SYS_INTEGRATION_TABLE_ACTIVITY displays details of insert, delete, and update activity of zero-ETL integrations. There is one row added for each completed ingestion.

A superuser can see all rows in this table.

For more information, see zero-ETL integrations.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
integration_id character(128) The identifier associated with the integration.
checkpoint_name character(128) The name of the checkpoint.
target_database character(128) The name of the Amazon Redshift database.
schema_name character(128) The name of the Amazon Redshift schema.
table_name character(128) The name of the table.
table_id integer The identifier of the table.
record_time timestamp The time (UTC) when this change completed.
transaction_id bigint The transaction identifier.
inserted_rows bigint The number of rows inserted by the ingestion.
deleted_rows bigint The number of rows deleted by the ingestion.
updated_rows bigint The number of rows updated by the ingestion.
bytes_ingested bigint The number of bytes ingested.

Sample queries

The following SQL command displays activity of the integration.

select * from sys_integration_table_activity; integration_id | checkpoint_name | target_database | schema_name | table_name | table_id | record_time | transaction_id | inserted_rows | deleted_rows | updated_rows | bytes_ingested --------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+--------------+----------------------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+--------------- 4798e675-8f9f-4686-b05f-92c538e19629 | | sample_test2 | sample | SampleTestChannel | 111276 | 2023-05-12 12:40:30.656625 | 7736 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 125