An upsert (or conditional insert) reuses a vertex or edge if it already exists, or creates it if it doesn't. Efficient upserts can make a significant difference in the performance of Gremlin queries.
This page shows how use the fold()/coalesce()/unfold()
Gremlin pattern
to make efficient upserts. However, with the release of TinkerPop version 3.6.x
introduced in Neptune in engine version,
the new mergeV()
and mergeE()
steps are preferable
in most cases. The fold()/coalesce()/unfold()
pattern described
here may still be useful in a some complex situations, but in general use
and mergeE()
if you can, as described in
Making efficient upserts with Gremlin
mergeV() and mergeE() steps.
Upserts allow you to write idempotent insert operations: no matter how many times
you run such an operation, the overall outcome is the same. This is useful in highly
concurrent write scenarios where concurrent modifications to the same part of the graph
can force one or more transactions to roll back with a ConcurrentModificationException
thereby necessitating a retry.
For example, the following query upserts a vertex by first looking for the specified
vertex in the dataset, and then folding the results into a list. In the first traversal
supplied to the coalesce()
step, the query then unfolds this list. If the
unfolded list is not empty, the results are emitted from the coalesce()
If, however, the unfold()
returns an empty collection because the vertex
does not currently exist, coalesce()
moves on to evaluate the second
traversal with which it has been supplied, and in this second traversal the query creates
the missing vertex.
g.V('v-1').fold() .coalesce( unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '') )
Use an optimized form of coalesce()
for upserts
Neptune can optimize the fold().coalesce(unfold(), ...)
idiom to
make high-throughput updates, but this optimization only works if both parts of the
return either a vertex or an edge but nothing else.
If you try to return something different, such as a property, from any part of
the coalesce()
, the Neptune optimization does not occur. The query may
succeed, but it will not perform as well as an optimized version, particularly against
large datasets.
Because unoptimized upsert queries increase execution times and reduce throughput,
it's worth using the Gremlin explain
endpoint to determine whether an upsert
query is fully optimized. When reviewing explain
plans, look for lines that
begin with + not converted into Neptune steps
and WARNING: >>
For example:
+ not converted into Neptune steps: [FoldStep, CoalesceStep([[UnfoldStep], [AddEdgeSte
WARNING: >> FoldStep << is not supported natively yet
These warnings can help you identify the parts of a query that are preventing it from being fully optimized.
Sometimes it isn't possible to optimize a query fully. In these situations you should try to put the steps that cannot be optimized at the end of the query, thereby allowing the engine to optimize as many steps as possible. This technique is used in some of the batch upsert examples, where all optimized upserts for a set of vertices or edges are performed before any additional, potentially unoptimized modifications are applied to the same vertices or edges.
Batching upserts to improve throughput
For high throughput write scenarios, you can chain upsert steps together to upsert vertices and edges in batches. Batching reduces the transactional overhead of upserting large numbers of vertices and edges. You can then further improve throughput by upserting batch requests in parallel using multiple clients.
As a rule of thumb we recommend upserting approximately 200 records per batch request.
A record is a single vertex or edge label or property. A vertex with a single label and
4 properties, for example, creates 5 records. An edge with a label and a single property
creates 2 records. If you wanted to upsert batches of vertices, each with a single label
and 4 properties, you should start with a batch size of 40, because 200 / (1 + 4)
= 40
You can experiment with the batch size. 200 records per batch is a good starting point, but the ideal batch size may be higher or lower depending on your workload. Note, however, that Neptune may limit the overall number of Gremlin steps per request. This limit is not documented, but to be on the safe side try to ensure that your requests contain no more than 1500 Gremlin steps. Neptune may reject large batch requests with more than 1500 steps.
To increase throughput, you can upsert batches in parallel using multiple clients
(see Creating Efficient Multithreaded
Gremlin Writes).
The number of clients should be the same as the number of worker threads on your
Neptune writer instance, which is typically 2 x the number of vCPUs on the server.
For instance, an r5.8xlarge
instance has 32 vCPUs and 64 worker threads.
For high-throughput write scenarios using an r5.8xlarge
, you would use
64 clients writing batch upserts to Neptune in parallel.
Each client should submit a batch request and wait for the request to complete before submitting another request. Although the multiple clients run in parallel, each individual client submits requests in a serial fashion. This ensures that the server is supplied with a steady stream of requests that occupy all the worker threads without flooding the server-side request queue (see Sizing DB instances in a Neptune DB cluster).
Try to avoid steps that generate multiple traversers
When a Gremlin step executes, it takes an incoming traverser, and emits one or more output traversers. The number of traversers emitted by a step determines the number of times the next step is executed.
Typically, when performing batch operations you want each operation, such as upsert vertex A, to execute once, so that the sequence of operations looks like this: upsert vertex A, then upsert vertex B, then upsert vertex C, and so on. As long as a step creates or modifies only one element, it emits only one traverser, and the steps that represent the next operation are executed only once. If, on the other hand, an operation creates or modifies more than one element, it emits multiple traversers, which in turn cause the subsequent steps to be executed multiple times, once per emitted traverser. This can result in the database performing unnecessary additional work, and in some cases can result in the creation of unwanted additional vertices, edges or property values.
An example of how things can go wrong is with a query like g.V().addV()
This simple query adds a vertex for every vertex found in the graph, because V()
emits a traverser for each vertex in the graph and each of those traversers triggers
a call to addV()
See Mixing upserts and inserts for ways to deal with operations that can emit multiple traversers.
Upserting vertices
You can use a vertex ID to determine whether a corresponding vertex exists. This is the preferred approach, because Neptune optimizes upserts for highly concurrent use cases around IDs. As an example, the following query creates a vertex with a given vertex ID if it doesn't already exist, or reuses it if it does:
g.V('v-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '')) .id()
Note that this query ends with an id()
step. While not strictly
necessary for the purpose of upserting the vertex, adding an id()
to the end of an upsert query ensures that the server doesn't serialize all the
vertex properties back to the client, which helps reduce the locking cost of the query.
Alternatively, you can use a vertex property to determine whether the vertex exists:
g.V() .hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property('email', '')) .id()
If possible, use your own user-supplied IDs to create vertices, and use these IDs to determine whether a vertex exists during an upsert operation. This lets Neptune optimize upserts around the IDs. An ID-based upsert can be significantly more efficient than a property-based upsert in highly concurrent modification scenarios.
Chaining vertex upserts
You can chain vertex upserts together to insert them in a batch:
g.V('v-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '')) .V('v-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-2') .property('email', '')) .V('v-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-3') .property('email', '')) .id()
Upserting edges
You can use edge IDs to upsert edges in the same way you upsert vertices using custom
vertex IDs. Again, this is the preferred approach because it allows Neptune to optimize
the query. For example, the following query creates an edge based on its edge ID if it
doesn't already exist, or reuses it if it does. The query also uses the IDs of the
and to
vertices if it needs to create a new edge.
g.E('e-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addE('KNOWS').from(V('v-1')) .to(V('v-2')) .property(id, 'e-1')) .id()
Many applications use custom vertex IDs, but leave Neptune to generate
edge IDs. If you don't know the ID of an edge, but you do know the from
and to
vertex IDs, you can use this formulation to upsert an edge:
g.V('v-1') .outE('KNOWS') .where(inV().hasId('v-2')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addE('KNOWS').from(V('v-1')) .to(V('v-2'))) .id()
Note that the vertex step in the where()
clause should be
(or outV()
if you've used inE()
to find the edge), not otherV()
. Do not use otherV()
here, or the query will not be optimized and performance will suffer. For
example, Neptune would not optimize the following query:
// Unoptimized upsert, because of otherV() g.V('v-1') .outE('KNOWS') .where(otherV().hasId('v-2')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addE('KNOWS').from(V('v-1')) .to(V('v-2'))) .id()
If you don't know the edge or vertex IDs up front, you can upsert using vertex properties:
g.V() .hasLabel('Person') .has('name', 'person-1') .outE('LIVES_IN') .where(inV().hasLabel('City').has('name', 'city-1')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addE('LIVES_IN').from(V().hasLabel('Person') .has('name', 'person-1')) .to(V().hasLabel('City') .has('name', 'city-1'))) .id()
As with vertex upserts, it's preferable to use ID-based edge upserts
using either an edge ID or from
and to
vertex IDs,
rather than property-based upserts, so that Neptune can fully optimize
the upsert.
Checking for from
and to
vertex existence
Note the construction of the steps that create a new edge: addE().from().to()
This construction ensures that the query checks the existence of both the from
and the to
vertex. If either of these does not exist, the query returns
an error as follows:
{ "detailedMessage": "Encountered a traverser that does not map to a value for child
"code": "IllegalArgumentException", "requestId": "..." }
If it's possible that either the from
or the to
doesn't exist, you should attempt to upsert them before upserting the edge between
them. See Combining vertex and edge upserts.
There's an alternative construction for creating an edge that you shouldn't use:
. It only adds an edge if the from
exists. If the to
vertex doesn't exist the, query generates an error,
as described previously, but if the from
vertex doesn't exist, it
silently fails to insert an edge, without generating any error. For example, the
following upsert completes without upserting an edge if the from
doesn't exist:
// Will not insert edge if from vertex does not exist g.V('v-1') .outE('KNOWS') .where(inV().hasId('v-2')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-1').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-2'))) .id()
Chaining edge upserts
If you want to chain edge upserts together to create a batch request, you must begin each upsert with a vertex lookup, even if you already know the edge IDs.
If you do already know the IDs of the edges you want to upsert, and the IDs of the
and to
vertices, you can use this formulation:
g.V('v-1') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-1').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-2')) .property(id, 'e-1')) .V('v-3') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-2').fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-3').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-4')) .property(id, 'e-2')) .V('v-5') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-5').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-6')) .property(id, 'e-3')) .id()
Perhaps the most common batch edge upsert scenario is that you know the
and to
vertex IDs, but don't know the IDs of
the edges you want to upsert. In that case, use the following formulation:
g.V('v-1') .outE('KNOWS') .where(inV().hasId('v-2')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-1').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-2'))) .V('v-3') .outE('KNOWS') .where(inV().hasId('v-4')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-3').addE('KNOWS') .to(V('v-4'))) .V('v-5') .outE('KNOWS') .where(inV().hasId('v-6')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('v-5').addE('KNOWS').to(V('v-6'))) .id()
If you know IDs of the edges you want to upsert, but don’t know the IDs of
the from
and to
vertices (this is unusual), you can use
this formulation:
g.V() .hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .addE('KNOWS') .to(V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '')) .property(id, 'e-1')) .V() .hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .addE('KNOWS') .to(V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '')) .property(id, 'e-2')) .V() .hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .outE('KNOWS') .hasId('e-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '') .addE('KNOWS') .to(V().hasLabel('Person') .has('email', '')) .property(id, 'e-3')) .id()
Combining vertex and edge upserts
Sometimes you may want to upsert both vertices and the edges that connect them. You can mix the batch examples presented here. The following example upserts 3 vertices and 2 edges:
g.V('p-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-1') .property('email', '')) .V('p-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-2') .property('name', '')) .V('c-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('City').property(id, 'c-1') .property('name', 'city-1')) .V('p-1') .outE('LIVES_IN') .where(inV().hasId('c-1')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('p-1').addE('LIVES_IN') .to(V('c-1'))) .V('p-2') .outE('LIVES_IN') .where(inV().hasId('c-1')) .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), V('p-2').addE('LIVES_IN') .to(V('c-1'))) .id()
Mixing upserts and inserts
Sometimes you may want to upsert both vertices and the edges that connect them. You can mix the batch examples presented here. The following example upserts 3 vertices and 2 edges:
Upserts typically proceed one element at a time. If you stick to the upsert patterns presented here, each upsert operation emits a single traverser, which causes the subsequent operation to be executed just once.
However, sometimes you may want to mix upserts with inserts. This can be the case, for example, if you use edges to represent instances of actions or events. A request might use upserts to ensure that all necessary vertices exist, and then use inserts to add edges. With requests of this kind, pay attention to the potential number of traversers being emitted from each operation.
Consider the following example, which mixes upserts and inserts to add edges that represent events into the graph:
// Fully optimized, but inserts too many edges g.V('p-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-1') .property('email', '')) .V('p-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-2') .property('name', '')) .V('p-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-3') .property('name', '')) .V('c-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('City').property(id, 'c-1') .property('name', 'city-1')) .V('p-1', 'p-2') .addE('FOLLOWED') .to(V('p-1')) .V('p-1', 'p-2', 'p-3') .addE('VISITED') .to(V('c-1')) .id()
The query should insert 5 edges: 2 FOLLOWED edges and 3 VISITED edges. However, the query as written inserts 8 edges: 2 FOLLOWED and 6 VISITED. The reason for this is that the operation that inserts the 2 FOLLOWED edges emits 2 traversers, causing the subsequent insert operation, which inserts 3 edges, to be executed twice.
The fix is to add a fold()
step after each operation that can potentially
emit more than one traverser:
g.V('p-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-1') .property('email', '')) .V('p-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-2'). .property('name', '')) .V('p-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'p-3'). .property('name', '')) .V('c-1') .fold(). .coalesce(unfold(), addV('City').property(id, 'c-1'). .property('name', 'city-1')) .V('p-1', 'p-2') .addE('FOLLOWED') .to(V('p-1')) .fold() .V('p-1', 'p-2', 'p-3') .addE('VISITED') .to(V('c-1')). .id()
Here we’ve inserted a fold()
step after the operation that inserts
FOLLOWED edges. This results in a single traverser, which then causes the subsequent
operation to be executed only once.
The downside of this approach is that the query is now not fully optimized, because
is not optimized. The insert operation that follows fold()
will now not be optimized.
If you need to use fold()
to reduce the number of traversers on behalf
of subsequent steps, try to order your operations so that the least expensive ones occupy
the non-optimized part of the query.
Upserts that modify existing vertices and edges
Sometimes you want to create a vertex or edge if it doesn’t exist, and then add or update a property to it, regardless of whether it is a new or existing vertex or edge.
To add or modify a property, use the property()
step. Use this step outside
the coalesce()
step. If you try to modify the property of an existing vertex
or edge inside the coalesce()
step, the query may not be optimized by the
Neptune query engine.
The following query adds or updates a counter property on each upserted vertex.
Each property()
step has single cardinality to ensure that the new values
replace any existing values, rather than being added to a set of existing values.
g.V('v-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '')) .property(single, 'counter', 1) .V('v-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-2') .property('email', '')) .property(single, 'counter', 2) .V('v-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-3') .property('email', '')) .property(single, 'counter', 3) .id()
If you have a property value, such as a lastUpdated
timestamp value,
that applies to all upserted elements, you can add or update it at the end of the query:
g.V('v-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '')) .V('v-2'). .fold(). .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-2') .property('email', '')) .V('v-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-3') .property('email', '')) .V('v-1', 'v-2', 'v-3') .property(single, 'lastUpdated', datetime('2020-02-08')) .id()
If there are additional conditions that determine whether or not a vertex
or edge should be further modified, you can use a has()
step to
filter the elements to which a modification will be applied. The following
example uses a has()
step to filter upserted vertices based on
the value of their version
property. The query then updates
to 3 the version
of any vertex whose version
less than 3:
g.V('v-1') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-1') .property('email', '') .property('version', 3)) .V('v-2') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-2') .property('email', '') .property('version', 3)) .V('v-3') .fold() .coalesce(unfold(), addV('Person').property(id, 'v-3') .property('email', '') .property('version', 3)) .V('v-1', 'v-2', 'v-3') .has('version', lt(3)) .property(single, 'version', 3) .id()