STL_WLM_RULE_ACTION - Amazon Redshift


Records details about actions resulting from WLM query monitoring rules associated with user-defined queues. For more information, see WLM query monitoring rules.

STL_WLM_RULE_ACTION is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
userid integer User that ran the query.
query integer Query ID.
service_class integer ID for the service class. Query queues are defined in the WLM configuration. Service classes greater than 5 are user-defined queues.
rule character(256) Name of a query monitoring rule.
action character(256)

Resulting action. Possible values are as follows:

  • log

  • hop(reassign)

  • hop(restart)

  • abort

  • change_query_priority

  • none

A value of none indicates that the rule’s predicates were met but the action was superseded by another rule with a higher severity action.

recordtime timestamp Time the action was logged in UTC.
action_value character(256) If action is change_query_priority, then possible values are highest, high, normal, low, and lowest.

If action is log, hop, or abort then the value is empty.

service_class_name character(64) The name of the service class.

Sample queries

The following example finds queries that were stopped by a query monitoring rule.

Select query, rule from stl_wlm_rule_action where action = 'abort' order by query;