Before you run a deployment using the Amazon ECS compute platform, you must create an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer, two target groups, and one or two listeners. This topic shows you how to create an Application Load Balancer. For more information, see Before you begin an Amazon ECS deployment.
One of the target groups directs traffic to your Amazon ECS application's original task set. The other target group directs traffic to its replacement task set. During deployment, CodeDeploy creates a replacement task set and reroutes traffic from the original task set to the new one. CodeDeploy determines which target group is used for each task set.
A listener is used by your load balancer to direct traffic to your target groups. One production listener is required. You can specify an optional test listener that directs traffic to your replacement task set while you run validation tests.
The load balancer must use a VPC with two public subnets in different Availability Zones. The following steps show you how to confirm your default VPC, create an Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer, and then create two target groups for your load balancer. For more information, see Target groups for your network load balancers.
your default VPC, public subnets, and security group
This topic shows how to create an Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer, two target groups, and two ports that can be used during an Amazon ECS deloyment. One of the ports is optional and needed only if you direct traffic to a test port for validation tests during your deployment.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at
. -
Verify the default VPC to use. In the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs. Note which VPC shows Yes in the Default VPC column. This is your default VPC. It contains default subnets that you use.
Choose Subnets. Make a note of the subnet IDs of two subnets that show Yes in the Default subnet column. You use these IDs when you create your load balancer.
Choose each subnet, and then choose the Description tab. Verify that the subnets you want to use are in different Availability Zones.
Choose the subnets, and then choose the Route Table tab. To verify that each subnet you want to use is a public subnet, confirm that a row with a link to an internet gateway is included in the route table.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
From the navigation pane, choose Security Groups.
Verify the security group you want to use is available and make a note of its group ID (for example, sg-abcd1234). You use this when you create your load balancer.
Create an
Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer, two target groups, and listeners (console)
To use the Amazon EC2 console to create an Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer:
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Load Balancers.
Choose Create Load Balancer.
Choose Application Load Balancer, and then choose Create.
In Name, enter the name of your load balancer.
In Scheme, choose internet-facing.
In IP address type, choose ipv4.
(Optional) Configure a second listener port for your load balancer. You can run deployment validation tests using test traffic that is served to this port.
Under Load Balancer Protocol, choose Add listener.
Under Load Balancer Protocol for the second listener, choose HTTP.
Under Load Balancer Port, enter
Under Availability Zones, in VPC, choose the default VPC, and then select the two default subnets you want to use.
Choose Next: Configure Security Settings.
Choose Next: Configure Security Groups.
Choose Select an existing security group, choose the default security group, and then make a note of its ID.
Choose Next: Configure Routing.
In Target group, choose New target group, and configure your first target group:
In Name, enter a target group name (for example,
). -
In Target type, choose IP.
In Protocol choose HTTP. In Port, enter
. -
Choose Next: Register Targets.
Choose Next: Review, and then choose Create.
To create a second target group for your load balancer
After your load balancer is provisioned, open the Amazon EC2 console. In the navigation pane, choose Target Groups.
Choose Create target group.
In Name, enter a target group name (for example,
). -
In Target type, choose IP.
In Protocol choose HTTP. In Port, enter
. -
In VPC, choose the default VPC.
Choose Create.
You must have two target groups created for your load balancer in order for your Amazon ECS deployment to run. You use the ARN of one of your target groups when you create your Amazon ECS service. For more information, see Step 4: Create an Amazon ECS service in the Amazon ECS User Guide.
Create an
Amazon EC2 Application Load Balancer, two target groups, and listeners (CLI)
To create an Application Load Balancer using the AWS CLI:
Use the create-load-balancer command to create an Application Load Balancer. Specify two subnets that aren't in the same Availability Zone and a security group.
aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --name
\ --subnetssubnet-abcd1234
The output includes the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer, in the following format:
Use the create-target-group command to create your first target group. CodeDeploy routes this target group's traffic to the original or the replacement task set in your service.
aws elbv2 create-target-group --name
\ --target-type ip --vpc-idvpc-abcd1234
The output includes the ARN of the first target group, in the following format:
:targetgroup/bluegreentarget1/209a844cd01825a4 -
Use the create-target-group command to create your second target group. CodeDeploy routes target group's traffic to the task set that is not served by your first target group. For example, if your first target group routes traffic to the original task set, this target group routes traffic to the replacement task set.
aws elbv2 create-target-group --name
\ --target-type ip --vpc-idvpc-abcd1234
The output includes the ARN of the second target group, in the following format:
:targetgroup/bluegreentarget2/209a844cd01825a4 -
Use the create-listener command to create a listener with a default rule that forwards production traffic to port 80.
aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:
\ --protocol HTTP --port 80 \ --default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn=arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region
The output includes the ARN of the listener, in the following format:
:listener/app/bluegreen-alb/e5ba62739c16e642/665750bec1b03bd4 -
(Optional) Use the create-listener command to create a second listener with a default rule that forwards test traffic to port 8080. You can run deployment validation tests using test traffic that is served this port.
aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:
\ --protocol HTTP --port 8080 \ --default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn=arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region
The output includes the ARN of the listener, in the following format: