You specify the test result files and their location for each report group in the
section of your build project's buildspec file. For more
information, see Reports syntax in the buildspec file.
The following is a sample reports
section that specifies two report
groups for a build project. One is specified with its ARN, the other with a name.
The files
section specifies the files that contain the test case
results. The optional base-directory
section specifies the directory
where the test case files are located. The optional discard-paths
section specifies whether paths to test result files uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket are
arn:aws:codebuild:your-region:your-aws-account-id:report-group/report-group-name-1: #surefire junit reports
- '**/*'
base-directory: 'surefire/target/surefire-reports'
discard-paths: false
sampleReportGroup: #Cucumber reports from json plugin
- 'cucumber-json/target/cucumber-json-report.json'
file-format: CUCUMBERJSON #Type of the report, defaults to JUNITXML