Change deployment group settings with CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy

Change deployment group settings with CodeDeploy

You can use the CodeDeploy console, the AWS CLI, or the CodeDeploy APIs to change the settings of a deployment group.


Do not use these steps if you want the deployment group to use a not-yet-created custom deployment group. Instead, follow the instructions in Create a Deployment Configuration, and then return to this topic. Do not use these steps if you want the deployment group to use a different, not-yet-created service role. The service role must trust CodeDeploy with, at minimum, the permissions described in Step 2: Create a service role for CodeDeploy. To create and configure a service role with the correct permissions, follow the instructions in Step 2: Create a service role for CodeDeploy, and then return to this topic.

Change deployment group settings (console)

To use the CodeDeploy console to change deployment group settings:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Deploy, then choose Applications.

  3. In the list of applications, choose the name of the application that is associated with the deployment group you want to change.


    If no entries are displayed, make sure the correct region is selected. On the navigation bar, in the region selector, choose one of the regions listed in Region and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference. CodeDeploy is supported in these regions only.

  4. Choose the Deployment groups tab, and then choose the name of the deployment group you want to change.

  5. On the Depoyment group page, choose Edit.

  6. Edit the deployment group options as needed.

    For information about deployment group components, see Create a deployment group with CodeDeploy.

  7. Choose Save changes.

Change deployment group settings (CLI)

To use the AWS CLI to change deployment group settings, call the update-deployment-group command, specifying:

  • For EC2/On-Premises and AWS Lambda deployments:

    • The application name. To view a list of application names, call the list-applications command.

    • The current deployment group name. To view a list of deployment group names, call the list-deployment-groups command.

    • (Optional) A different deployment group name.

    • (Optional) A different Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that corresponds to a service role that allows CodeDeploy to act on your AWS account's behalf when interacting with other AWS services. To get the service role ARN, see Get the service role ARN (CLI) . For more information about service roles, see Roles terms and concepts in IAM User Guide.

    • (Optional) The name of the deployment configuration. To view a list of deployment configurations, see View Deployment Configuration Details. (If not specified, CodeDeploy uses a default deployment configuration.)

    • (Optional) Commands to add one or more existing CloudWatch alarms to the deployment group that are activated if a metric specified in an alarm falls below or exceeds a defined threshold.

    • (Optional) Commands for a deployment to roll back to the last known good revision when a deployment fails or a CloudWatch alarm is activated.

    • (Optional) Commands for a deployment to generate lifecycle event hooks during an Auto Scaling scale-in event. For more information, see How Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling works with CodeDeploy.

    • (Optional) Commands to create or update a trigger that publishes to a topic in Amazon Simple Notification Service, so that subscribers to that topic receive notifications about deployment and instance events in this deployment group. For information, see Monitoring Deployments with Amazon SNS Event Notifications.

  • For EC2/On-Premises deployments only:

    • (Optional) Replacement tags or tag groups that uniquely identify the instances to be included in the deployment group.

    • (Optional) The names of replacement Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups to be added to the deployment group.

  • For Amazon ECS deployments only:

    • The Amazon ECS service to deploy.

    • Load balancer information, including the Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer, the target groups required for an Amazon ECS deployment, and production and optional test listener information.