Empty an Amazon Neptune DB cluster using the fast reset API - Amazon Neptune

Empty an Amazon Neptune DB cluster using the fast reset API

The Neptune fast reset REST API lets you reset a Neptune graph quicky and easily, removing all of its data.

You can do this within a Neptune notebook using the %db_reset line magic.


This feature is available starting in Neptune engine release

  • In most cases, a fast reset operation completes within couple of minutes. The duration can vary somewhat depending on the load on the cluster when the operation is initiated.

  • A fast reset operation does not result in additional I/Os.

  • Storage volume size does not shrink after a fast reset. Instead, the storage is reused as new data is inserted. This means that the volume sizes of snapshots taken before and after a fast reset operation will be the same. Volume sizes of restored clusters using the snapshots created before and after a fast reset operation will also be the same

  • As part of the reset operation, all instances in the DB cluster are restarted.


    Under rare conditions, these server restarts may also result in failover of the cluster.


Using fast reset may break the integration of your Neptune DB cluster with other services. For example:

  • Fast reset deletes all stream data from your database and completely resets streams. This means that your stream consumers may no longer work without new configuration.

  • Fast reset removes all metadata about SageMaker AI resources being used by Neptune ML, including jobs and endpoints. They continue to exist in SageMaker AI, and you can continue to use existing SageMaker AI endpoints for Neptune ML inference queries, but the Neptune ML management APIs no longer work with them.

  • Integrations such as the full-text-search integration with ElasticSearch are also wiped out by fast reset, and must be re-established manually before they can be used again.

To delete all data from a Neptune DB cluster using the API
  1. First, you generate a token that you can then use to perform the database reset. This step is intended to help prevent anyone from accidentally resetting a database.

    You do this by sending an HTTP POST request to the /system endpoint on the writer instance of your DB cluster to specify the initiateDatabaseReset action.

    The curl command using the JSON content-type would be:

    curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ https://your_writer_instance_endpoint:8182/system \ -d '{ "action" : "initiateDatabaseReset" }'

    Or, using the x-www-form-urlencoded content type:

    curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ https://your_writer_instance_endpoint:8182/system \ -d 'action=initiateDatabaseReset '

    The initiateDatabaseReset request returns the reset token in its JSON response, like this:

    { "status" : "200 OK", "payload" : { "token" : "new_token_guid" } }

    The token remains valid for one hour (60 minutes) after it is issued.

    If you send the request to a reader instance or to the status endpoint, Neptune will throw a ReadOnlyViolationException.

    If you send multiple initiateDatabaseReset requests, only the latest token generated will be valid for the second step, where you actually perform the reset.

    If the server restarts right after your initiateDatabaseReset request, the generated token becomes invalid, and you need to send a new request to get a new token.

  2. Next, you send a performDatabaseReset request with the token that you got back from initiateDatabaseReset to the /system endpoint on the writer instance of your DB cluster. This deletes all data from your DB cluster.

    The curl command using the JSON content-type is:

    curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ https://your_writer_instance_endpoint:8182/system \ -d '{ "action" : "performDatabaseReset", "token" : "token_guid" }'

    Or, using the x-www-form-urlencoded content type:

    curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ https://your_writer_instance_endpoint:8182/system \ -d 'action=performDatabaseReset&token=token_guid'

    The request returns a JSON response. If the request is accepted, the response is:

    { "status" : "200 OK" }

    If the token you sent doesn't match the one that was issued, the response looks like this:

    { "code" : "InvalidParameterException", "requestId":"token_guid", "detailedMessage" : "System command parameter 'token' : 'token_guid' does not match database reset token" }

    If the request is accepted and the reset begins, the server restarts and deletes the data. You cannot send any other requests to the DB cluster while it is resetting.

Using the fast reset API with IAM-Auth

If you have IAM-Auth enabled on your DB cluster, you can use awscurl to send fast reset commands that are authenticated using IAM-Auth:

Using awscurl to send fast-reset requests with IAM-Auth
  1. Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables correctly (and also AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN if you are using temporary credential).

  2. An initiateDatabaseReset request looks like this:

    awscurl -X POST --service neptune-db "$SYSTEM_ENDPOINT" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --region us-west-2 \ -d '{ "action" : "initiateDatabaseReset" }'
  3. A performDatabaseReset request looks like this:

    awscurl -X POST --service neptune-db "$SYSTEM_ENDPOINT" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --region us-west-2 \ -d '{ "action" : "performDatabaseReset" }'

Using the Neptune workbench %db_reset line magic to reset a DB cluster

The Neptune workbench supports a %db_reset line magic that lets you perform a fast database reset in a Neptune notebook.

If you invoke the magic without any parameters, you see a screen asking if you want to delete all the data in your cluster, with a checkbox asking you to acknowledge that the cluster data will no longer be available after you delete it. At that point, you can choose to go ahead and delete the data, or cancel the operation.

A more dangerous option is to invoke %db_reset with the --yes or -y option, which causes the deletion to be performed with no further prompting.

You can also perform the reset in two steps, just as with the REST API:

%db_reset --generate-token

The response is:

{ "status" : "200 OK", "payload" : { "token" : "new_token_guid" } }

Then do:

%db_reset --token new_token_guid

The response is:

{ "status" : "200 OK" }

Common error codes for fast reset operations

Neptune error code HTTP status Message Example



System command parameter 'action' has unsupported value 'XXX'

Invalid parameter



Too many values supplied for: action

A fast reset request with more than one action sent with header 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded'



Duplicate field 'action'

A fast reset request with more than one action sent with header 'Content-Type: application/json'



Bad route: /bad_endpoint

Request sent to an incorrect endpoint



Missing required parameters: [action]

A fast reset request doesn't contain the required 'action' parameter



Writes are not permitted on a read replica instance

A fast reset request was sent to a reader or status endpoint



Missing Authentication Token

A fast reset request was sent without correct signatures to a DB endpoint with IAM-Auth enabled



Database reset is in progress. Please retry the query after the cluster is available.

When fast reset begins, existing and incoming Gremlin/Sparql queries fail.