A Jira Cloud object you would like to read from. You will need the object name such as Audit Record or Issue. The following table shows the supported entities.
Supported entities for source:
Entity | Can be filtered | Supports limit | Supports Order by | Supports Select * | Supports partitioning |
Audit Record | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Issue | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Issue Field | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Issue Field Configuration | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Issue Link Type | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Issue Notification Scheme | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Issue Security Scheme | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Issue Type Scheme | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Issue Type Screen Scheme | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Issue Type | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Jira Setting | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Jira Setting Advanced | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Jira Setting Global | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Label | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Myself | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Permission | No | No | No | Yes | No. |
Project | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Project Category | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Project Type | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Server Info | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Users | No | No | No. | Yes | No |
Workflow | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Workflow Scheme | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Workflow Scheme Project Association | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Workflow Status | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Workflow Status Category | No | No | No | Yes | No |
jiracloud_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
"connectionName": "connectionName",
"ENTITY_NAME": "audit-record",
Jira Cloud entity and field details:
Object | Field | Data type | Filter operators supported |
Audit Record | filter | String | "=" |
from | DateTime | "=" | |
to | DateTime | "=" | |
id | Integer | N/A | |
summary | String | N/A | |
remoteAddress | String | N/A | |
authorAccountId | String | N/A | |
created | String | N/A | |
category | String | N/A | |
eventSource | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
objectItem | Struct | N/A | |
changedValues | List | N/A | |
associatedItems | List | N/A | |
Groups | groupName | List | "=" |
name | String | N/A | |
groupId | String | "=" | |
Issue | affectedVersion | String | "=, !=" |
assignee | String | "=, !=" | |
category | String | "=, !=" | |
component | String | "=, !=" | |
creator | String | "=, !=" | |
due | DateTime | N/A | |
epic_link | String | "=, !=" | |
filter | String | "=, !=" | |
fixVersion | String | "=, !=" | |
hierarchyLevel | Integer | "=, !=" | |
issueKey | String | "=, !=, >, <, >=, <=" | |
issueLink | String | "=, !=" | |
issueLinkType | String | "=, !=" | |
labels | String | "=, !=" | |
lastViewed | DateTime | "=, >, <, >=, <=, between" | |
level | String | "=, !=" | |
parent | String | "=, !=" | |
priority | String | "=, !=" | |
project | String | "=, !=" | |
projectType | String | "=, !=" | |
reporter | String | "=, !=" | |
resolution | String | "=, !=" | |
resolved | DateTime | "=, >, <, >=, <=, between" | |
sprint | String | "=, !=" | |
status | String | "=, !=" | |
type | String | "=, !=" | |
updated | DateTime | "=, >, <, >=, <=, between" | |
voter | String | "=, !=" | |
votes | Integer | "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between" | |
watcher | String | "=, !=" | |
watchers | Integer | "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between" | |
workRatio | Integer | "=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, between" | |
validateQuery | String | "=" | |
expand | String | "=" | |
fieldByKeys | Boolean | "=" | |
id | String | N/A | |
self | String | N/A | |
key | String | N/A | |
renderedFields | Struct | N/A | |
properties | List | "=" | |
names | Struct | N/A | |
schema | Struct | N/A | |
transitions | List | N/A | |
operations | Struct | N/A | |
editmeta | Struct | N/A | |
changelog | Struct | N/A | |
versionedRepresentations | Struct | N/A | |
fields | List | "=" | |
fieldsToInclude | Struct | N/A | |
warningMessages | List | N/A | |
created | DateTime | N/A | |
worklogDate | DateTime | N/A | |
IssueEvents | id | Integer | N/A |
name | String | N/A | |
Issue Fields | id | String | N/A |
key | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
custom | Boolean | N/A | |
orderable | Boolean | N/A | |
navigable | Boolean | N/A | |
searchable | Boolean | N/A | |
clauseNames | List | N/A | |
scope | Struct | N/A | |
schema | Struct | N/A | |
Issue Field Configurations | isDefault | Boolean | "=" |
query | String | "=" | |
id | Integer | "=" | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
Issue Link Type | id | String | N/A |
name | String | N/A | |
inward | String | N/A | |
outward | String | N/A | |
self | String | N/A | |
Issue Notification Schemes | expand | String | "=" |
self | String | N/A | |
id | Integer | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
notificationSchemeEvents | List | N/A | |
scope | Struct | N/A | |
Issue Priority | self | String | N/A |
statusColor | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
iconUrl | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
id | String | N/A | |
isDefault | Boolean | N/A | |
Issue Resolutions | self | String | N/A |
id | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
Issue Security Scheme | self | String | N/A |
id | Integer | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
defaultSecurityLevelId | Integer | N/A | |
levels | List | N/A | |
Issue Type | self | String | N/A |
id | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
iconUrl | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
subtask | Boolean | N/A | |
avatarId | Integer | N/A | |
entityId | String | N/A | |
hierarchyLevel | Integer | N/A | |
scope | Struct | N/A | |
Issue Type Scheme | orderBy | String | "=" |
expand | String | "=" | |
queryString | String | "=" | |
id | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
defaultIssueTypeId | String | N/A | |
isDefault | Boolean | N/A | |
Issue Type Screen Scheme | queryString | String | "=" |
orderBy | String | "=" | |
expand | String | "=" | |
id | String | "=" | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
Jira Settings | key | String | N/A |
keyFilter | String | "=" | |
id | String | N/A | |
value | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
desc | String | N/A | |
type | String | N/A | |
defaultValue | String | N/A | |
example | String | N/A | |
allowedValues | List | N/A | |
Jira Settings Advanced | id | String | N/A |
key | String | N/A | |
value | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
desc | String | N/A | |
type | String | N/A | |
defaultValue | String | N/A | |
example | String | N/A | |
allowedValues | List | N/A | |
Jira Settings Global | votingEnabled | Boolean | N/A |
watchingEnabled | Boolean | N/A | |
unassignedIssuesAllowed | Boolean | N/A | |
subTasksEnabled | Boolean | N/A | |
issueLinkingEnabled | Boolean | N/A | |
timeTrackingEnabled | Boolean | N/A | |
attachmentsEnabled | Boolean | N/A | |
timeTrackingConfiguration | Struct | N/A | |
Label | values | List | N/A |
Myself | expand | String | "=" |
self | String | N/A | |
accountId | String | N/A | |
accountType | String | N/A | |
emailAddress | String | N/A | |
avatarUrls | String | N/A | |
displayName | String | N/A | |
active | Boolean | N/A | |
timeZone | String | N/A | |
locale | String | N/A | |
groups | Struct | N/A | |
applicationRoles | Struct | N/A | |
Permission | id | String | N/A |
key | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
type | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
havePermission | Boolean | N/A | |
deprecatedKey | Boolean | N/A | |
Project | orderBy | String | "=" |
keys | List | "=" | |
query | String | "=" | |
typeKey | String | "=" | |
categoryId | Integer | "=" | |
action | String | "=" | |
expand | String | "=" | |
status | List | "=" | |
self | String | N/A | |
id | Integer | "=" | |
key | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
lead | Struct | N/A | |
components | List | N/A | |
issueTypes | List | N/A | |
url | String | N/A | |
String | N/A | ||
assigneeType | String | N/A | |
versions | List | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
roles | Struct | N/A | |
avatarUrls | Struct | N/A | |
projectCategory | Struct | N/A | |
projectTypeKey | String | N/A | |
simplified | Boolean | N/A | |
style | String | N/A | |
favourite | Boolean | N/A | |
isPrivate | Boolean | N/A | |
issueTypeHierarchy | Struct | N/A | |
permissions | Struct | N/A | |
properties | List | "=" | |
uuid | String | N/A | |
insight | Struct | N/A | |
deleted | Boolean | N/A | |
retentionTillDate | String | N/A | |
deletedDate | String | N/A | |
deletedBy | Struct | N/A | |
archived | Boolean | N/A | |
archivedDate | String | N/A | |
archivedBy | Struct | N/A | |
landedPageInfo | Struct | N/A | |
Project Category | self | String | N/A |
id | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
Project Type | key | String | N/A |
formattedKey | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
descriptionI18nKey | String | N/A | |
icon | String | N/A | |
color | String | N/A | |
Server Info | baseUrl | String | N/A |
version | String | N/A | |
versionNumbers | List | N/A | |
deploymentType | String | N/A | |
buildNumber | Integer | N/A | |
buildDate | DateTime | N/A | |
serverTime | DateTime | N/A | |
scmInfo | String | N/A | |
serverTitle | String | N/A | |
healthChecks | List | N/A | |
Users | self | String | N/A |
accountId | String | N/A | |
accountType | String | N/A | |
emailAddress | String | N/A | |
avatarUrls | Struct | N/A | |
displayName | String | N/A | |
active | Boolean | N/A | |
timeZone | String | N/A | |
locale | String | N/A | |
groups | Struct | N/A | |
applicationRoles | Struct | N/A | |
expand | String | N/A | |
Workflow | workflowName | String | "=" |
expand | String | "=" | |
queryString | String | "=" | |
orderBy | String | "=" | |
isActive | Boolean | "=" | |
id | Struct | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
transitions | List | N/A | |
statuses | List | N/A | |
isDefault | Boolean | N/A | |
schemes | List | N/A | |
projects | List | N/A | |
hasDraftWorkflow | Boolean | N/A | |
operations | Struct | N/A | |
created | String | N/A | |
updated | String | N/A | |
Workflow Scheme | self | String | N/A |
id | Integer | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
description | String | N/A | |
defaultWorkflow | String | N/A | |
issueTypeMappings | Struct | N/A | |
originalDefaultWorkflow | String | N/A | |
originalIssueTypeMappings | Struct | N/A | |
draft | Boolean | N/A | |
lastModifiedUser | Struct | N/A | |
lastModified | String | N/A | |
updateDraftIfNeeded | Boolean | N/A | |
issueTypes | Struct | N/A | |
Workflow Scheme Project Association | projectId | Integer | "=" |
projectIds | List | N/A | |
workflowScheme | Struct | N/A | |
Workflow Status | self | String | N/A |
description | String | N/A | |
iconUrl | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A | |
id | String | N/A | |
StatusCategory | Struct | N/A | |
Workflow Status Category | self | String | N/A |
id | String | N/A | |
key | String | N/A | |
colorName | String | N/A | |
name | String | N/A |
Partitioning queries
You can provide the additional Spark option NUM_PARTITIONS
if you want to utilize concurrency in Spark. With this parameter, the original query would be split into NUM_PARTITIONS
number of sub-queries that can be executed by Spark tasks concurrently.
: the number of partitions.
jiraCloud_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
"connectionName": "connectionName",
"ENTITY_NAME": "issue",
"API_VERSION": "v2",