Reading from Jira Cloud entities - AWS Glue

Reading from Jira Cloud entities


A Jira Cloud object you would like to read from. You will need the object name such as Audit Record or Issue. The following table shows the supported entities.

Supported entities for source:

Entity Can be filtered Supports limit Supports Order by Supports Select * Supports partitioning
Audit Record Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Issue Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Issue Field No No No Yes No
Issue Field Configuration Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Issue Link Type No No No Yes No
Issue Notification Scheme Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Issue Security Scheme No No No Yes No
Issue Type Scheme Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Issue Type Screen Scheme Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Issue Type No No No Yes No
Jira Setting Yes No No Yes No
Jira Setting Advanced No No No Yes No
Jira Setting Global No No No Yes No
Label No No No Yes Yes
Myself Yes No No Yes No
Permission No No No Yes No.
Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project Category No No No Yes No
Project Type No No No Yes No
Server Info No No No Yes No
Users No No No. Yes No
Workflow Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Workflow Scheme No Yes No Yes Yes
Workflow Scheme Project Association Yes No No Yes No
Workflow Status No No No Yes No
Workflow Status Category No No No Yes No


jiracloud_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="JiraCloud", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "ENTITY_NAME": "audit-record", "API_VERSION": "v2" }

Jira Cloud entity and field details:

Object Field Data type Filter operators supported
Audit Record filter String "="
from DateTime "="
to DateTime "="
id Integer N/A
summary String N/A
remoteAddress String N/A
authorAccountId String N/A
created String N/A
category String N/A
eventSource String N/A
description String N/A
objectItem Struct N/A
changedValues List N/A
associatedItems List N/A
Groups groupName List "="
name String N/A
groupId String "="
Issue affectedVersion String "=, !="
assignee String "=, !="
category String "=, !="
component String "=, !="
creator String "=, !="
due DateTime N/A
epic_link String "=, !="
filter String "=, !="
fixVersion String "=, !="
hierarchyLevel Integer "=, !="
issueKey String "=, !=, >, <, >=, <="
issueLink String "=, !="
issueLinkType String "=, !="
labels String "=, !="
lastViewed DateTime "=, >, <, >=, <=, between"
level String "=, !="
parent String "=, !="
priority String "=, !="
project String "=, !="
projectType String "=, !="
reporter String "=, !="
resolution String "=, !="
resolved DateTime "=, >, <, >=, <=, between"
sprint String "=, !="
status String "=, !="
type String "=, !="
updated DateTime "=, >, <, >=, <=, between"
voter String "=, !="
votes Integer "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between"
watcher String "=, !="
watchers Integer "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between"
workRatio Integer "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between"
validateQuery String "="
expand String "="
fieldByKeys Boolean "="
id String N/A
self String N/A
key String N/A
renderedFields Struct N/A
properties List "="
names Struct N/A
schema Struct N/A
transitions List N/A
operations Struct N/A
editmeta Struct N/A
changelog Struct N/A
versionedRepresentations Struct N/A
fields List "="
fieldsToInclude Struct N/A
warningMessages List N/A
created DateTime N/A
worklogDate DateTime N/A
IssueEvents id Integer N/A
name String N/A
Issue Fields id String N/A
key String N/A
name String N/A
custom Boolean N/A
orderable Boolean N/A
navigable Boolean N/A
searchable Boolean N/A
clauseNames List N/A
scope Struct N/A
schema Struct N/A
Issue Field Configurations isDefault Boolean "="
query String "="
id Integer "="
name String N/A
description String N/A
Issue Link Type id String N/A
name String N/A
inward String N/A
outward String N/A
self String N/A
Issue Notification Schemes expand String "="
self String N/A
id Integer N/A
name String N/A
description String N/A
notificationSchemeEvents List N/A
scope Struct N/A
Issue Priority self String N/A
statusColor String N/A
description String N/A
iconUrl String N/A
name String N/A
id String N/A
isDefault Boolean N/A
Issue Resolutions self String N/A
id String N/A
description String N/A
name String N/A
Issue Security Scheme self String N/A
id Integer N/A
name String N/A
description String N/A
defaultSecurityLevelId Integer N/A
levels List N/A
Issue Type self String N/A
id String N/A
description String N/A
iconUrl String N/A
name String N/A
subtask Boolean N/A
avatarId Integer N/A
entityId String N/A
hierarchyLevel Integer N/A
scope Struct N/A
Issue Type Scheme orderBy String "="
expand String "="
queryString String "="
id String N/A
name String N/A
description String N/A
defaultIssueTypeId String N/A
isDefault Boolean N/A
Issue Type Screen Scheme queryString String "="
orderBy String "="
expand String "="
id String "="
name String N/A
description String N/A
Jira Settings key String N/A
keyFilter String "="
id String N/A
value String N/A
name String N/A
desc String N/A
type String N/A
defaultValue String N/A
example String N/A
allowedValues List N/A
Jira Settings Advanced id String N/A
key String N/A
value String N/A
name String N/A
desc String N/A
type String N/A
defaultValue String N/A
example String N/A
allowedValues List N/A
Jira Settings Global votingEnabled Boolean N/A
watchingEnabled Boolean N/A
unassignedIssuesAllowed Boolean N/A
subTasksEnabled Boolean N/A
issueLinkingEnabled Boolean N/A
timeTrackingEnabled Boolean N/A
attachmentsEnabled Boolean N/A
timeTrackingConfiguration Struct N/A
Label values List N/A
Myself expand String "="
self String N/A
accountId String N/A
accountType String N/A
emailAddress String N/A
avatarUrls String N/A
displayName String N/A
active Boolean N/A
timeZone String N/A
locale String N/A
groups Struct N/A
applicationRoles Struct N/A
Permission id String N/A
key String N/A
name String N/A
type String N/A
description String N/A
havePermission Boolean N/A
deprecatedKey Boolean N/A
Project orderBy String "="
keys List "="
query String "="
typeKey String "="
categoryId Integer "="
action String "="
expand String "="
status List "="
self String N/A
id Integer "="
key String N/A
description String N/A
lead Struct N/A
components List N/A
issueTypes List N/A
url String N/A
email String N/A
assigneeType String N/A
versions List N/A
name String N/A
roles Struct N/A
avatarUrls Struct N/A
projectCategory Struct N/A
projectTypeKey String N/A
simplified Boolean N/A
style String N/A
favourite Boolean N/A
isPrivate Boolean N/A
issueTypeHierarchy Struct N/A
permissions Struct N/A
properties List "="
uuid String N/A
insight Struct N/A
deleted Boolean N/A
retentionTillDate String N/A
deletedDate String N/A
deletedBy Struct N/A
archived Boolean N/A
archivedDate String N/A
archivedBy Struct N/A
landedPageInfo Struct N/A
Project Category self String N/A
id String N/A
name String N/A
description String N/A
Project Type key String N/A
formattedKey String N/A
description String N/A
descriptionI18nKey String N/A
icon String N/A
color String N/A
Server Info baseUrl String N/A
version String N/A
versionNumbers List N/A
deploymentType String N/A
buildNumber Integer N/A
buildDate DateTime N/A
serverTime DateTime N/A
scmInfo String N/A
serverTitle String N/A
healthChecks List N/A
Users self String N/A
accountId String N/A
accountType String N/A
emailAddress String N/A
avatarUrls Struct N/A
displayName String N/A
active Boolean N/A
timeZone String N/A
locale String N/A
groups Struct N/A
applicationRoles Struct N/A
expand String N/A
Workflow workflowName String "="
expand String "="
queryString String "="
orderBy String "="
isActive Boolean "="
id Struct N/A
description String N/A
transitions List N/A
statuses List N/A
isDefault Boolean N/A
schemes List N/A
projects List N/A
hasDraftWorkflow Boolean N/A
operations Struct N/A
created String N/A
updated String N/A
Workflow Scheme self String N/A
id Integer N/A
name String N/A
description String N/A
defaultWorkflow String N/A
issueTypeMappings Struct N/A
originalDefaultWorkflow String N/A
originalIssueTypeMappings Struct N/A
draft Boolean N/A
lastModifiedUser Struct N/A
lastModified String N/A
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean N/A
issueTypes Struct N/A
Workflow Scheme Project Association projectId Integer "="
projectIds List N/A
workflowScheme Struct N/A
Workflow Status self String N/A
description String N/A
iconUrl String N/A
name String N/A
id String N/A
StatusCategory Struct N/A
Workflow Status Category self String N/A
id String N/A
key String N/A
colorName String N/A
name String N/A

Partitioning queries

You can provide the additional Spark option NUM_PARTITIONS if you want to utilize concurrency in Spark. With this parameter, the original query would be split into NUM_PARTITIONS number of sub-queries that can be executed by Spark tasks concurrently.

  • NUM_PARTITIONS: the number of partitions.


jiraCloud_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="JiraCloud", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "ENTITY_NAME": "issue", "API_VERSION": "v2", "NUM_PARTITIONS": "10" }