Setting up a Neptune Serverless DB cluster is similar to setting up a normal
provisioned cluster, with additional configuration for minimum and maximum units for
scaling, and with the instance type set to db.serverless
. The scaling
configuration is defined in Neptune Capacity Units (NCUs), each of which consists
of 2 GiB (gibibyte) of memory (RAM) along with associated virtual processor capacity
(vCPU) and networking. It is set as a part of a
object, represented in JSON like this:
"ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration": {
"MinCapacity": (minimum NCUs, a floating-point number such as 1.0)
"MaxCapacity": (maximum NCUs, a floating-point number such as 128.0)
At any moment in time, each Neptune writer or reader instance has a capacity measured by a floating-point number that represents the number of NCUs currently being used by that instance. You can use the CloudWatch ServerlessDatabaseCapacity metric at an instance level to find out you how many NCUs a given DB instance is currently using, and the NCUUtilization metric to find out what percentage of its maximum capacity the instance is using. Both of these metrics are also available at a DB cluster level to show average resource utilization for the DB cluster as a whole.
When you create a Neptune Serverless DB cluster, you set both the minimum and the maximum number of Neptune capacity units (NCUs) for all the serverless instances.
The minimum NCU value that you specify sets the smallest size to which a serverless instance in your DB cluster can shrink, and likewise, the maximum NCU value establishes the largest size to which a serverless instance can grow. The highest maximum NCU value you can set is 128.0 NCUs, and the lowest minimum is 1.0 NCUs.
Neptune continuously tracks the load on each Neptune Serverless instance by monitoring its utilization of resources such as CPU, memory, and network. The load is generated by your application's database operations, by background processing for the server, and by other administrative tasks.
When the load on a serverless instance reaches the limit of current capacity, or when Neptune detects any other performance issues, the instance scales up automatically. When the load on the instance declines, the capacity scales down towards the configured minimum capacity units, with CPU capacity being released before memory. This architecture allows releasing of resources in a controlled step-down manner and handles demand fluctuations effectively.
You can make a reader instance scale together with the writer instance or scale independently by setting its promotion tier. Reader instances in promotion tiers 0 and 1 scale at the same time as the writer, which keeps them sized at the right capacity to take over the workload from the writer rapidly in case of failover. Readers in promotion tiers 2 through 15 scale independently of the writer instance, and of each other.
If you've created your Neptune DB cluster as a Multi-AZ cluster to ensure high availability, Neptune Serverless scales instances in all AZs up and down with your database load. You can set the promotion tier of a reader instance in a secondary AZ to 0 or 1 so that it scales up and down along with the capacity of the writer instance in the primary AZ so that it's ready to take over the current workload at any time.
Storage for a Neptune DB cluster consists of six copies of all your data, spread across three AZs, regardless of whether you created the cluster as a Multi-AZ cluster or not. Storage replication is handled by the storage subsystem and is not affected by Neptune Serverless.
Choosing a minimum capacity value for a Neptune Serverless DB cluster
The smallest value you can set for the minimum capacity is
Be sure not to set the minimum value lower than what your application requires to operate efficiently. Setting it too low can result in a higher rate of timeouts in certain memory-intensive workloads.
Setting the minimum value as low as possible can save money, since your cluster will use minimal resources when demand is low. However, if your workload tends to fluctuate dramatically, from very low to very high, you may want to set the minimum higher, because a higher minimum lets your Neptune Serverless instances scale up faster.
The reason for this is that Neptune chooses scaling increments based on current capacity. If current capacity is low, Neptune will initially scale up slowly. If the minimum is higher, Neptune starts with a larger scaling increment, and can therefore scale up faster to meet a large sudden increase in workload.
Choosing a maximum capacity value for a Neptune Serverless DB cluster
The largest value you can set for the maximum capacity is 128.0
NCUs, and the smallest value you can set for the maximum capacity is
NCUs. Whatever maximum capacity value you
set must be at least as large as the minimum capacity value you set.
As a general rule, set the maximum value high enough to handle the peak load that your application is likely to encounter. Setting it too low can result in a higher rate of timeouts in certain memory-intensive workloads.
Setting the maximum value as high as possible has the advantage that your application is likely to be able to handle even the most unexpected workloads. The disadvantage is that you lose some ability to predict and control resource costs. An unexpected spike in demand can end up costing much more than your budget has anticipated.
The benefit of a carefully targeted maximum value is that it lets you meet peak demand while also putting a cap on Neptune compute costs.
Changing the capacity range of a Neptune Serverless DB cluster causes
changes to the default values of some configuration parameters. Neptune can apply
some of those new defaults immediately, but some of the dynamic parameter changes
take effect only after a reboot. A pending-reboot
status indicates
that you need a reboot to apply some parameter changes.
Use your existing configuration to estimate serverless requirements
If you typically modify the DB instance class of your provisioned DB instances to meet exceptionally high or low workload, you can use that experience to make a rough estimate of the equivalent Neptune Serverless capacity range.
Estimate the best minimum capacity setting
You can apply what you know about your existing Neptune DB cluster to estimate the serverless minimum capacity setting that will work best.
For example, if your provisioned workload has memory requirements that are too
high for small DB instance classes such as T3
or T4g
choose a minimum NCU setting that provides memory comparable to an R5
or R6g
DB instance class.
Or, suppose that you use the db.r6g.xlarge
DB instance class when
your cluster has a low workload. That DB instance class has 32 GiB of memory, so you
can specify a minimum NCU setting of 16 to create serverless instances that can scale
down to approximately that same capacity (each NCU corresponds to about 2 GiB of memory).
If your db.r6g.xlarge
instance is sometimes underutilized, you might be
able to specify a lower value.
If your application works most efficiently when your DB instances can hold a given amount of data in memory or the buffer cache, consider specifying a minimum NCU setting large enough to provide enough memory for that. Otherwise, data may be evicted from the buffer cache when the serverless instances scale down, and will have to be read back into the buffer cache over time when instances scale back up. If the amount of I/O to bring data back into the buffer cache is substantial, choosing a higher minimum NCU value could be worthwhile.
If you find that your serverless instances are running most of the time at a particular capacity, it works well to set the minimum capacity just a little lower than that. Neptune Serverless can efficiently estimate how much and how fast to scale up when the current capacity isn't drastically lower than the required capacity.
In a mixed configuration, with a provisioned writer and Neptune Serverless readers, the readers don't scale along with the writer. Because they scale independently, setting a low minimum capacity for them can result in excessive replication lag. They may not have sufficient capacity to keep up with changes the writer is making when there is a highly write-intensive workload. In this situation, set a minimum capacity that's comparable to the writer capacity. In particular, if you observe replica lag in readers that are in promotion tiers 2–15, increase the minimum capacity setting for your cluster.
Estimate the best maximum capacity setting
You can also apply what you know about your existing Neptune DB cluster to estimate the serverless maximum capacity setting that will work best.
For example, suppose that you use the db.r6g.4xlarge
DB instance
class when your cluster has a high workload. That DB instance class has 128 GiB of
memory, so you can specify a maximum NCU setting of 64 to set up equivalent Neptune
Serverless instances (each NCU corresponds to about 2 GiB of memory). You could
specify a higher value to let the DB instance scale up further in case your
instance can't always handle the workload.
If unexpected spikes in your workload are rare, it may make sense to set your maximum capacity high enough to maintain application performance even during those spikes. On the other hand, you may want to set a lower maximum capacity that can reduce throughput during unusual spikes but that allows Neptune to handle your expected workloads without problem, and that limits costs.