About audio rendition groups - MediaLive

About audio rendition groups

Standards compliance

This implementation of audio rendition groups is compliant with HTTP Live Streaming draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-18 section


Example 1

The HLS output group consists of:

  • One video output.

  • Three audio outputs (perhaps English, French, Spanish) that all belong to the same audio rendition group.

Diagram showing a box labeled "RIG 1" containing four smaller boxes: "Video 1" and three "Audio" boxes.

Example 2

The HLS output group consists of:

  • One video high output.

  • One video medium output.

  • One video low output.

  • Three audio outputs (English, French, Spanish) that all belong to the same audio rendition group.

Diagram showing three video inputs connecting to a single audio group with three audio outputs.

Example 3

The HLS output group consists of:

  • One video high output.

  • One video low output.

  • Two audio outputs (English, French) that each use the AAC codec. These outputs both belong to the same audio rendition group, RG1.

  • Two audio outputs (English, French) that each use the Dolby Digital codec. These outputs both belong to the same audio rendition group, RG2.

  • The video high output is associated with both audio rendition groups.

  • The video low output is associated only with the RG1 audio rendition group.

Diagram showing video inputs connected to AAC and Dolby audio group outputs.