Amazon Q Business Drupal connector has the following known limitations:
Drupal APIs have no official throttling limits.
Java SDKs are not available for Drupal.
Drupal data can be fetched only using native JSON API’s.
Content types not associated with any Drupal View cannot be crawled.
You need administrator access to crawl data from Drupal Blocks.
There is no JSON API available to create the user defined content type using HTTP verbs.
The document body and comments for Articles, Basic pages, Basic blocks, user defined content type, and user defined block type, are displayed in HTML format. If the HTML content is not well-formed, then the HTML related tags will appear in the document body and comments and will be visible in Amazon Kendra search results.
Content types and Block types without description or body will not be ingested into Amazon Q. Only Comments and Attachments of such Content or Block types will be ingested into your Amazon Q index.