CodeDeploy resources
The following related resources can help you as you work with CodeDeploy.
Reference guides and support resources
AWS CodeDeploy API Reference — Descriptions, syntax, and usage examples about CodeDeploy actions and data types, including common parameters and error codes.
CodeDeploy technical FAQs
— Top questions from customers about CodeDeploy. -
AWS support center
— The hub for creating and managing your AWS Support cases. Also includes links to other resources, such as forums, technical FAQs, service health status, and AWS Trusted Advisor. -
AWS support plans
— The primary web page for information about AWS Support plans. -
Contact Us
— A central contact point for inquiries concerning AWS billing, account, events, abuse, and other issues. -
AWS site terms
— Detailed information about our copyright and trademark; your account, license, and site access; and other topics.
CodeDeploy samples on GitHub
— Samples and template scenarios for CodeDeploy. -
CodeDeploy Jenkins plugin
— Jenkins plugin for CodeDeploy. -
CodeDeploy agent
— Open-source version of the CodeDeploy agent.
AWS DevOps blog
— Insights for developers, system administrators, and architects.
AWS software development kits and tools
The following AWS SDKs and tools support solution development with CodeDeploy:
AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell — A set of Windows PowerShell cmdlets that expose the functionality of the AWS SDK for .NET in the PowerShell environment.
CodeDeploy cmdlets in the AWS Tools for PowerShell — A set of Windows PowerShell cmdlets that expose the functionality of CodeDeploy in the PowerShell environment.
AWS Command Line Interface — A uniform command line syntax for accessing AWS services. The AWS CLI uses a single setup process to enable access for all supported services.
AWS developer tools
— Links to developer tools and resources that provide documentation, code samples, release notes, and other information to help you build innovative applications with CodeDeploy and AWS.