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Multiple access tokens in CodeBuild

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Multiple access tokens in CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

CodeBuild supports sourcing access tokens to third party providers from your secrets in AWS Secrets Manager or through AWS CodeConnections connections. You can set your secret or connection as the default credential for interactions with a specified third party provider such as GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket.

You can set your source credentials at three different levels:

  1. Account level credentials for all projects: These are default credentials for all projects in an AWS account. They will be used on a project when no project or source level credentials are specified.

  2. Source level credentials for a specific repository: This is when a Secrets Manager secret or CodeConnections connection is defined on a project source. These credentials will only be used for operations on the specified source repository. This allows you to set up multiple access tokens with different permission scopes in the same project, and not use the default account level credentials.

  3. Project level fallback credentials: You can set a project level fallback credential by using NO_SOURCE as primary source type and define a secret or connection on it. This is can be used when you have multiple sources on a project, but want to use the same credentials for them, or when you don't want to use the default account level credentials for your project.

Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager secret or a CodeConnections connection

Use the following instructions to create a Secrets Manager secret or a CodeConnections connection:

Step 2: Grant CodeBuild project IAM role access to Secrets Manager secrets


Before you continue, you must have access to the token created in Secrets Manager or CodeConnections.

To grant CodeBuild project IAM role access to Secrets Manager or CodeConnections, you must add the following IAM policy.

To grant CodeBuild project IAM role access
  1. Create an IAM role for your CodeBuild project by following the instructions to Allow CodeBuild to interact with other AWS services for your CodeBuild project.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Add the following IAM policy to your CodeBuild project role to grant access to your secret.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" ], "Resource": [ "<secret-arn>" ] } ] }

      (Optional) If you're using AWS KMS customer managed keys to encrypt a Secrets Manager secret, you can add the following policy statement to grant access.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": "<kms-key-arn>", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "kms:EncryptionContext:SecretARN": "<secret-arn>" } } } ] }
    • Add the following IAM policy to your CodeBuild project role to grant access to your connection.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "codeconnections:GetConnectionToken", "codeconnections:GetConnection" ], "Resource": [ <connection-arn> ] } ] }

Step 3: Configure Secrets Manager or CodeConnections tokens

You can set your source credentials at three different levels with either Secrets Manager or CodeConnections tokens.

Configure Secrets Manager or CodeConnections tokens as account level credentials

You can configure a Secrets Manager secret or CodeConnections connection as an account level credential and use it in a project.

AWS Management Console
To configure a connection as an account level credential in the AWS Management Console
  1. For Source provider, choose Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitHub Enterprise.

  2. For Credential, do one of the following:

    • Choose Default source credential to use your account's default source credential to apply to all projects.

      1. If you aren't connected to your source provider, choose Manage default source credential.

      2. For Credential type, choose a credential type.

      3. If you chose CodeConnections, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

        If you chose a different credential type, for Service choose which service you'd like to use to store your token and do the following:

        • If you chose to use Secrets Manager, you can choose to use an existing secret connection or create a new secret and choose Save. For more information how to create a new secret, see Create and store a token in a Secrets Manager secret.

        • If you chose to use CodeBuild, enter your token or your username and app password, and choose Save.

    • Choose Custom source credential to use a custom source credential to override your account's default settings.

      1. For Credential type, choose a credential type.

      2. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

To configure a connection as an account level credential in the AWS CLI
  • Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the import-source-credentials command.

    Use the following command to configure a Secrets Manager secret:

    aws codebuild import-source-credentials \ --token "<secret-arn>" \ --server-type <source-provider> \ --auth-type SECRETS_MANAGER \ --region <aws-region>

    Use the following command to configure a CodeConnections connection:

    aws codebuild import-source-credentials \ --token "<connection-arn>" \ --server-type <source-provider> \ --auth-type CODECONNECTIONS \ --region <aws-region>

    This command allows you to import a token as the account level default source credentials. When you import a credential using the ImportSourceCredentials API, CodeBuild will use the token for all interactions with the source provider, such as webhooks, build status reporting and git clone operations unless a more specific set of credentials has been configured in the project.

To configure a connection as an account level credential in the AWS Management Console
  1. For Source provider, choose Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitHub Enterprise.

  2. For Credential, do one of the following:

    • Choose Default source credential to use your account's default source credential to apply to all projects.

      1. If you aren't connected to your source provider, choose Manage default source credential.

      2. For Credential type, choose a credential type.

      3. If you chose CodeConnections, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

        If you chose a different credential type, for Service choose which service you'd like to use to store your token and do the following:

        • If you chose to use Secrets Manager, you can choose to use an existing secret connection or create a new secret and choose Save. For more information how to create a new secret, see Create and store a token in a Secrets Manager secret.

        • If you chose to use CodeBuild, enter your token or your username and app password, and choose Save.

    • Choose Custom source credential to use a custom source credential to override your account's default settings.

      1. For Credential type, choose a credential type.

      2. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

You can now use the token in your build project and run it. For more information, see Create a build project in AWS CodeBuild and Run AWS CodeBuild builds manually.

Configure multiple tokens as source level credentials

To use Secrets Manager secrets or CodeConnections connections as source level credentials, directly reference the token in CodeBuild project, and start a build.

AWS Management Console
To configure multiple tokens as source level credentials in the AWS Management Console
  1. For Source provider, choose GitHub.

  2. For Credential, do one of the following:

    • Choose Default source credential to use your account's default source credential to apply to all projects.

      1. If you aren't connected to GitHub, choose Manage default source credential.

      2. For Credential type, choose GitHub App.

      3. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

    • Choose Custom source credential to use a custom source credential to override your account's default settings.

      1. For Credential type, choose GitHub App.

      2. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

  3. Choose Add source and repeat the process of choosing your source provider and credentials.

To configure multiple tokens as source level credentials in the AWS CLI
  • Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the create-project command.

    Use the following command:

    aws codebuild create-project --region <aws-region> \ --name <project-name> \ --artifacts type=NO_ARTIFACTS \ --environment "type=LINUX_CONTAINER, computeType=BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL, image=aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-x86_64-standard:5.0" \ --service-role <service-role-name> \ --source "type=GITHUB, location=<github-repository-1>, auth={type=SECRETS_MANAGER,resource=<secret-or-connection-arn-1>}" \ --secondary-sources "type=GITHUB, location=<github-repository-2>, auth={type=SECRETS_MANAGER,resource=<secret-or-connection-arn-2>}, sourceIdentifier=secondary" aws codebuild start-build --region <aws-region> --project-name <project-name>
To configure multiple tokens as source level credentials in the AWS Management Console
  1. For Source provider, choose GitHub.

  2. For Credential, do one of the following:

    • Choose Default source credential to use your account's default source credential to apply to all projects.

      1. If you aren't connected to GitHub, choose Manage default source credential.

      2. For Credential type, choose GitHub App.

      3. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

    • Choose Custom source credential to use a custom source credential to override your account's default settings.

      1. For Credential type, choose GitHub App.

      2. In Connection, choose to use an existing connection or create a new connection.

  3. Choose Add source and repeat the process of choosing your source provider and credentials.

Set a project level source credential fallback

To set up project level source credential fallback, use NO_SOURCE for your project's primary source and reference the token.

aws codebuild create-project \ --name <project-name> \ --service-role <service-role-name> \ --artifacts type=NO_ARTIFACTS \ --environment "type=LINUX_CONTAINER, computeType=BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL, image=aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-x86_64-standard:5.0" \ --service-role <service-role-name> \ --source "type=NO_SOURCE, auth={type=SECRETS_MANAGER,resource=<secret-or-connection-arn>}, buildspec=<buildspec>" --secondary-sources "type=GITHUB, location=<github-repository>, sourceIdentifier=secondary" aws codebuild start-build --region <aws-region> --project-name <project_name>

When using NO_SOURCE, a buildspec typically is provided within the source model as it is not directly configured to use an external source to fetch the buildspec. Commonly, a NO_SOURCE source will handle cloning all relevant repositories from within the buildspec. To ensure the configured credentials are available for those operations, you can enable the git-credential-helper option in the buildspec.

env: git-credential-helper: yes

During the build, CodeBuild will then read the AuthServer field from the configured token and use the token credentials for all git requests to that particular third party source provider.

Additional setup options

You can configure Secrets Manager account level credentials by using AWS CloudFormation templates. You can use the following AWS CloudFormation template to set an account level credential:

Parameters: GitHubToken: Type: String NoEcho: true Default: placeholder Resources: CodeBuildAuthTokenSecret: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret Properties: Description: CodeBuild auth token Name: codebuild-auth-token SecretString: !Join - '' - - '{"ServerType":"GITHUB","AuthType":"PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN","Token":"' - !Ref GitHubToken - '"}' Tags: - Key: codebuild:source:provider Value: github - Key: codebuild:source:type Value: personal_access_token CodeBuildSecretsManagerAccountCredential: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::SourceCredential Properties: ServerType: GITHUB AuthType: SECRETS_MANAGER Token: !Ref CodeBuildAuthTokenSecret

If you're also creating a project in the same stack, use the AWS CloudFormation attribute DependsOn to ensure the AccountCredential is created before the project.

You can also configure Secrets Manager multiple source level credentials by using AWS CloudFormation templates. You can use the following AWS CloudFormation template to use multiple tokens to pull in multiple sources:

Parameters: GitHubTokenOne: Type: String NoEcho: true Default: placeholder GitHubTokenTwo: Type: String NoEcho: true Default: placeholder Resources: CodeBuildSecretsManagerProject: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project Properties: Name: codebuild-multitoken-example ServiceRole: <service-role> Environment: Type: LINUX_CONTAINER ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-x86_64-standard:5.0 Source: Type: GITHUB Location: <github-repository-one> Auth: Type: SECRETS_MANAGER Resource: !Ref CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretOne SecondarySources: - Type: GITHUB Location: <github-repository-two> Auth: Type: SECRETS_MANAGER Resource: !Ref CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretTwo SourceIdentifier: secondary Artifacts: Type: NO_ARTIFACTS LogsConfig: CloudWatchLogs: Status: ENABLED CodeBuildProjectIAMRoleSecretAccess: Type: AWS::IAM::RolePolicy Properties: RoleName: <role-name> PolicyName: CodeBuildProjectIAMRoleSecretAccessPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue Resource: - !Ref CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretOne - !Ref CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretTwo CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretOne: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret Properties: Description: CodeBuild auth token one Name: codebuild-auth-token-one SecretString: !Join - '' - - '{"ServerType":"GITHUB","AuthType":"PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN","Token":"' - !Ref GitHubTokenOne - '"}' Tags: - Key: codebuild:source:provider Value: github - Key: codebuild:source:type Value: personal_access_token CodeBuildAuthTokenSecretTwo: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret Properties: Description: CodeBuild auth token two Name: codebuild-auth-token-two SecretString: !Join - '' - - '{"ServerType":"GITHUB","AuthType":"PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN","Token":"' - !Ref GitHubTokenTwo - '"}' Tags: - Key: codebuild:source:provider Value: github - Key: codebuild:source:type Value: personal_access_token
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