Reading from Zendesk entities - AWS Glue

Reading from Zendesk entities


A Zendesk Object you would like to read from. You will need the object name such as ticket or user or article, as mentioned in the following table.

Entity Can be filtered Supports limit Supports Order by Supports Select * Supports partitioning
Ticket Y Y Y Y N
User Y Y Y Y N
Organization Y Y Y Y N
Article Y Y N Y N
Ticket Event Y Y N Y N
Ticket Metric Event Y Y N Y N
Ticket Comment Y Y Y Y N
Ticket Field Y Y N Y N
Ticket Metric Y Y N Y N
Ticket Activity Y Y N Y N
Ticket Skip N Y N Y N
Group Y Y Y Y N
Group Membership N Y Y Y N
Satisfaction Rating Y Y N Y N
View Y Y Y Y N
Trigger Y Y Y Y N
Trigger Category N Y Y Y N
Macro Y Y Y Y N
Automation N Y Y Y N


Zendesk_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="Zendesk", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "ENTITY_NAME": "Account", "API_VERSION": "v2" }

Zendesk entities and field details:

Entity Field Data type Supported operators Comments
articles url String
id Long
author_id Long
body String
comments_disabled Boolean
draft Boolean
edited_at DateTime
html_url String
label_names List
locale String EQUAL_TO
outdated Boolean
outdated_locales List
permission_group_id Long
position Integer
promoted Boolean
section_id Long
source_locale String
name String
title String
user_segment_id Long
content_tags_id List
vote_count Integer
vote_sum Integer
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
label_name String EQUAL_TO
group url String
id Long
is_public Boolean
name String
description String
default Boolean
deleted Boolean
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
exclude_deleted Boolean EQUAL_TO
automation url String
id Long
title String
active Boolean
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
default Boolean
actions List
positions Integer
conditions Struct
raw_title String
group-membership url String
id Long
user_id Long
group_id Long
default Boolean
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
macro url String
id Long
title String
active Boolean EQUAL_TO
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
default Boolean
actions List
position Integer
description String
raw_title String
restriction Struct
access String EQUAL_TO
category Integer EQUAL_TO
group_id Long EQUAL_TO
only_viewable Boolean EQUAL_TO
organizations url String
id Long
external_id String
name String
domain_names List
details String
notes String
group_id Long
shared_tickets Boolean
shared_comments Boolean
tags List
organization_fields Struct
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
DML_STATUS String A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
satisfaction-rating url String
id Long
assignee_id Long
comment String
group_id Long
reason String
reason_code Integer
reason_id Long
requester_id Long
score String EQUAL_TO
ticket_id Integer
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
start_time DateTime EQUAL_TO
end_time DateTime EQUAL_TO
DML_STATUS String A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
ticket-activity actor Struct
actor_id Long
created_at DateTime
id Long
object Struct
target Struct
title String
updated_at DateTime
url String
user Struct
user_id Long
verb String
since DateTime EQUAL_TO
ticket-comment id Long
type String
author_id Long
body String
html_body String
plain_body String
public Boolean
attachments List
audit_id Long
via Struct
created_at DateTime
metadata Struct
ticket_id Integer EQUAL_TO
include_inline_images Boolean EQUAL_TO
ticket-events id Long
ticket_id Long
timestamp Long
created_at DateTime
updater_id Long
child_events List
via String
system Struct
event_type String
comment_present Boolean
comment_public Boolean
via_reference_id Long
created_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
DML_STATUS String A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
ticket-field url String
id Long
type String
title String
raw_title String
description String
raw_description String
position Integer
active Boolean
required Boolean
collapsed_for_agents Boolean
regexp_for_validation String
title_in_portal String
raw_title_in_portal String
visible_in_portal Boolean
editable_on_portal Boolean
required_in_portal Boolean
tag String
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
removable Boolean
agent_description String
custom_field_options List
custom_statuses List
relationship_filter Struct
relationship_target_type String
sub_type_id Integer
system_field_options List
locale String EQUAL_TO
ticket-metric-events id Long
time DateTime EQUAL_TO
ticket_id Integer
metric String
instance_id Integer
type String
DML_STATUS String EQUAL_TO A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
ticket-metric url String
id Long
ticket_id Integer
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
group_stations Integer
assignee_stations Integer
reopens Integer
replies Integer
assignee_updated_at DateTime
requester_updated_at DateTime
initially_assigned_at DateTime
assigned_at DateTime
solved_at DateTime
last_comment_added_at DateTime
reply_time_in_minutes Struct
first_resolution_time_in_minutes Struct
full_resolution_time_in_minutes Struct
agent_wait_time_in_minutes Struct
requester_wait_time_in_minutes Struct
on_hold_time_in_seconds Struct
reply_time_in_seconds Struct
custom_status_updated_at DateTime
ticket-skip created_at DateTime
id Long
reason String
ticket Struct
ticket_id Integer
updated_at DateTime
user_id Long
tickets url String
id Long
external_id String EQUAL_TO
type String
subject String
raw_subject String
description String
priority String
status String
recipient String
requester Struct
requester_id Long
submitter_id Long
assignee_id Long
organization_id Long
group_id Long
collaborator_ids List
emails_cc_ids List
follower_ids List
forum_topic_id Ling
problem_id Long
has_incidents Boolean
due_at DateTime
tags List
via Struct
custom_fields List
satisfaction_rating Struct
sharing_agreement_ids List
followup_ids List
via_followup_source_id Long
ticket_form_id Long
brand_id Long
allow_channelback Boolean
allow_attachments Boolean
is_public Boolean
from_messaging_channel Boolean
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
assignee_email String
attribute_value_ids List
collaborators List
comment Struct
custom_status_id Long
email_ccs Struct
followers Struct
macro_id Long
macros_ids List
metadata Struct
safe_update Boolean
updated_stamp DateTime
via_id Long
voice_comment Struct
DML_STATUS String A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
trigger-category url String
id String
name String
updated_at DateTime
created_at DateTime
position Integer
trigger url String
id Long
title String
active Boolean EQUAL_TO
updated_at DateTime
created_at DateTime
default Boolean
actions List
conditions Struct
description String
position Integer
raw_title String
category_id String EQUAL_TO
users url String
id Long
external_id String EQUAL_TO
email String
active Boolean
alias String
chat_only Boolean
custom_roll_id Long
roll_type Integer
details String
last_login_at DateTime
locale String
locale_id Integer
moderator Boolean
notes String
name String
only_private_comments Boolean
organization_id Long
default_group_id Long
phone String
photo Struct
remote_photo_url String
restricted_agent Boolean
role String EQUAL_TO
shared Boolean
shared_agent Boolean
tag List
signature String
suspended Boolean
ticket_restriction String
time_zone String
verified Boolean
report_csv Boolean
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime EQUAL_TO
permission_set Long EQUAL_TO
shared_phone_number Boolean
DML_STATUS String A user-defined field used to track the created, updated and deleted status of the record.
view url String
id Long
title String
active Boolean EQUAL_TO
updated_at DateTime
created_at DateTime
default Boolean
position Integer
description String
execution Struct
restriction Struct
raw_title String
conditions Struct
access String EQUAL_TO
group_id Long EQUAL_TO

Struct and List data types are converted to String data type in the response of the connector.

Partitioning queries

Partitions are not supported in Zendesk.