SAP OData connection options - AWS Glue

SAP OData connection options

The following are connection options for SAP OData:

  • ENTITY_NAME(String) - (Required) Used for Read. The name of your object in SAP OData.

    For example: /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_SALES_ORDER_SRV/A_SalesOrder

  • API_VERSION(String) - (Optional) Used for Read. SAP OData Rest API version you want to use. Example: 2.0.

  • SELECTED_FIELDS(List<String>) - Default: empty(SELECT *). Used for Read. Columns you want to select for the object.

    For example: SalesOrder

  • FILTER_PREDICATE(String) - Default: empty. Used for Read. It should be in the Spark SQL format.

    For example: SalesOrder = "10"

  • QUERY(String) - Default: empty. Used for Read. Full Spark SQL query.

    For example: SELECT * FROM /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_SALES_ORDER_SRV/A_SalesOrder

  • PARTITION_FIELD(String) - Used for Read. Field to be used to partition query.

    For example: ValidStartDate

  • LOWER_BOUND(String)- Used for Read. An inclusive lower bound value of the chosen partition field.

    For example: "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

  • UPPER_BOUND(String) - Used for Read. An exclusive upper bound value of the chosen partition field.

    For example: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

  • NUM_PARTITIONS(Integer) - Default: 1. Used for Read. Number of partitions for read.

  • INSTANCE_URL(String) - The SAP instance application host URL.

    For example:

  • SERVICE_PATH(String) - The SAP instance application service path.

    For example: /sap/opu/odata/iwfnd/catalogservice;v=2

  • CLIENT_NUMBER(String) - The SAP instance application client number.

    For example: 100

  • PORT_NUMBER(String) - Default: The SAP instance application port number.

    For example: 443

  • LOGON_LANGUAGE(String) - The SAP instance application logon language.

    For example: EN

  • ENABLE_CDC(String) - Defines whether to run a job with CDC enabled, that is, with track changes.

    For example: True/False

  • DELTA_TOKEN(String) - Runs an incremental data pull based on the valid Delta Token supplied.

    For example: D20241107043437_000463000