The following procedure outlines how to connect Amazon Q Business to Microsoft Yammer using the AWS Management Console.
Connecting Amazon Q to Microsoft Yammer
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.
From the left navigation menu, choose Data sources.
From the Data sources page, choose Add data source.
Then, on the Add data sources page, from Data sources, add the Microsoft Yammer data source to your Amazon Q application.
Then, on the Microsoft Yammer data source page, enter the following information:
Name and description, do the following:
For Data source name – Name your data source for easy tracking.
You can include hyphens (-) but not spaces. Maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters.
Description – optional – Add an optional description for your data source. This text is viewed only by Amazon Q Business administrators and can be edited later.
Authorization – Amazon Q Business crawls ACL information by default to ensure responses are generated only from documents your end users have access to. If supported for your connector, you can manage ACLs by selecting Enable ACLs to enable ACLs or Disable ACLs to disable them. To manage ACLs, you need specific IAM permissions. See Grant permission to create data sources with ACLs disabled for more details. See Authorization for more details.
Authentication – Choose between New and Existing.
If you choose Existing, select an existing secret for Select secret.
If you choose New, enter the following information in the New AWS Secrets Manager secret section:
Secret name – A name for your secret.
Username – The username for your Microsoft Yammer Active Directory account.
Password – The password for your Microsoft Yammer Active Directory account.
Client ID – The OAuth client ID credential values you copied from your Microsoft Yammer account.
Client secret – The client secret from your Microsoft Yammer account.
Configure VPC and security group – optional – Choose whether you want to use a VPC. If you do, enter the following information:
Subnets – Select up to 6 repository subnets that define the subnets and IP ranges the repository instance uses in the selected VPC.
VPC security groups – Choose up to 10 security groups that allow access to your data source. Ensure that the security group allows incoming traffic from Amazon EC2 instances and devices outside your VPC. For databases, security group instances are required.
For more information, see VPC.
Identity crawler – Amazon Q crawls identity information from your data source by default to ensure responses are generated only from documents end users have access to. For more information, see Identity crawler.
IAM role – Choose an existing IAM role or create an IAM role to access your repository credentials and index content.
Creating a new service IAM role is recommended.
For more information, see IAM role.
For Sync scope, provide the following information:
sinceDate – Select the date in your data source content from when Amazon Q should begin to crawl your data.
Select content to sync – Choose between All, Public messages, Attachments, and Inbox private messages.
For Maximum file size – Specify the file size limit in MBs that Amazon Q will crawl. Amazon Q will crawl only the files within the size limit you define. The default file size is 50MB. The maximum file size should be greater than 0MB and less than or equal to 50MB.
Advanced settings
Document deletion safeguard - optional–To safeguard your documents from deletion during a sync job, select On and enter an integer between 0 - 100. If the percentage of documents to be deleted in your sync job exceeds the percentage you selected, the delete phase will be skipped and no documents from this data source will be deleted from your index. For more information, see Document deletion safeguard.
For Additional configuration – optional, provide the following information:
Community names – Enter the community names you wish to include in your application.
Regex patterns – Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain file types. You can add up to 100 patterns.
In Sync mode, choose how you want to update your index when your data source content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Q for the first time, all content is synced by default.
Full sync – Sync all content regardless of the previous sync status.
New or modified content sync – Sync only new and modified documents.
New, modified, or deleted content sync – Sync only new, modified, and deleted documents.
For more details, see Sync mode.
In Sync run schedule, for Frequency – Choose how often Amazon Q will sync with your data source. For more details, see Sync run schedule. To learn how to start a data sync job, see Starting data source connector sync jobs.
Tags - optional – Add tags to search and filter your resources or track your AWS costs. See Tags for more details.
Field mappings – A list of data source document attributes to map to your index fields.
Add or update the fields from the Data source details page after you finish adding your data source. You can choose from two types of fields:
Default – Automatically created by Amazon Q on your behalf based on common fields in your data source. You can't edit these.
Custom – Automatically created by Amazon Q on your behalf based on common fields in your data source. You can edit these. You can also create and add new custom fields.
Support for adding custom fields varies by connector. You won't see the Add field option if your connector doesn't support adding custom fields.
For more information, see Field mappings.
In Data source details, choose Sync now to allow Amazon Q to begin syncing (crawling and ingesting) data from your data source. When the sync job finishes, your data source is ready to use.
View CloudWatch logs for your data source sync job by selecting View CloudWatch logs. If you encounter a
Resource not found exception
error, wait and try again as logs may not be available immediately.You can also view a detailed document-level report by selecting View Report. This report shows the status of each document during the crawl, sync, and index stages, including any errors. If the report is empty for an in-progress job, check back later as data is emitted to the report as events occur during the sync process.
For more information, see Troubleshooting data source connectors.