Nested data limitations (preview) - Amazon Redshift

Nested data limitations (preview)

This topic describes limitations for reading nested data with Redshift Spectrum. Nested data is data that contains nested fields. Nested fields are fields that are joined together as a single entity, such as arrays, structs, or objects.


The limitations marked (preview) in the following list only apply to preview clusters created in the following Regions.

  • US East (Ohio) (us-east-2)

  • US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1)

  • US West (N. California) (us-west-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1)

  • Europe (Ireland) (eu-west-1)

  • Europe (Stockholm) (eu-north-1)

For information about setting up Preview clusters, see Creating a preview cluster in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.

The following limitations apply to nested data:

  • An array or map type can contain other array or map types as long as queries on the nested arrays or maps don't return scalar values. (preview)

  • Amazon Redshift Spectrum supports complex data types only as external tables.

  • Subquery result columns must be top-level. (preview)

  • If an OUTER JOIN expression refers to a nested table, it can refer only to that table and its nested arrays (and maps). If an OUTER JOIN expression doesn't refer to a nested table, it can refer to any number of non-nested tables.

  • If a FROM clause in a subquery refers to a nested table, it can't refer to any other table.

  • If a subquery depends on a nested table that refers to a parent table, the subquery can only use the parent table in the FROM clause. You can't use the parent in any other clauses, such as a SELECT or WHERE clause. For example, the following query doesn't run because the subquery's SELECT clause refers to the parent table c.

    SELECT FROM spectrum.customers c WHERE (SELECT COUNT( FROM c.phones p WHERE p LIKE '858%') > 1;

    The following query works because the parent c is used only in the FROM clause of the subquery.

    SELECT FROM spectrum.customers c WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c.phones p WHERE p LIKE '858%') > 1;
  • A subquery that accesses nested data anywhere other than the FROM clause must return a single value. The only exceptions are (NOT) EXISTS operators in a WHERE clause.

  • (NOT) IN is not supported.

  • The maximum nesting depth for all nested types is 100. This restriction applies to all file formats (Parquet, ORC, Ion, and JSON).

  • Aggregation subqueries that access nested data can only refer to arrays and maps in their FROM clause, not to an external table.

  • Querying the pseudocolumns of nested data in a Redshift Spectrum table is not supported. For more information, see Pseudocolumns.

  • When extracting data from array or map columns by specifying them in a FROM clause, you can only select values from those columns if the values are scalar. For example, the following queries both try to SELECT elements from inside an array. The query that selects arr.a works because arr.a is a scalar value. The second query doesn't work because array is an array extracted from s3.nested table in the FROM clause. (preview)

    SELECT array_column FROM s3.nested_table; array_column ----------------- [{"a":1},{"b":2}] SELECT arr.a FROM s3.nested_table t, t.array_column arr; arr.a ----- 1 --This query fails to run. SELECT array FROM s3.nested_table tab, tab.array_column array;

    You can’t use an array or map in the FROM clause that itself comes from another array or map. To select arrays or other complex structures that are nested inside other arrays, consider using indexes in the SELECT statement.