Frame capture destination - MediaLive

Frame capture destination

The following fields configure the location and names of the frame capture files (the destination).

  • Output groupFrame capture group destination section

  • Output groupFrame capture settingsCDN settings

    Output settingsName modifier

You must design the destination path or paths for the output. You must then enter the different portions of the path into the appropriate fields on the console.

Design the path for the output destination

To design the path
  • Design the destination path or paths, following this syntax:

    protocol bucket folders baseFilename nameModifier counter extension

    For example, for a standard channel:



If you have two destinations, the destination paths must be different from each other in some way. At least one of the portions of one path must be different from the other. It is acceptable for all the portions to be different.

The following table maps each portion in the example to the portion in the syntax.

Portion of the URL Example Comment
protocol s3ssl:// The protocol is always s3ssl:// because the destination for a Frame capture output is always an S3 bucket.
bucket portion of the path DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET1

With MediaLive, the S3 bucket name must not use dot notation. For example, mycompany-videos is acceptable but mycompany.videos isn't.

folders portion of the path sports-thumbnails/delivery/ The folders can be present or not, and can be as long as you want.

The folders must always end with a slash.

baseFilename curling Don't terminate the file name with a slash.
nameModifier -20180820 The modifier is optional for an Frame capture output.
delimiter before the counter . MediaLive automatically inserts this delimiter.
counter 00000 MediaLive automatically generates this counter. Initially, this is a five-digit number starting at 00000, and increasing by 1. So 00000, 00001, 00002 and so on. After 99999, the next number is 100000 (six digits), then 100001, 100002, and so on. Then from 999999 to 1000000 (seven digits), and so on.
dot before the extension . MediaLive automatically inserts this dot.
extension jpg Always jpg.

Complete the fields on the console

To specify the location for the output
  1. Enter the different portions of the destination in the appropriate fields.

    Portion of the destination URL Field Example
    protocol, bucket, folders, baseFilename The two URL fields in the Frame capture group destinations section.

    The data before the first slash is the bucket name. The data after the last slash is the baseFilename. The data in between is the folders.

    Specify two destinations when the channel is set up as a standard channel, or one destination when it is set up as a single-pipeline channel.

    nameModifier The Name modifier field in the Frame capture outputs section.

    If you choose to include a modifier, you can enter a string such as -high, to indicate a high-resolution output.

    Or you can enter a variable ID (such as $dt$) to ensure that the modifier is different for each file segment. For a list of variable data identifiers, see Identifiers for variable data in MediaLive.

  2. Leave the Credentials section blank in both the Frame capture group destinations sections. MediaLive has permission to write to the S3 bucket via the trusted entity. Someone in your organization should have already set up these permissions. For more information, see Access requirements for the trusted entity.

  3. Complete the CDN settings field only if MediaLive must set a canned ACL whenever it sends this output to the Amazon S3 bucket.

    Use of a canned ACL typically only applies if your organization is not the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket. You should have discussed the use of a canned ACL with the bucket owner when you discussed the destination for the output.