The following are limitations or notes for Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT:
The SaaS only supports the
operator, which returns results created or modified on or after the specified date. Additionally, the "id" field is a String data type. There is also no identification of non-nullable fields. Therefore, field-based partitioning is not supported.Incremental pull is only supported by the
entity with daily, monthly and weekly frequencies.The Constituent Fundraiser Assignment entity returns a maximum of 20 records.
Record-based partitioning:
Not supported by the
,Constituent Fundraiser Assignment
orGift Batch
entities.Record-based partitioning with the filter predicate is only supported by the
andEvent Participant
entities. If a filter predicate is used with any other record-based supported entities, an exception will be thrown.
In the
Gift Custom Field
entity, the field 'value' must be used in conjunction with the field 'category', which otherwise leads to an unfiltered response. Thus, to compel the user to plug in the 'category' field while filtering with the 'value' field, an exception will be thrown if the aforementioned requirement has not been followed.The
fields for all applicable entities do not support any comparative operators. They only support the equal to operator. Also, there is no field that can be paired with the aforementioned fields to provide a range of records. Hence, these fields are only queryable and cannot support incremental transfer.The
field in theGift Batch
entity will not be considered as filterable as it might not emit the correct results.There is a latency of approximately 30 minutes for records to be retrieved via the
/GET Gift List
endpoint upon insertion of data in theGift
entity.Support for incremental transfer has been dropped for the Gift entity due to limitations from the data source's end.
There exists a 10 minute latency for the status field in the Opportunity entity.
Fundraiser Assignment
entity hasConstituent
as the dependent entity. The connector loads at most 5,000 IDs to choose from, to avoid the response size exceeding the maximum allowed payload size.