SVV_USER_GRANTS - Amazon Redshift


Use SVV_USER_GRANTS to view the list of users that are explicitly granted roles in the cluster.

SVV_USER_GRANTS is visible to the following users:

  • Superusers

  • Users with the ACCESS SYSTEM TABLE permission

Other users can only see roles that are explicitly granted to them.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
user_id integer The user ID for the user.
user_name text The name of the user.
role_id integer The role ID for the granted role.
role_name text The role name for the granted role.
admin_option boolean A value that indicates whether the user can grant the role to other users and roles.

Sample queries

The following queries grant roles to users and show the list of users that are explicitly granted roles.

GRANT ROLE role1 TO reguser; GRANT ROLE role2 TO reguser; GRANT ROLE role1 TO superuser; GRANT ROLE role2 TO superuser; SELECT user_name,role_name,admin_option FROM svv_user_grants; user_name | role_name | admin_option -----------+-----------+-------------- superuser | role1 | False reguser | role1 | False superuser | role2 | False reguser | role2 | False