RDS event definitions and IDs.
Neptune events originating from DB instances
The following table shows a list of events by event category when a DB instance is the source type.
Category |
Amazon RDS event ID | Description |
availability |
RDS-EVENT-0006 | The DB instance restarted. |
RDS-EVENT-0004 | DB instance shutdown. |
RDS-EVENT-0022 | An error occurred while restarting the Neptune engine. |
backup |
RDS-EVENT-0001 | Backing up DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0002 | Finished DB Instance backup. |
configuration change |
RDS-EVENT-0009 | The DB instance has been added to a security group. |
RDS-EVENT-0024 | The DB instance is being converted to a Multi-AZ DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0030 | The DB instance is being converted to a Single-AZ DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0012 | Applying modification to database instance class. |
RDS-EVENT-0018 | The current storage settings for this DB instance are being changed. |
RDS-EVENT-0011 | A parameter group for this DB instance has changed. |
RDS-EVENT-0092 | A parameter group for this DB instance has finished updating. |
RDS-EVENT-0028 | Automatic backups for this DB instance have been disabled. |
RDS-EVENT-0032 | Automatic backups for this DB instance have been enabled. |
RDS-EVENT-0025 | The DB instance has been converted to a Multi-AZ DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0029 | The DB instance has been converted to a Single-AZ DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0014 | The DB instance class for this DB instance has changed. |
RDS-EVENT-0017 | The storage settings for this DB instance have changed. |
RDS-EVENT-0010 | The DB instance has been removed from a security group. |
creation |
RDS-EVENT-0005 | DB instance created. |
deletion |
RDS-EVENT-0003 | The DB instance has been deleted. |
failover |
RDS-EVENT-0034 | Neptune is not attempting a requested failover because a failover recently occurred on the DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0013 | A Multi-AZ failover that resulted in the promotion of a standby instance has started. |
RDS-EVENT-0015 | A Multi-AZ failover that resulted in the promotion of a standby instance is complete. It may take several minutes for the DNS to transfer to the new primary DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0065 | The instance has recovered from a partial failover. |
RDS-EVENT-0049 | A Multi-AZ failover has completed. | |
RDS-EVENT-0050 | A Multi-AZ activation has started after a successful instance recovery. |
RDS-EVENT-0051 | A Multi-AZ activation is complete. Your database should be accessible now. |
RDS-EVENT-0031 | The DB instance has failed due to an incompatible configuration or an underlying storage issue. Begin a point-in-time-restore for the DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0036 | The DB instance is in an incompatible network. Some of the specified subnet IDs are invalid or do not exist. |
RDS-EVENT-0035 | The DB instance has invalid parameters. For example, if the DB instance could not start because a memory-related parameter is set too high for this instance class, the customer action would be to modify the memory parameter and reboot the DB instance. |
RDS-EVENT-0082 | Neptune was unable to copy backup data from an Amazon S3 bucket. It is likely that the permissions for Neptune to access the Amazon S3 bucket are configured incorrectly. |
low storage |
RDS-EVENT-0089 | The DB instance has consumed more than 90% of its allocated storage. You can monitor the storage space for a DB instance using the Free Storage Space metric. |
RDS-EVENT-0007 | The allocated storage for the DB instance has been exhausted. To resolve this issue, you should allocate additional storage for the DB instance. |
maintenance |
RDS-EVENT-0026 | Offline maintenance of the DB instance is taking place. The DB instance is currently unavailable. |
RDS-EVENT-0027 | Offline maintenance of the DB instance is complete. The DB instance is now available. |
RDS-EVENT-0047 | Patching of the DB instance has completed. | |
notification | RDS-EVENT-0044 | Operator-issued notification. For more information, see the event message. |
RDS-EVENT-0048 | Patching of the DB instance has been delayed. | |
RDS-EVENT-0087 | The DB instance has been stopped. |
RDS-EVENT-0088 | The DB instance has been started. |
RDS-EVENT-0154 | The DB instance is being started due to it exceeding the maximum allowed time being stopped. |
RDS-EVENT-0158 | DB instance is in a state that can't be upgraded. |
RDS-EVENT-0173 | DB instance has been patched. |
read replica |
RDS-EVENT-0045 | An error has occurred in the read replication process. For more information, see the event message. |
RDS-EVENT-0046 | The read replica has resumed replication. This message appears when you first create a read replica, or as a monitoring message confirming that replication is functioning properly. If this message follows an RDS-EVENT-0045 notification, then replication has resumed following an error or after replication was stopped. | |
RDS-EVENT-0057 | Replication on the read replica was terminated. |
RDS-EVENT-0062 | Replication on the read replica was manually stopped. |
RDS-EVENT-0063 | Replication on the read replica was reset. |
recovery |
RDS-EVENT-0020 | Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered. |
RDS-EVENT-0021 | Recovery of the DB instance is complete. |
RDS-EVENT-0023 | A manual backup has been requested but Neptune is currently in the process of creating a DB snapshot. Submit the request again after Neptune has completed the DB snapshot. |
RDS-EVENT-0052 | Recovery of the Multi-AZ instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered. |
RDS-EVENT-0053 | Recovery of the Multi-AZ instance is complete. |
restoration |
RDS-EVENT-0008 | The DB instance has been restored from a DB snapshot. |
RDS-EVENT-0019 | The DB instance has been restored from a point-in-time backup. |
Neptune events originating from a DB cluster
The following table shows a list of events by event category when a DB cluster is the source type.
Category |
RDS event ID | Description |
failover |
RDS-EVENT-0069 | A failover for the DB cluster has failed. |
RDS-EVENT-0070 | A failover for the DB cluster has restarted. |
RDS-EVENT-0071 | A failover for the DB cluster has finished. |
RDS-EVENT-0072 | A failover for the DB cluster has begun within the same Availability Zone. |
RDS-EVENT-0073 | A failover for the DB cluster has begun across Availability Zones. |
RDS-EVENT-0083 | Neptune was unable to copy backup data from an Amazon S3 bucket. It is likely that the permissions for Neptune to access the Amazon S3 bucket are configured incorrectly. |
maintenance |
RDS-EVENT-0156 | The DB cluster has a DB engine minor version upgrade available. |
notification |
RDS-EVENT-0076 | Migration to an Neptune DB cluster failed. |
RDS-EVENT-0077 | An attempt to convert a table from the source database to database form failed during the migration to an Neptune DB cluster. |
RDS-EVENT-0150 | The DB cluster stopped. |
RDS-EVENT-0151 | The DB cluster started. |
RDS-EVENT-0152 | The DB cluster stop failed. |
RDS-EVENT-0153 | The DB cluster is being started due to it exceeding the maximum allowed time being stopped. |
Neptune events originating from DB cluster snapshot
The following table shows the event category and a list of events when a Neptune DB cluster snapshot is the source type.
Category |
RDS event ID | Description |
backup |
RDS-EVENT-0074 | Creation of a manual DB cluster snapshot has started. |
backup |
RDS-EVENT-0075 | A manual DB cluster snapshot has been created. |
notification | RDS-EVENT-0162 | DB cluster snapshot export task failed. |
notification | RDS-EVENT-0163 | DB cluster snapshot export task canceled. |
notification | RDS-EVENT-0164 | DB cluster snapshot export task completed. |
backup | RDS-EVENT-0168 | Creating automated cluster snapshot. |
backup | RDS-EVENT-0169 | Automated cluster snapshot created. |
creation | RDS-EVENT-0170 | DB cluster created. |
deletion | RDS-EVENT-0171 | DB cluster deleted. |
notification | RDS-EVENT-0172 | Renamed DB cluster from [old DB cluster name] to [new DB cluster name]. |
Neptune events originating from DB cluster parameter group
The following table shows the event category and a list of events when a DB cluster parameter group is the source type.
Category |
RDS event ID | Description |
configuration change |
RDS-EVENT-0037 | The parameter group was modified. |
Neptune events originating from a security group
The following table shows the event category and a list of events when a security group is the source type.
Category |
RDS event ID | Description |
configuration change |
RDS-EVENT-0038 | The security group has been modified. |
failure |
RDS-EVENT-0039 | The security group owned by [user] does not exist; authorization for the security group has been revoked. |