In order to configure a Buildkite runner project programatically, you will need to configure the following resources:
To create a Buildkite runner programmatically
Create a Buildkite agent token and save the token in plaintext within AWS Secrets Manager.
Set up a CodeBuild project with your preferred configuration. You will need to configure the following additional attributes:
An environment value with name
, and a value equal to the Buildkite agent token associated with your Buildkite cluster. -
Source type equal to
Permissions to access the secret created in step 1 in your project’s service role
For example, you can use the following command to create a valid Buildkite runner project through the CLI:
aws codebuild create-project \ --name buildkite-runner-project \ --source "{\"type\": \"NO_SOURCE\",\"buildspec\":\"\"}" \ --environment "{\"image\":\"aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-x86_64-standard:5.0\",\"type\":\"LINUX_CONTAINER\",\"computeType\":\"BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM\",\"environmentVariables\":[{\"name\":\"CODEBUILD_CONFIG_BUILDKITE_AGENT_TOKEN\",\"type\":\"SECRETS_MANAGER\",\"value\":\"<buildkite-secret-name>\"}]}" \ --artifacts "{\"type\": \"NO_ARTIFACTS\"}" \ --service-role
Create a Buildkite runner webhook on the project created in step 2. You will need to use the following configuration options when creating the webhook:
build-type should be equal to
A filter with type
and a pattern equal toWORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED
For example, you can use the following command to create a valid Buildkite runner webhook through the CLI:
aws codebuild create-webhook \ --project-name buildkite-runner-project \ --filter-groups "[[{\"type\":\"EVENT\",\"pattern\":\"WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED\"}]]" \ --build-type RUNNER_BUILDKITE_BUILD
Save the Payload URL and Secret values returned by the
call and use the credentials to create a webhook within the Buildkite console. You can reference Step 3: Create a CodeBuild webhook within Buildkite in Tutorial: Configure a CodeBuild-hosted Buildkite runner for a guide on how to set up this resource.