View test reports - AWS CodeBuild

View test reports

You can view details about a test report, such as information about its test cases, pass and fail numbers, and how long it took for it to run. You can view test reports grouped by build run, report group, or your AWS account. Choose a test report in the console to see its details and results of its test cases.

You can see view test reports that are not expired. Test reports expire 30 days after they are created. You cannot view an expired report in CodeBuild.

View test reports for a build

To view test reports for a build
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. Locate the build you want to view. If you know the project that ran the build that created the test report:

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Build projects, and then choose the project with the build that ran the test report you want to view.

    2. Choose Build history, and then choose the build that ran created the reports you want to view.

    You can also locate the build in the build history for your AWS account:

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Build history, and then choose the build that created the test reports you want to view.

  3. In the build page, choose Reports, and then choose a test report to see its details.

View test reports for a report group

To view test reports in a report group
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Report groups.

  3. Choose the report group that contains the test reports you want to view.

  4. Choose a test report to see its details.

View test reports in your AWS account

To view test reports in your AWS account
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Report history.

  3. Choose a test report to see its details.