Fields for other Microsoft Smooth features - MediaLive

Fields for other Microsoft Smooth features

Fields for resiliency

The following field relates to implementing resiliency in a Microsoft Smooth output.

  • Microsoft Smooth output groupMicrosoft Smooth Settings section – General configuration section – Input loss action

Optionally change the value of Input loss action.

Choose the Info link in the MediaLive console to decide which option to choose. For more information, see Handling loss of video input.

Fields for timecode

The following fields relate to configuring the timecode and timestamp in all the outputs in the output group.

  • Microsoft Smooth output groupTimecode Configuration section

For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field in the MediaLive console.

Fields for SCTE-35

The following fields relate to configuring the timecode and timestamp in all the outputs in the output group.

  • Microsoft Smooth output groupTimecode Configuration section

If you want all the outputs in this output group to include the SCTE-35 messages that are already present in the input, choose Sparse track. The messages will be included in a sparse track. For more information, see Processing SCTE 35 messages and specifically Enabling decoration – Microsoft Smooth.