The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Confluence (Cloud) connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.
Error code | Error message | Suggested resolution |
CNF-5500 | Null/empty username. | Provide username. |
CNF-5501 | Error validating credentials due to Invalid username or password. | Provide valid username/password |
CNF-5502 | Null/empty confluence AppKey. | Provide confluence AppKey. |
CNF-5503 | Null/empty confluence Secret. | Provide confluence Secret. |
CNF-5504 | Null/empty Client Access Token. | Provide Client Access Token. |
CNF-5505 | Null/empty Client Refresh Token | Provide Client Refresh Token |
CNF-5506 | Incorrect auth type. | Auth type should be Basic or OAuth2 or Personal-token. |
CNF-5507 | Null/empty auth type. | Auth Type should not be null or empty value. |
CNF-5508 | Empty/null host URL. | Host Url should not be null or empty value. |
CNF-5509 | Null/empty crawl type. | Crawl Type should not be null or empty value. |
CNF-5510 | Null/empty Repository Configurations. | Repository Configurations should not be null or empty value. |
CNF-5511 | Incorrect type. | type should be SAAS or ON_PREM. |
CNF-5512 | Invalid inclusion file type patterns. | Provide the correct inclusion patterns. |
CNF-5513 | Invalid exclusion file type patterns. | Provide the correct exclusion patterns. |
CNF-5514 | Invalid regex patterns. | Provide the correct regex patterns. |
CNF-5515 | Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. | Provide valid username and password. |
CNF-5516 | Error validating credentials due to invalid client id or client secret. | Provide valid client id and client secret. |
CNF-5517 | Error validating crawl type. | Provide valid crawl type. |
CNF-5518 | Invalid URI. | Provide valid URI. |
CNF-5519 | Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Space Entity. | Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Space Entity. |
CNF-5520 | Null/empty IndexFieldName in Blog Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldName in Blog Entity. |
CNF-5521 | Null/empty IndexFieldType in Space Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldType in Space Entity. |
CNF-5522 | Null/empty password. | Provide password. |
CNF-5523 | Incorrect auth type. | Auth type should be Basic or OAuth2. |
CNF-5524 | Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Page Entity. | Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Page Entity. |
CNF-5525 | Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Blog Entity | Please provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Blog Entity |
CNF-5526 | Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Comment Entity. | Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Comment Entity. |
CNF-5527 | Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Attachment Entity. | Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Attachment Entity. |
CNF-5528 | Null/empty IndexFieldName. | IndexFieldName field can't be null or empty value. |
CNF-5529 | Null/empty IndexFieldName in Space Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldName in Space Entity. |
CNF-5530 | Null/empty IndexFieldName in Page Entity | Please provide value for IndexFieldName in Page Entity |
CNF-5531 | Invalid isCrawlPersonalSpace value. | isCrawlPersonalSpace should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5532 | Invalid isCrawlArchivedSpace value. | isCrawlArchivedSpace should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5533 | Invalid isCrawlArchivedPage value. | isCrawlArchivedPage should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5534 | Invalid isCrawlPage value. | isCrawlPage should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5535 | Invalid isCrawlBlogComment value. | isCrawlBlogComment should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5536 | Invalid isCrawlBlogComment value. | isCrawlBlogComment should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5537 | Invalid isCrawlBlogAttachment value. | isCrawlBlogAttachment should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5538 | Error validating on protocol. | Provide valid protocol. |
CNF-5539 | Null/empty IndexFieldName in Comment Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldName in Comment Entity. |
CNF-5540 | Null/empty Personal Access Token. | Provide Personal Access Token. |
CNF-5541 | Invalid OAuth value. | Give a valid OAuth URL. |
CNF-5542 | Invalid Space value. | Give a valid Space URL. |
CNF-5543 | Archived Space Exception. | Check Archived Space. |
CNF-5544 | JSON Exception for Space. | Check Space. |
CNF-5545 | JSON Exception for Comment. | Check Comment. |
CNF-5546 | JSON Exception for Comment. | Check Comment. |
CNF-5547 | JSON Exception for Comment. | Check Comment. |
CNF-5548 | JSON Exception for Attachment. | Check Attachment. |
CNF-5549 | JSON Exception for Blog. | Check Blog. |
CNF-5550 | JSON Exception for Page. | Check Page. |
CNF-5551 | JSON Exception for Label. | Check Label. |
CNF-5552 | JSON Exception for ACL. | Check ACL. |
CNF-5553 | JSON Exception for Groups. | Check Groups. |
CNF-5554 | JSON Exception for Group Members. | Check Group Members. |
CNF-5555 | JSON Exception for Space Group. | Check Space Group. |
CNF-5556 | Exception in CommentItem. | Check the CommentItem class. |
CNF-5557 | Invalid isCrawlPageComment value. | isCrawlPageComment should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5558 | Invalid isCrawlPageAttachment value. | isCrawlPageAttachment should be a boolean value true or false. |
CNF-5559 | Null/empty Repository Configurations. | Repository Configurations should not be null or empty value. |
CNF-5560 | Null/empty IndexFieldName in Attachment. | Please provide value for IndexFieldName in Attachment Entity. |
CNF-5561 | Invalid proxy url. | Proxy url should not contain http: or https. |
CNF-5562 | Null/Empty proxy port. | Provide a valid proxy port. |
CNF-5563 | Invalid Host URL. | Provide valid Host URL. |
CNF-5564 | Invalid proxy port value. | Provide a valid proxy port. |
CNF-5565 | Confluence server not reachable. | Provide a valid proxy and server details. |
CNF-5566 | Null/empty IndexFieldType in Page Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldType in Page Entity. |
CNF-5567 | Null/empty IndexFieldType in Blog Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldType in Blog Entity. |
CNF-5568 | Null/empty IndexFieldType in Comment Entity. | Provide value for IndexFieldType in Comment Entity. |
CNF-5569 | Null/empty IndexFieldType in Attachment. | Provide value for IndexFieldType in Attachment. Entity |
CNF-5570 | JSON Exception for Content Ancestors. | Check your Ancestors. |
CNF-5571 | Invalid Host URL Pattern. | Provide valid Host URL Pattern. |
CNF-5572 | Error validating credentials due to Invalid access or refresh token. | Invalid AccessToken/RefreshToken. |