Checks the correlation between two columns against a given expression. AWS Glue Data Quality uses the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the linear correlation between two columns. The result is a number between -1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the relationship.
COL_1_NAME – The name of the first column that you want to evaluate the data quality rule against.
Supported column types: Byte, Decimal, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short
COL_2_NAME – The name of the second column that you want to evaluate the data quality rule against.
Supported column types: Byte, Decimal, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short
EXPRESSION – An expression to run against the rule type response in order to produce a Boolean value. For more information, see Expressions.
Example: Column correlation
The following example rule checks whether the correlation coefficient between the
columns height
and weight
has a strong positive correlation (a
coefficient value greater than 0.8).
ColumnCorrelation "height" "weight" > 0.8
ColumnCorrelation "weightinkgs" "Salary" > 0.8 where "weightinkgs > 40"
Sample dynamic rules
ColumnCorrelation "colA" "colB" between min(last(10)) and max(last(10))
ColumnCorrelation "colA" "colB" < avg(last(5)) + std(last(5))
Null behavior
The ColumnCorrelation
rule will ignore rows with NULL
values in the calculation of the
correlation. For example:
|id |units |
|100|0 |
|101|null |
|102|20 |
|103|null |
|104|40 |
Rows 101 and 103 will be ignored, and the ColumnCorrelation
will be 1.0.