TO_HEX function - Amazon Redshift

TO_HEX function

TO_HEX converts a number or binary value to a hexadecimal representation.





Either a number or binary value (VARBYTE) to be converted.

Return type



To convert a number to its hexadecimal representation, use the following example.

SELECT TO_HEX(2147676847); +----------+ | to_hex | +----------+ | 8002f2af | +----------+

To convert the VARBYTE representation of 'abc' to a hexadecimal number, use the followign example.

SELECT TO_HEX('abc'::VARBYTE); +--------+ | to_hex | +--------+ | 616263 | +--------+

To create a table, insert the VARBYTE representation of 'abc' to a hexadecimal number, and select the column with the value, use the following example.

CREATE TABLE t (vc VARCHAR); INSERT INTO t SELECT TO_HEX('abc'::VARBYTE); SELECT vc FROM t; +--------+ | vc | +--------+ | 616263 | +--------+

To show that when casting a VARBYTE value to VARCHAR the format is UTF-8, use the following example.

CREATE TABLE t (vc VARCHAR); INSERT INTO t SELECT 'abc'::VARBYTE::VARCHAR; SELECT vc FROM t; +-----+ | vc | +-----+ | abc | +-----+